Author Topic: Can gyno come back for steroid user  (Read 4717 times)

Offline kontteri

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I've some anabolic steroids using history and had little hard gyno balls (which were hard to see but they annoyed me becouse I could felt them) under my breasts which I operated away in the local hospital with a normal cutting operation with scalpel (that knife which docs use) in local anaesthesia when I was awake.

So is it possible that the gyno comes back if I use steroids again? What are the odds? I think the surgery removed my brest gland so is it even possible that the gyno would come back? I have heard that it can come back if the whole gyno tissue weren't removed (and how could I know that??).

If there are some doctors who could answer I'd be grateful. Forgive my bad english, please say if you don't understand so I'll try explain this better.

After doing my research in the forum I have one question: Does anyone know anyobody who's got gyno again after surgery becouse of steroids? Or someone who hasn't got gyno anymore even when doing steroids again?
« Last Edit: April 22, 2009, 09:14:38 AM by kontteri »


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If gland is stimulated which with anabolic steroids & weightlifting it will be ... then yeah man, it sure can grow back ... I can understand why you'd wanna hit up steroids again especially if you saw good results from your cycles BUT lets be honest here, balance out the pro's & con's ??? can you live with the risk of getting gyne again? upto you.

Offline MyName

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Gyno CAN come back. I have never done steroids but was always regular at the gym. I was always lean and only had puffy nipples. (One more than the other) I had the surgery in '06 along with some lipo and the "puff" came back after 2 years. AND now have a visible "void" where lipo was done. Not to sure what to do myself but am not anxious to back to doc.

Offline Cellar_Door

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Gyno CAN come back. I have never done steroids but was always regular at the gym. I was always lean and only had puffy nipples. (One more than the other) I had the surgery in '06 along with some lipo and the "puff" came back after 2 years. AND now have a visible "void" where lipo was done. Not to sure what to do myself but am not anxious to back to doc.

Who did your surgery? Did the surgeon remove the gland - or just part of it?
Were you overweight when the surgery took place (i.e. to explain the void you mentioned)

Sorry about all the questions.
Surgery completed. Mission accomplished!
2/6/09. Dr. Karidis, UK.

Offline GynosaurusRex

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interesting - I had the same question (see ) . i.e. if you get the gyne removed I would have thought all the cells were removed so your chances would be limited.


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