Author Topic: Mumbai India (bombay) Gynecomastia Surgery experience with Dr. Sandip Jain  (Read 44491 times)

Offline shiva1165

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hey mumbai experience..impressed with your results.

 just wanted to ask u take protein shakes and or creatine to supplement your workout. im asking cause i have heard that protein shakes can
 cause swelling of the chest area especially if you work out.i have gynecomastia problem and would like to if i go under the knife, will having protein shakes or
creatine cause a problem again??


Offline aspandey

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Hello mumbai experience,
 After reading your experience I have also decided to get surgery from Dr. Jain...
Hope everything goes well.

Offline gynostar

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Please keep us updated for those who have done their surgery lately with Dr.Jain.
Even I'm thinking of getting it done by Dr.Jain.

Offline rahul123

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the compression vest which you mentioned, is that a proper vest or a BELT ?

if that is a vest, where can you get it from ?

How much does it cost ?

Offline gynostar

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Wow, great results..I'm considering Dr.Jain upon seeing the great results of yours.. ;D

Offline kushniv

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hi rahul, am glad to learn more of other peoples problems regarding gyne on this forum. was impressed to read about you and the difficulties you are having with convincing your mum. Have you already had the surgery done? pls let me know. I am pretty interested in having it done myself but as I live outside india it is difficult for me to decide. Pls give me more info about yourself and how you are coping. You mention in the posts about you pictures. how does one see them? pls reply soon


Offline gynostar

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Rahul got it done recently by another famous doctor and is very pleased with the results, I guess rahul will share with you guys the details of his surgery. :).I'm really glad that it went out well for him.

Offline rahul123

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hey thanks guys......
yes i got it done....
and i got it done from a Plastic Surgeon - Dr. Ajay Hariani
and guess what, that butcher which is mentioned in this forum - Dr. Lakshyjit Dhami, he was also there.....when i saw him, or met him, nothing rang the bell that there was a post against him n stuff like tht even though i had read it.....

anyways, i got the surgery done....i somehow got my parents to agree, did hunger strikes - this didnt work....decided not to attend any family functions - worked slightly, and finally did not attend a family function - WORKED!!!!!!

so my parents agreed, but my dad wanted me to speak to my uncle who has great knowledge in terms of medical, he recommended me a doctor. this doctor is in Breach Candy and also knows Dr. Jain....but this doctor recommended Dr. Ajay Hariani as he was happy with his way of working and the perfection he has.....

so when i met Dr. Hariani he introduced me to Dr. Dhami as well, but Dr. Hariani was my surgeon....

they told me that they'll be doing incision and in a hospital which has much more sophisticated technology - Vasudhan Plastic Surgery Hospital - Borivali(W).....

but guess what....they didn't do the incision, because the new machine melted the gyne successfully and it came out in lipo that means only a small hole and NO SCARS!!!

yesterday, when talking to gynostar, he informed me abt tht BUTCHER.....and when i checked...SHIT IT WAS HIM!!!

i got scared.....but then i even had a look at my chest - Flat and Hard....i am happy and satisfied with my results....infact recovering very well.....

unfortunately i dont have my before and after pics which Dr. Hariani took
i asked him but he said no and made a joke that y do i want it, do i wanna show it to my girlfriend ?

but m sure if i tell him that i wanna advertise and spread the word about his work he will give me the pics....

and even if not then i have some pics which i took on my own Pre-Op
and Post op pics i'll take and post it here
so that even you guys can see and tell me whether my results are fine or not
and also whether that Dr. Dhami is a BUTCHER OR NOT....

c ya soon guys....

take care, all of u

Offline unlaky

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I am sort of surprised that you didnt go to Sandip Jain.

Hey if you have good results, thats great. Wait for 6 months until the results come out well.

As for Dhami's butchery I have pictures and trust me, I have had some of the best doctors around the world look at this mess that he has made. Maybe Dhami has learnt a lesson and he will take precaution (I hope).

Generally when you say that liposuction cannula can melt the gland away, that means there is a ton of scar tissue. So keep that in mind. 

About the before/after pics, just tells me something isnt right! There is no way to tell if this surgeon is doing anything right. His work is undocumented. Again still photo doesnt tell a lot of things.

Have you spoken to any of his ex-patients at all?

