Author Topic: Mumbai India (bombay) Gynecomastia Surgery experience with Dr. Sandip Jain  (Read 45125 times)

Offline mumbai.experience

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Well, alot of people looking out for surgery experiences and surgeons in mumbai and not a lot of Information available online, so I though I will start this topic.

I had visisted 3 more doctors prior to Dr Jain . Dr. Jain was refered to me through a doctor who lives in my building.
Doctors visited were all searched online by googling gynecomastia mumbai and various other key words.
1. Dr Mohan Thomas.
Was very comfortable with him but found him way to expensive for my budget.

2. Dr. Manoj Kumar J Manwani

3. Dr. Krishna S Chaudhari(Pune) ...
Well this was a small clinic on karve road. Not very well lit. Rude receptionist and will ask for consulting fee upfront before you see the doctor. I just ran from there without meeting the doctor.

Then finally I was frustrated and asked the doctor living in my building for some help. He suggested Dr. Jain.
I met him some-where in february and was comfortable with him since he answered my questions patiently and most of all he was to operate on me in a big hospital (saifee) and not a clinic.
I went back to him around 2-3 moths later with the test results and scheduled a date for 2 days later. Here I am operated and very happy with the results. You can see my pictures below by clicking on the link. NO more loose shirts.
You can check out the Dr Jains profile on the following link
Pre-Operative Pictures..

Post Operative Pictures- 7 days after surgery (The white stuff on the chest is the glue from the dressing.)

I will be uploading more pictures after a few days till 6 weeks after the operation and then at 3 months and 6 months.

If you guys need some help, feel free to ask on the forum so we can share with others to.

As promised

Post-Operative Pictures-- 23 days after surgery.

1 Month Post operation. Update

I removed my vest around mid of june. I was feeling fine.
I joined the gym and started working out. Was fine with it.
Then i started jogging and while running i could feel the right chest moving. Like there was a lunp there and it was hurting a little(bearable though) and was uncomfortable.

Next day i looked at my chest and I have swelling under my right nipple. I was like its ok. Will subside.
It didnt after 2 days and i ran to the doctor. he said its fine and normal. Its called scar tissue and develops after any surgery where there is a incision.
I told him i was joggin and working out. He told me to wait another week and start. I was uncomfortable but started workin out again in a weeks time.

The swelling has subsided drastically.There is only a little scaring under the right nipple which gives the nipple a little puffiness. But this has reduced drastically.
I spoke to other members on the forum and they said that this is a normal occurence and everything will be fine 4 months post op.

Post op approx 55 days .

Post OP 6months
These pics were taken casually with the nipples in there normal shape and not contracted .
These pics were taken after a workout with the body pumped and the nipples contracted.

POST OP approx 1year
« Last Edit: July 03, 2010, 02:10:50 AM by mumbai.experience »

Offline desi

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looks great! congrats! did you get excision as well?
Formerly, 'Fattgayee', as in 'Torn Apart' or more so 'I am Screwed' :)

Offline mumbai.experience

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Thanks Desi.
Yes I did get both, Liposuction and excision.

Offline fighter

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congrats dude ! awsome work n great result !!

i wanna kno how much total cost of SuRgERY ?



Offline mumbai.experience

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Thanks Dude..

The cost is as follows.

1. Medical tests. Rupess 2500 approx ( Mine was 2300)

2. Compression vest Rupees 2500.

3. Hospital cost including doctors fees. 30-50k. Fluctuates from client to client. The doctor will not give you an exact figure since it depends on the disposables.

4. 5 day medicine package.Rupess 600 approx.

Offline leo_the_beast

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hi mumbai experier,
can u pls put some light on the pain u got after the surgery...i have heard that it pains a lot for few days.....and after how many days u resumed ur daily schedule work???
how many stitched u got?
how much time it takes to operate? (surgery time)
for how many days u were in the hospital?

Offline mumbai.experience

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As for the pain, if you take proper caution, you will not feel any pain. The doctor will prescribe you with pain killers for the first few days.
The only thing that was extremely painful for the first 2 days were my abdominal muscles since you use them a lot to get off the bed and couch for the first few days since you wont use you hands to push the weight. My suggestion would be to work your abs for a few days before going in for surgery. You will feel slight pain when you have the dressing removed or if you sleep on your chest by mistake at night.

I got operated on friday and was back to work on monday. I started driving around from monday but you cant ride on the bike since it stings when the bike goes in the pot holes even after the 20th day.

Operation takes 2 hours.I was admitted at 6am. The hospital staff will shave you off and check your pressure and sugar level prior to the operation. my operation started at 8-8:30 and i came to consciousness at round 12-30 at that point I was rolled to the room. The doctor visited me at around 4:30 when I asked him for a discharge. He advised me to stay over night till the drain pipes were removed the next day. I insisted so they asked me to sign a few forms relieving the doctor and hospital of any responsibilities. I would not suggest people to get discharged the same day since the anesthesia keeps you drowsy for quite a long time. I had some one to take me home.

 I dont know how many stitches were taken since they are dissolving stiches but the lenght of the incision is around an inch under both the nipples.

Overall I am very happy with my decision and there is a drastic change in the contour of my chest. I would suggest any one who is conscious about there chest apprearance to get the surgery.


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Offline chennai_man

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Offline mumbai.experience

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Approx 55 days Post op.

Swellinig on right nipple is still there due to scar tissue but has soften over time.

Offline nick77

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Hi can u give me some contact info of Dr.Jain ..I would like to contact him and get an opinion.. thanks

Offline mumbai.experience

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Here is the link to his website. You will get the details from his website.


Offline decimal

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wow dude! ur chest looks awesome!! congrats!!

i wanted to ask you if u had any major unevenness, like a crater or small depression, around ur nipples after surgery.

i just got done with surgery nd my right nipple has the major depression next to it which is pschying me out!

now tht its been quite a while since ur surgery, has all the scar tissue dissolved?


Offline mumbai.experience

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Firstly dude, your results are awesome.
There is a huge diffrence between your pre and post op pics.

Initially there was some unevenness in the contour but with time it settles.

The scar tissue is still there on the lower side of the nipples where the incision was made. It has gone down considerably over time and hopefully will dissolve completely with time.
The only problem i faced after removing the compression vest was that the lower part of the nipple turned soft and fluffy and scar tissue devoped.I am hoping that this will also be resolved once the scar tissue goes.
But believe me next time you wont be ashamed of removing you shirt in front of people due to your chest.
Keep us posted and let us know how ur recovery goes.
Please add your city and doctor name also in the post so it might be helpful to other forum users.


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