Author Topic: Gland getting softer  (Read 2442 times)

Offline yehkay

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Hi my glands lately have started becoming a bit softer. They don't look like they are getting bigger. Could this mean they are disolving? I am 16 years old, 17 next month and was told that it could go away. Could this be the start of that process?

Offline mrpower33

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Yes, I have experienced this, which is why I recommend that most teenagers wait it out.  There are lots of people here who will tell a 16 year to go out and get the surgery tomorrow, which is totally insane, especially for those who just have puffy nipples.  My gyne started around 10-11, and it was pretty puffy even though high school.  The gland was hard, swollen and painful.  By the time I go to college, though, it had gotten a lot softer, less swollen and wasn't painful anymore.  The puffiness also subsided a lot, I would say almost 50%.  I ended up having the surgery done anyway about 6 weeks ago (I'm 31 now) because after so many years, it's just really f*cked with my head and I just wanted it gone.  But not because it was really having any other impact on my life, socially or otherwise. 

So my advice to you is to stick it out a couple more years, go work out and improve how your body looks generally, and if it still bothers you when you are older and have the money for it, then consider the surgery.

Offline nick24

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I waited and waited for them to dissolve until I was 19 then just had the surgery.

Offline yehkay

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If i get it done now or if i wait 2 years. It is getting cut out eventually as i can't have them showing for my bodybuilding contests. And no it is not steroid induced as i do not take steroids.

Offline i_dont_know

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I'd give it till I was about 18 if I were you. Generally if the gyne does not dissipate within 2-3 years of it's onset, it probably never will. Although that's not ALWAYS the case. If you've still got it at 18, it's probably there for the long haul unless you are to get it removed.


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Also you need to realize that NO doctor has answered you on this question, Just people with their own ideas ONLY!

Offline Paa_Paw

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Is complete regression possible? Yes. Is it likely? Who knows? Certainly no one here, that did not happen for us or we would not be here.

When contemplating surgery, one thing to consider is whether the condition is stabilized. If you are experiencing a change, then your condition has not stabilized. If there is change but not growth, You have a very good chance of being one of the lucky ones. At your age, this is a very real possibility. Wait and see.

Meanwhile, a trip to a Dr. for a general check up and an opinion as to how far you are through puberty may be enlightening. Not all Drs. are equally informed on such issues though so choose yours with care.
Grandpa Dan


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