Author Topic: Gynecomastia surgery experience with Dr. Sandip Jain (Mumbai India)  (Read 11650 times)

Offline cybot

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Ok guys finally i am done with my surgery. Surgery on me was performed by Dr. Sandip Jain ( @ saifee hospital, mumbai on 19th march 2010 at 10.30 am IST.

My History: I first felt my chest was different from others, when i was in 6th grade..incidentally my father once joked..look @ your chest, its becoming like breast and everyone laughed.. but that sort of etched my mind and i couldn't forget it from that day...then i started finding ways to hide it.. like never roamed shirtless in my house forget @ social gathering et all. Back then i thought it was only me who suffered from such a condition and i had umpteen thoughts about different thing that might have been the reasons for it.. only to realize it few years back wat an idiot i was. As of penning this down i am 22 and I am all clean and legit. I never did drugs, never took steroids, never took marijuana, never smoked nor anything that could possibly be regarded as a potential cause of gyne.

suddenly one fine day (after 10 years) I decided lets try searching on Google about wat I have. now this thought of goggling and getting information came after a lot of experiences in life with a single moral => "when you think you are at worse, you may be mistaking" cuz the world is full of hard facts. Then after researching a lot i ultimately came to this website and boy o boy.. wat a day it was... 22nd june 2007 8.30 pm IST.. that was the first time i felt so relaxed that i was completely normal.. and i am not the only one who is suffering from it. Its a bit harsh to say but i felt relived simply because i saw many others who were having the same problem as mines.

Again my joy was on for a toss when i learned that only surgery could cure it.. it was a bit shocking at the start but later i accepted it. I for once thought that by doing cardio and wt training it may get reduced or to a point where it doesn't look awkward. Despite knowing the fact that if its gyne.. it wont go away by exercise i took wt training seriously..dieted for 3-4 months.. btw i was never too fat.. but then too i dieted and did wt training for an year but to no success.. finally i decided that surgery was the only option left..:(


19th, 7.50am: I reached at Saifee and registered myself there. I was allotted a ward wherein i was supposed to be kept post-operation. all the time i was playing games on my mobile just to keep myself engaged.

19th 8.30am: We (me and my parents) made the initial payments at the counter and were ready to go with, reached at my ward and sat there for few mins. For 30 mins my history was taken down and all those stuffs.

19th 9.30am: A ward boy came and gave me the typical patients dress and told me to wear it. Wow that was the time i felt a bit scared..anyways i wore it..and sat there with my parents for one last time.

19th 10.15am: A wheelchair was brought a patients head cap sort of thing was put on my head.. and i was ready to go to the operation theater... the nurse said " we will take you to the OT..are you ready.?" i said "yeah i am"

19th 10.30am: Met Dr. Jain at the OT along with his team..there was this Dr. Mohd. Aslam (who is supposed to be a reputed anesthesiologist)..he was very funny and made every attempt to easy out the tension and anxiety out of me. He even met my parents and told them there was nothing to worry about.

19th 10.45am: I am given a general anesthesia and the last thing i said.. Dr. Aslam i am feeling sleepy possibly because i never realized i was been given the anesthesia as doctor aslam told it was some sort of painkiller  ;D

19th 1.15pm: I open my eyes and I am in my allotted ward with my parents were surrounding me.. my teeth were cluttering so bad that i was given few blankets  to wear..(i guess the OT aftereffect) suddenly i felt a light pain in my chest  and recollected that my operation is over.. the dizziness due to  anesthesia was there and i felt sleepy.

19th 3.30pm: I regained my complete consciousness and felt a little pain. Talked to my parents and was feelign good. had two drain pipes attached which were to kept for 24 hours.Dr. Jain visits me for the first time just to checkout on how I am doing.

20th 1pm: Dr Jain visits me for the second time. He removes the drain pipe. While its removal it was a slight discomfort near upper chest..but it was bearable.

20th 8pm: The intensity of pain has reduced considerably. I am able to walk, eat like before and freely move around with some restriction in my shoulder movements because of the tight compression garment.

21st 8am: I wake up in the morn.. The intensity of pain is continuously reducing and i feel much better

21st 11.30am: Dr. Jain visited me for the third time to checkout how i am. I told there was slight discomfort last night because the bandage was too tight and i could not breath properly. He redressed the wound.. and i felt much better. and for the first time i could see my chest.. it looks good and i was a bit shocked since it has gone deep in.. but my parents said that it looked good. My bandage is still on and i am told that i would be able to see it this Saturday that is 27th when the bandage is removed.

21st 1.30pm: I have my lunch and leave from the hospital. Catch the mumbai local and am back to home.


Medical Reports                     = 1000 rs (1k)
Compression Vest                  =  2200 rs (2.2k)
Surgery and Hospital Charges  = 56000 rs (56k)
Sum Total                            = 59200 rs (around 60k)

Service and Stay experience at the hospital
1) The cost would increase depending upon the choice of ward u take viz general, economy, deluxe etc.. cost would increase.. basic cost of doing gyne surgery at the hospital is 55k for general ward.. and economy 60k and so on..i will suggest if its possible to shell 5k extra just take economy.. the service is good.. for me i was given economy in the cost of general ward since no rooms were there.. so i was lucky.. but i suggest u pls take economy.. u wont be let down.. trust me on this.. not that general ward is bad or something.. but u would like economy more trust me..a general ward has 6 beds and an economy has 3 beds.. so number of patients differ in each.

