Author Topic: Back again....ughhh  (Read 4240 times)

Offline PBC

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            Hey there everyone! I was a member of this site 7 years ago, and like many people here, fell out of touch after surgery.(which was the best money I ever spent.)'s back and so am I. To make a long story short, I was told my gyne was caused by smoking the demon tweed. So I quit, had surgery, and life was soooo much better. Over time I smoked now and again, and steadily increased over time to where I was pre-surgery.( Brilliant choice huh?) Well guess what has happened??? Yup..there are coming back. I had convinced myself that too much up and down with my weight is what really caused my gyne, that the weed connection was just a myth. Well, for me anyway, it isn't. Just a heads up to everyone, marijuana may not be the cause of everyones gyne, but for certain people who are sensitive to the drug's effects, I am here to say , for me anyway, the connection is very real. So now I have to start saving up another five freaking grand for surgery, all because I am an idiot. Now I have to go back into the dark cloud that was my life prior to surgery, slouching, having to buy new clothes, never swimming..etc...etc.. Lesson learned I suppose and i deserve every bit of the misery I am in. Thanks for letting me vent here guys. Sorry if I posted this in the wrong has been a while!

Offline Wood1989

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Wow bummer man, I did that stuff, but I had had the gyne before hand. Although I really wouldn't want to take the chances. And clearly don't need it in my life.

Good luck man.

Offline charlie1821

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I wasn't sure if this connection was real or not, but looking back I really started developing gyne around the same time I started smoking in college. Even to the point of lactation.

It never went away once I stopped.

So to those of you smoking the reefer with gyne, STOP!

Offline PBC

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       I never had lactation..(jesus if that ever happened to me I might throw myself off of a bridge!) It has been about 3 weeks since I last smoked, my doctor refuses to operate until I have been clean for at least 2 months. What I did experience was a distinct soreness and a noticeable increase in the "fullness" in my chest. My nipples would also get even puffier than they normally are. I know this isn't all in my head as these things happened EVERY time I smoked. Hell I might as well smoke all I want as it will be a long time before I can pay for surgery anyway. I am hoping by quitting now that things wont get any worse than they are already. My gyno isn't nearly as bad as the first time,(I had 350 milliliters removed from both sides the first time...yikes!!!) but I only began to notice it recently, so who knows how things will be down the road. Yup...i recommend anyone with gyno just leave that stuff alone....winter can't get here fast enough, my summer clothes are as good as garbage now.

Offline Paa_Paw

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There are detractors who will say that the Marijuana - Gynecomastia connection is a myth.

While there is not a direct cause and effect relationship per se; There is a very strong statistical link. Simply put, Marijuana users have a higher incidence of Gynecomastia than non-users.

I'm sorry to hear of your situation, I wish it was otherwise. Unfortunately it is what it is. You have displayed real manhood in owning up to it as you have. I would wish your post was made required reading for all lads with Gynecomastia who are tempted to use that damn weed.
Grandpa Dan

Offline PBC

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              Thank you for the kind words Paw Paa. This board really does do a lot in the way of making me feel better about my situation. I really have forgotten how many different ways this condition messes with your life. My wife, thank God, doesn't care if have gyno or not, but she also can't understand why it is causing me so much grief. This is causing enormous friction between us, and she doesn't realize the effect it has on a guy. She thinks I should just suck it up and get on with life. I really wish I could too, but the scars left from my first bout have my mind so messed up now it is all I can think about. I tried explaining to her how it feels and the mental drain gyne puts on a guy. She just says "You are married to me, who cares about it, I still love you no matter what." She really is a great woman. But it still doesn't keep me from going thru my gyne rituals. (Which came back to me like I hadn't missed a beat. Amazing huh?) I tried telling her "Imagine if u grew a moustache and couldn't get rid of it unless u had a $5000 surgery."  The best part of all of it...I did this to me. I can't vent my anger on God or anybody else this time. Live and learn, and boy I have learned. Guys, PLEASE drop the weed, it just isn't worth it. Once again, thanks for listening to me go WAAAAHHHH for a few minutes. Ok, the pity party is over now!

