Author Topic: 6 Days Post-Op with Dr. Fielding....Your Thoughts!  (Read 3723 times)

Offline postop2009

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Hey guys,

I just had surgery with Dr. Fielding in Toronto last Wednesday (May 20th), it has been 6 days so I just took off the vest and I am very pleased with the results!

Here are the post-op pictures (sorry no pre-op).

I am very swollen and bruised with the right side being more swollen than the left, but this is normal so I am not too worried about it.

For those of you who had Fielding.......When and for how much longer do you recommend I wear the compression vest????

Thanks for your input guys.

Offline anon85

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Looks good. Seems to match your build well. What are those deep purple marks on your right side tho? Hopefully just bruising.

Offline thetodd

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My god youve got some brusing there, im lucky ive got an olive skin tone dont hardly bruise :D. Yeah those deep purple marks are just bruising are you taking any arnica or anything? Try and get some pure pineapple juice aswell helps alot with swelling :)

But yeah looks good mate, once the swellings gone down youl look gyne free :)

my right side is a bit more swolen than my left aswell, weird

Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline KryptoKnight

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Yup my right side is much more swollen than my left as well.  I was surprised that I did not have much bruising.  I mean I had visible bruising but not to that extent.  I'm about 11 days postop and I still have some yellowing

Offline postop2009

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Thanks for the reassurance fellas, I appreciate it.

I have the vest off now should I still be wearing it though???? Anyone?


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I was told to wear mine for 6 weeks, either that or something that compresses like under armor, which I am now wearing if I wear a tshirt, I am 2 weeks post.  I am sticking to it, no point in not wearing something if it will just improve my results.

Offline FreeinVegas

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Definitely be wearing that vest, man.  I had my 4 week post-op appt yesterday and I was told to keep wearing it until then.  I'm now wearing under armor but I didn't skimp on wearing my initial vest at all.  There were times I wanted to pull my hair out because it bugged me so much.  Gotta keep the eyes on the prize though.


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