Author Topic: gynecomastia affect on sports  (Read 4657 times)

Offline oldspice

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hi, im just wondering, does gynecomastia have any affect on sports performance? for example, a few golfers had the surgery because they felt the gyne was affecting the quality of their swing speed/power etc. i play some golf, hockey and tennis. im not sure if it affects me or not, i think it might. fair amount of fa with large glands i have. anyhow, anyone who has had the surgery, have they noticed a difference in relation to sports performace.

Offline mortis

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I don't really see what effect tissue on your chest would have on performance in any sport..

Offline oldspice

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well for example, maybe the combination of fat and gland might slow down arm speed for a sport like hockey. if u have ever played hockey, it may effect stick handeling, wrist shot strengh etc. also, it may affect the speed at which u can get the shot off. the follow through of the shot may also be interupted a bit by the gyne. i dunno im just grasping  :P

Offline Dave_8

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Well yeah it does have some affects. When I played football during the seasons without pads (during conditioning), it would hurt because they mould bounce, so that slowed me down, instead of running fast and agressive, I ran more smoothly so they bounce less but that only made me slower.
If you have gyne, dont expect not be laughed at.

Just like if you walk into a locker room, you're gonna see some hairy asses and dicks.

Unfortunately for me, both have occured in my life way too many times.

Offline Atomic6

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For me I think it was mostly a mental damper on my sports. My thought process is, look good- feel good - do good. Whenever I feel that bounce or feel someone brush up against them I hate it more than anything. Basketball and soccer being the worst. I cant wait to get this shit out of my life forever.

Offline oldspice

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agreed man, its gonna be like, a huge weight lifted right off my head.

Offline eisa

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yeah, it does effect it.. i cant get my mind of it when i play sports!! ive been playing lacrosse.. almost done with the season, what awesome is i get to have chest pads.. never been more comfortable playing a sport

Offline iwannabefree

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well yes. growing up i used to enjoy swimming and playing soccer. i had to give up swimming completely and resorted to baggy shirts in summer heat - killed my childhood.

i was still athetic for soccer though and it didnt have too much of an effect in the begining expect i would avoid changing with the team. but as time went on, i gained both breast and weight and the only thing on my mind at all times was how noticeable my gyno was while playing.

i did not have my mind on my game whatsoever - but on who's watching me, which way the wind is blowing and how i can avoid looking 'breasty'. i did not sprint hard enough and did not train properly.

gynecomastia killed the athetic child in me. but looking back, i'm glad that i didnt give it up completely. even though i wasnt able to play my heart out - i had my moments.

Offline Gyno-more

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One can argue whether golf is a sport, but the second-best golfer in the world, Phil Mickelson, has an obvious case of gyne.

I've seen a lot of gyne lately in Water Polo and swimming, (as opposed to 10-15 years ago), but they are much faster these days anyways.

I've been noticing a lot more gyne everywhere lately - not sure if I'm just more conscious of it or if more and more cases actually exist today.  Many actors have it in addition to athletes.

Offline Bman41

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I was thinking the same, the more I look the more I see it, but often I see it as I have it worse.... :(    Not terrible, but bad enough....

One can argue whether golf is a sport, but the second-best golfer in the world, Phil Mickelson, has an obvious case of gyne.

I've seen a lot of gyne lately in Water Polo and swimming, (as opposed to 10-15 years ago), but they are much faster these days anyways.

I've been noticing a lot more gyne everywhere lately - not sure if I'm just more conscious of it or if more and more cases actually exist today.  Many actors have it in addition to athletes.


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