2) The hospitals service is good.. Doctor jain insists that u stay for 1 or 2 nights.. i stayed for 2 nights since the drain pipes are attached u will have to stay there for 1 night minimum.. stay put for 2 if u have time.. and if u stay quite far.. no second thought just stay for 2 nights.. all the cost is included in ur fees.. so its like 55k for 1 night and same for 2 nights.. so think wisely before u leave.


1) Full Album =>

2) Preop =>

3) Glands and Fats Removed =>
*200 cc of total fat was removed (just in case if u were wondering)

4) 7 day Postop =>

5) 1 month Postop =>

Dr. Sandip Jain =>

Have any queries.. just shoot.. i ll be more than helpful to answer yall'
« Last Edit: April 19, 2010, 01:50:59 PM by cybot »
19/03/2010 My Surgery Experience with Dr. Sandip jain =>

Offline R.R.P

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Congratulations Cybot upon your successful gyne removal! Finally we get to see the pre and post op pictures. Your results look brilliant! You must be very happy. Should be, as now you are a gyne free man and have all the independence to take your shirts off at public places. Thanks for sharing the whole operation experience. You have mentioned that you felt a bit of pain on your chest after the op. Was it too much or you can bear with it at a comfort level? I know i have asked this before but as you have gone through the surgery, what did the Doctor say? Would you have to go back to him for further chekups or things such as stich removal? However, as i have said before i will be going for this op by june or july so seeing successful ops certainly brings more encouragements. Congratulations once again and keep us updated.

Offline cybot

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You have mentioned that you felt a bit of pain on your chest after the op. Was it too much or you can bear with it at a comfort level? I know i have asked this before but as you have gone through the surgery, what did the Doctor say? Would you have to go back to him for further checkups or things such as stich removal?

as for the pain its because of liposuction..since they use this commonly known as emulsification process. u wud feel the pain.. just imagine this.. when a needle is pricked it pains rite and it pains for sometime and here they are removing glands and fat both so it wud pain a bit but certainly bearable.. u wud feel uncomfortable during the operation day.. but trust me.. the recovery is quite fast.. during the morning of third day.. the pain was almost half.. and now after a week its almost gone..

second point of visiting doctor.. well u will have this bandage sort of thing across ur chest which will be removed after 7th day. really u wud not need a doctor for this.. but one visits the doctor just to make sure the healing process is fine.. and don't worry no stitches removal and stuff.. the stitches are dissolving stitches.. so they dont need to be replaced..

anything more u wanna. know just ask me.. i am here and will always be here...  :)

Offline fighter

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congrats dude ! ;D!! all the best for future !! how you feel now ?how do you rate your surgery  from scale of 10 ??

Offline cybot

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no i will rate it say after 1 or 2 months.. since its in recovery stage and swelling is there so i cant say if that's the exact shape i will get it.. but still i am very very much satisfied with the result so far..

Offline fighter

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very impressive 7th day post op pics !!!  !howz you now ? any pain or associate problem ??

can i go alone for surgery ? ?in saiffee hospital (sandeep jain)??

and i am not from mumbai .

thnanks in advance

Offline cybot

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No pain at all.. I can still travel in the crowded mumbai local trains.. although i am advised to keep away from gym.. i do a minimum of 40-50 push ups daily.. ;D and i don't have any issues with my chest.. i have started feelign fine.. but i still have sum swelling.. its not painful..but it feels hard to touch ...possibly hardening of tissue.. but even that's reducing everyday.. but at a very slow pace.. so i guess it should take around 1-2 months. but yes recovery has been fine till now.. i am in no pain at all..

i suggest u take someone with you.. at least u will need it for the very first day of ur operation.. since there wud be drain pipes on u.. u wud be slightly uncomfortable..and wud have a hard time going to loo..but nothing problematic if u are alone.. just make sure u go into economy class if u are alone.. u will have a peaceful time there and service wud be too good...

i suggest u first pay dr. sandip jain a visit..get in touch with me if u want to kno more.. take care...ATB

Offline fighter

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Offline cybot

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yeah feeling good... and i am recovering well..


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hey first of all, congrates mate... i m 24 yrs old and have gyn. thinking of surgery now, before i m married.. so can u suggest me names of some more surgeons ? u must have searched a lot before having surgery by Dr.Sandip Jain. so asking u... thanx in advance... waiting for reply..

Offline biggyno

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hey awesome results.. waitin for ur post op pics..

Offline cybot

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i only consulted dr. samir kumta and dr. jain


i have already posted post op pics.. more pics coming soon

Offline gyne28

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I am 28 years old from Mumbai, India. I have gynecomastia since i was 12. Recently on 8th Nov 2011 i had visited a plastic surgeon Dr. Sandeep Jain who is known gynecomatia doctor. After checkup he told me that he perform excision, liposuction & skin tightening on me. He told that my gland size is big enough & my weight is not constant so skin tightening is must. But i am pretty doubtfull on skin tightening as this required on very severe cases & i think mine is not so severe.Might be he may be correct in order to avoid carter deformation or any skin loosening effect in future.

My details:
Weight: 68 kg (+/- 3-4 kg quick weight fluctuations)
Height: 5.8 ft
Skin type: Loose & soft than normal man skin

I have attached my recent pics.
Please have a look & let me know the best Surgeons & best surgery procedure to be performed on me.



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