Author Topic: how much does bermant cost?  (Read 7227 times)

Offline forjemajoure

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any ideas?

I treat many different types of gynecomastia, some needing only a small amount of nipple skin reduction to those who have deformities of many prior operations from other surgeon(s).  Our price depends on the complexity of the sculpture and can vary from well below the published surgeon's fee here, to much higher.  The best way to find out about our total costs would be to call the office and speak to Jane, who is my office manager.  She can normally be reached at our office by phone Monday - Friday 9-5 Eastern Time at (804) 748-7737.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline rcbrown23

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I just had an operation with him and the total was $6970. It was a bit of a complex operation, and I'm very happy with the results so far...but it is a lot of money.

Offline forjemajoure

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  do you have any financing plans?

Offline milk_caps

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I just had an operation with him and the total was $6970. It was a bit of a complex operation, and I'm very happy with the results so far...but it is a lot of money.

rc, was that total with travel. or just the procedure ?

what do you mean by "COMPLEX" ?

Offline rcbrown23

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It was a revision operation...I do admit that it was a little more complicated because of this, and probably more expensive. I have talked to another member who paid just as much as me, but it was his first operation. I don't know his details, though. He had to do his "fat flap" technique and I didn't have a lot of fat to work with...if you've seen my pics you'll get the point. Bermant removes pretty much all the gland, then works to fill in the hole. Other doctors would probably leave some of the gland in there and feather it to fill the hole...but I liked Bermant's way better. Less chance of re-growth among other things.

That was just the cost of operation. Expenses and travel were more.

The thing is...I already had a bad operation. I did not want to risk ANYTHING going wrong and me having to pay for it for the rest of my life. That's why I went to Bermant. I believe he is one of the best, if not the best. I'll make more money throughout my life...but I only have one body.

Do I think there are perfectly capable doctors around that can successfully perform this operation? Yes, plenty. I went this route because of my first bad operation which, by the way, was my fault for not doing my homework on the doctor I chose.


Offline Recreating

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"I'd bet some good money if Bermant was also an Endocrinologist all of a sudden an Endocrine workup would be a must for all Gyne operations."

He advised that to me when I talked to him. He didn't try to do a quick sell for surgery to me,
he suggested that you could hopefully take care of it yourself by losing weight/adding muscle & making sure all is great with the Endocrinologist.
He didn't seem sly nor crafty to me, & was willing to anwser any of the questions I had.
His final quote to me was something to the extent of,
"The best scar I could give you would be none at all,"
meaning that he doesn't need a quick buck off of any sales pitch & that you yourself are in power of what is happening.
He has enough patients as it is world-wide from his recognition.
My opinion of him, anyway.
Besides, like it said, if you want to know final prices -- get a remote consoltation or in-house visit, talk over the prices with his office team & find out. To blindly quote a price without seeing any pictures would be ignorant & unprofessional.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2005, 02:09:37 AM by Recreating »

Offline Daveo

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AMAZING !!! Absolutely amazing.  Bermant sends you to his site where his surgeons fee is quoted at $2800.  Then he tells you to call his office and talk to Jane who will tell you that Bermant needs to see you before quoting a price. 

This is true, though during my consultation she gave me an estimate of how much I could expect to pay, and it actually ended up to be less than what she quoted.

BEST case scenario for surgery done in Bermants office for the MILDEST case is about $4300

If you're referring to the surgeon's fee, untrue.

more than likely you'll be well over $5,000 PLUS travel expenses.

True and, in most people's opinion, very reasonable to remove a breast from a man.  Keep in mind there are many people who need to get paid for a surgery to happen.  Just a few are surgical techs, anesthetists, vest company, and the surgeon himself.  The price on the website is clearly labelled as a surgeon's fee.  Anyone who's done any amount of research on plastic surgery knows that the surgeon's fee isn't the entire price, and is RARELY quoted by ANY plastic surgeon.  Shall he quote your plane tickets or thruway tolls as well?

This goes right back to his opinion of guys with Gyne not needing to see an endocrinologist, it doesn't play into his master sales plan.

This is incredibly ridiculous.  That's like saying that an endocrinologist should refer you to a plastic surgeon.  ALWAYS go through your primary care physician FIRST.  First-primary, primary-first.  That's what they're there for.  They will tell you who you need to see.


Offline orrible

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im totally dissapointed to read this, i thought 2800 was an achievable amount for me to save, but i havent seen anybody charged that amount, always prices are upwards of 5000, i would love to know how much an average patient pays.

Offline rcbrown23

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im totally dissapointed to read this, i thought 2800 was an achievable amount for me to save, but i havent seen anybody charged that amount, always prices are upwards of 5000, i would love to know how much an average patient pays.

The average that I've seen is between 3500 and 5500. That's been about the average over the many people I've talked to or read about.

Offline jc71

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Kind of unrelated to the Bermant thread but just to put it into perspective:

My guy's in Arizona his name is Dr. Paul Angelchik

He charges $4,250 for the Surgeon's Fee
                  $870   for the Operating Room
                  $750   for the Anesthesia
                  $50     for the Compression Vest
                $5,920 Total

I've seen a ton of before and after photos and have talked to guys on the phone who've used him.    

I had a consultation with 3 PS's in Phoenix and he's clearly the best of the ones I've talked to.

Plus he's local for me.  No travel expenses. :)    

My point here is that Angelchik and Bermant charge about the same.  I believe you get what you pay for.    

Offline Daveo

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im totally dissapointed to read this, i thought 2800 was an achievable amount for me to save, but i havent seen anybody charged that amount, always prices are upwards of 5000, i would love to know how much an average patient pays.

Most people don't have 5000 in cash when they get surgery.  Don't give up if you don't think you can save that much.  Save as much as you can and search other options.  Example: Loan from parents, cash advance from a low-rate credit card.  I got a 3000 dollar loan from my life insurance company with no interest for the first year and very little afterwards.  The money is there you just have to find it.

Also, I'll echo what JC said.  Don't go cheap on a surgery.  In most cases you get what you pay for.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2005, 08:21:29 AM by Daveo »

Offline rcbrown23

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I put my entire op on a credit card...

Not to mention I was already a few grand in the hole before this whole escapade. :P

Offline rcbrown23

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Brown, I don't think it's possible to get surgery with Bermant for less than $4300

Honestly, I think you're right. I was actually trying to give a quote of about the average doctor in the U.S., not Bermant. I paid $7000 through Bermant just for the op. The only other Doctor I've heard about that charges so much is a Doctor in L.A. I forget his name, but it was around $9000! My guess, he was a "doctor to the stars" or some BS like that, so he could charge that much.

Again, I went to Bermant for expertise, not price.

Offline jc71

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Maybe I should start a thread on this topic.

Hey Brown.  What's Bermants policy on follow-up consultations?  I'm assuming he gets a lot of guys from other parts of the country/world.  

Did he say anything about follow-up's with you guys?

My guy said: The next day, 1 week, 6 weeks, 6 months and then in 1 year.  I don't know if all that's necessary, but that's what he said. (no additional charge)

Follow up appts. can't hurt but I don't know how much they help.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2005, 10:36:34 PM by »


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