Offline i_dont_know

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I'll never know for sure if there was a connection for me, but I developed gyne around age 14 and started smoking pot around 15 or 16. Part of me thinks that my smoking weed prevented it from ever going away and caused the glandular tissue to become fibrous and permanent. Before I had the surgery, whenever I'd smoke I honestly felt like the tissue was sort of pulsating, almost like it was growing or becoming stimulated somehow. There's no way to prove it and it could just be a coincidence, but I stopped smoking a few weeks before surgery and haven't smoked since. I haven't taken a single puff in about 10 weeks now. To be safe, I don't think I'm ever going to start again. I just don't want to take the chance.

I always wonder if it would be safe down the road to just smoke once every few weeks.. I feel like it couldn't possibly just make the gyne return instantly and permanently, but then again, it's probably not worth finding out.

Offline PBC

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I doubt once every few weeks is going to cause your gyne to return, it took me two years of once in a while use and four years of chronic use before mine came back. But why in the hell take the chance? I swear, I feel like Robert DeNiro at the end of the movie "Awakenings" when his condition returns and he has to back into the diaper. If you think you we experiencing self loathing when you had gyne the first time, it is twice as bad when it returns due to your own stupidity. Also if your tendencies are anything like mine, its is either smoke all the time or not at all. Really isn't any middle ground with a personality like mine. On the plus side, I sold one of my guitars today (I loved that guitar!) only $3500 more to go until I can get on with my life. Anyhow, my advice is leave that stuff alone!

Offline George12

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I 100% beleive that my gyne is because of smoking weed. I started smoking pretty much like everyone else, on the weekends highschool combined with beer drinking. Then I guess you could say I fell in love with weed, as smoking was pretty much all I wanted to do, becoming a daily smoker and not having a care in the world. Boy do I regret smoking so much, as it has to be the cause of my gyne. I agree with the other people, when I would smoke my chest would feel almost bigger and much more sensitive. I could feel a strange feeling from my nipples touching my shirt, forcing me to rub and itch them alot.

To all the younger guys, if your doctor says it is going to go away and you are going through puberty, just relax as it could. If it stays with you, then of course consider surgery. But know this!!! Myth or not, weed can effect your gyne, as I am living proof. Don't become a daily smoker anyhow, you will lose all of your motivation to do anything and waste a ton of money. If you're in highschool, I know all everyone wants to do is get f**ked up every weekend, so just stick to beer!

Offline i_dont_know

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I doubt once every few weeks is going to cause your gyne to return, it took me two years of once in a while use and four years of chronic use before mine came back. But why in the hell take the chance? I swear, I feel like Robert DeNiro at the end of the movie "Awakenings" when his condition returns and he has to back into the diaper. If you think you we experiencing self loathing when you had gyne the first time, it is twice as bad when it returns due to your own stupidity. Also if your tendencies are anything like mine, its is either smoke all the time or not at all. Really isn't any middle ground with a personality like mine. On the plus side, I sold one of my guitars today (I loved that guitar!) only $3500 more to go until I can get on with my life. Anyhow, my advice is leave that stuff alone!

I was usually able to keep my smoking down to a once a week or once every 2 week thing before I had my surgery. I could easily do the same now, but I still would be petrified and appalled if it came back because of a stupid choice to smoke weed again.

I still have to wait for my swelling to go down completely THIS time around. I'm about 7 or 8 weeks post-op now (can't even remember exactly.. heh.. ) so I still have some time before I have my final results. Pretty sure I'll never want to deal with this again though so I'll probably play it safe.

Offline Paa_Paw

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The problem with occasional use is that the active ingredients in canabis are oils and they are stored in the fat cells. This means that there is a residual effect for a protracted period of time. This is also why canabis will be found in the blood and urine long after the last use. Anyone who has had to take drug tests can certainly back this up.

Offline Gyno-more

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Good info in this post, thanks.  I like to smoke pot (helps me with chronic pain/sleep) however, since I was a Marine for 11 years and work for the railroad, smoking is not an option for me - damn, if it was I'd probably have Double D's!

I will pass this on to some friends that hhave prescriptions for medical marijuana and ensure they are aware of the potential side effects.

Offline don_joe

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Now I'm scared...

Offline cowboyaaron

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I never smoked weed before in my life, im 19 and have gyne on my right breast, the nipple is puffed up and gland is fairly large underneath.

Offline don_joe

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Actually, I should not be scared. My gyne appeared at least 3 years before I ever started smoking.

I've never seen anywhere there was a statistical correlation (which is very different of a case to effect relationship) between smoking marihuana and developing breasts.

Also, if weed really caused gyne, wouldn't it mean female users' breasts will get bigger ?   I'll tell my GF about that...


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