Offline rahul123

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i understand your doubt and it is completely justified........
regarding the pics, even if doctor does not give it, you guys have already seen my pre-op pics in my thread........i will soon take some pics and post of now i cant because my house is in a real mess....

regarding the results, even m nt 100% sure whether it is correct........but it looks correct.......flat and hard.......

and since i am not completely sure, i will definitely post my pics so that you guys can tell me if somethings wrong..........

and i did not speak to any of the will i, i don't know any one......
yeah but now i've heard negative points against him.......but still.......i'll do what i've said n will post my pics........and y do u say i have to wait for 6 months for results.........does one have to wait for 6 months for perfect results........????

Offline unlaky

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You see the mistakes that you did  -
1. You went to a completely unknown doctor, I think I have bad news for you. This guy Hariani is probably learning surgery under Dhami. So this might even be his first surgery - damn who knows. (does bakra ring a bell???)  When I went to butcher dhami, there were 2 different doctors there learning under him. Even I did the surgery at Vasudhan Arjin (Gandmaru Fukjin ) ..

2. You never followed up this guy on this board, his history, background, ex-patients. Now why exactly are you on this board. I dont understand - you started a thread about Sandip Jain, why not about this guy??? It would have given you some lead.

3. Worse this guy is f***king unprofessional. No pre-photo and he jokes about it ?? what business is he in? cosmetic surgery or what? You need that display this to new patients etc, show how your skill is, what results to expect blah blah ...

Damn you made all the same mistakes that I did. Now you realize how messed up this is? Now you see why I was pissed off at you on the other thread. I went to dhami because he would atleast write in femina or some stupid  mag...

Well now all that I just said is sort of forgiven if you get the desired results, but for all newcomers this should be a lesson. You have taken a risk, if it pays off, well and good, if not, then there is no else to blame. In general, such risks shouldnt be taken.

As for the results, let me make an estimate (all this varies accordinh to type of lipo, how its done, the patient) - but a general rule of thumb is - its going to stay this way for the next ~45 days. its hard and flat because it is swollen. The swelling will slow subside and everything will fall in place around in about 12 weeks.

Yes for the end result it roughly takes about 4-6 months.

Now lets not reply in this thread - why dont you start a new thread - documenting your experience with ajay Hariani/ajay hirani whatever his name is .. damn even google cant find him  ...

Offline rahul123

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ha ha ha ha ha.....dude....something is definitely wrong with you.....
so much anger.....

its like someone is cutting you ass and u getting pissed......chill man.....

people are here to help others, not to vent out the frustration....seriously, you need to chill.....

pics - coming soon.....

and yeah whether things go wrong or right, the only person to blame will be my parents, because i have to follow what they say...and they only found this doctor trhough someone....

since start i wanted to go with Dr. Sandip Jain.....

anyways, m not upset with anything.......and guess what, you just made me happy.....

the swollen area, i was a little worried abt now lets wait for 3 months...2 and a half actually....
c ya soon.....

Offline unlaky

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yes cosmetic surgery is elective and its done to get good results. If the quality of life decreases after the surgery then its not worth doing.

Whats messed up - butcher dhami is chair at Indian society of plastic surgeon. My life has become bad after the surgery.

1. I have crater deformities,  I have ripples. whats fuked up is butcher dhami wants to do another surgery - to remove fat and put it under my nipples. A more complicated surgery compared to first surgery that he couldnt do well the first time ...

butcher dhami repeats that with new gullible patients like you .. hell ya i am angry ...

Offline rahul123

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alright dude.........i got a chiller for u...........


Yes, thats true.........but this is also true that i met Dr.Dhami.........

Even this is true that my surgery took place at vasudhan.......

anyways, i found out that my surgery was going to first take place at Sanjeevani Hospital at Malad, but my uncle discovered that Vasudhar recently got some sophisticated technology, so my surgery took place there........Dr. Hariani had taken that place for my surgery and when i went to show my reports and book the ward, that evening i met Dr. Dhami and next morning when my surgery was to take place, Dr. Dhami was not even present in the clinic.........

Ahhh!!!!!! thats a relief.........

Offline male breast

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mr rahul,
i wish best of luck,hope you will get good result.
however i was quite amused by the marketing tricks of surgeons.
if you follow this site very closely/all  good surgeons are not using instruments like vaser machine[dr berment],instead they are repeatedly stressing on good surgical skills to get the desired result.instruments will not give the shape.
i am sorry,but i suffered.
i still confused about the happyness after surgery & good result like no crater,good scar etc.for example mr agni,b lore-immediate review -very happy after the surgery,but i can see a crater,after a year no review.i may be expecting too much?

best of luck


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