Author Topic: My Gyno My Pics LOOK!! UPDATED (page 3)  (Read 23620 times)

Offline girlieman

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You really do have a beautiful body.  Maybe I  missed it, but what is your bra size?  If it's A or less, you may want to consider that Body Dysmorphic thing.  I'm not among those that would tell you to beat it.  Regardless of the shape of your body it's how you feel about it that's important.


BTW If males tell you that you have man boobs and it bothers you, you only need beat the tar out of one guy.  No one else will bother you after that.  I've been there, too!
'I could never be a woman.  I'd spend the entire day playing with my breasts' - Woody Allen

Offline orrible

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  • Previously stonecold... 9.11.05 Surgery Levick
These are 11 days post op, i had 150 cc of fat from the Left Hand Side and 100cc from the right hand side. Not sure about how much gland was removed. My most recent before pictures are on pg 3. The surgeon went in under my arm so their are no scars on my nipples. I was thrilled when the bandages were removed, but since then the chest has filled out abit more and i think perhaps the surgeon was a bit to conservative for my taste. I would have prefered a flatter profile. Im not sure however how much it will change due to the swelling/ fluid and scar tissue that is present.


« Last Edit: November 20, 2005, 09:01:20 AM by stonecold »

Offline markashleigh1979

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Dude where has the six pack gone?

Did you stop the gym due to paranoia ?

If so , big shame. I would cut off my brothers toe to have a body like that. :)

Results look great, get back to the gym!!!

Offline orrible

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i dieted down to single digit bodyfat when i 1st got gyne just to show myself it wasnt fat but in fact gyne. I did a no carb diet got about 6 weeks and it wasnt healthy. Im going to try and get my muscle back but in a more healthy fashion. As for the gym yes i quit about 2 months ago, but intend to get back in shape in January once ive healed. I was actually no happier when i had the six pack. I think maybe when you achieve it you take it for granted, but having to watch what i ate all the time and eating at the precise times wasnt fun at all.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2005, 08:58:31 AM by stonecold »

Offline Achilles

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Awesome results! Congrats!

Offline Round_1

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your post OP? what a waste of money... should haev spend 1/2 that much on theropy, you where fine to start with.

i thnk you have bigger problems, if this solves em then congrats
"I've noticed that many people seem to fall into 3 categories; 1) people who have true gyno and have suffered psychological from it.  2) people who suffer from psuedo-gyno (the majority) and suffered"

Offline markashleigh1979

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How did they perform the surgery? you seem to have no marks or bruising :) . Did they remove any gland.How is the pain?

Offline silly_guy

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My two cents:

That second set of pictures where you have normal body fat looks (a tiny bit) like fatty chest.  But the first super-ripped set of pics looked pretty amazing and I couldn't tell at all.

Looks like your doc did what he needed to get your chest flat, imo you shouldn't mess with it anymore.

BTW, I like the black towel head-covered ninja incognito look in your pics.  I might bite that when I post my pics.

Offline silly_guy

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Oh yeah, that losing body-fat thing you did was pretty damned impressive.

Offline orrible

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  • Previously stonecold... 9.11.05 Surgery Levick
Thanks Archilles, when comparing them to the pics on pg3 im very pleased.

Round 1, yes I had the surgery. I appreciate your thoughts.

Markashliegh, I had the surgery via an arm pit excision. I took Arnica as well. That is sold in Holland & Barrett and I think really works amazingly well for the bruising. About 3 days post op I had a lot of the yellow look under the bandages but by the time I removed them on day 8 I was mostly bruise free. I was very surprised by this. I’m not sure of the specifics but I believe that the plan was to remove gland as well as the lipo. I will find out more when I see my surgeon in 2 weeks for a check up. Regarding the pain their really was very little, restricted movement in the arms and a bit sore but nothing really like I thought.

Thanks Sillyguy, appreciate that. It was hard work but surprising what you can eat on one of those diets. I was allowed to basically eat fast foods such as beef burgers, kfc, cheese etc so long as I didn’t have the fries. I don’t think it was a very healthy way of doing it was very effective. I think a lot of it is water as well. Its surprising how much water retention causes us to look bigger than we are. I got all my info on that diet from the forums at  and created my own plan from their. I didn’t buy one of theirs

Offline BayAreaLexo

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Looks good, build your chest more though perhaps? lol =)


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