Author Topic: Does gynecomastia affect your sexuality  (Read 23942 times)

Offline headheldhigh01

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Do any of you understand that?! Oh well....  maybe one day I'll find the money to have surgery. And maybe one day I'll find someone who can perform that surgery. Trouble is - I'm all but convinced - that I will be that 1 in a million where something goes horribly wrong. By mistake - the doctor performed an irreversible breast augmentation!! lol
look at it this way, once you're close to rock bottom, it's harder for it to go anywhere but uphill ;)  
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

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I think gynecomastia has affected my sexuality.  It doesn't anymore, but it did.

At one point, when I was an adolescent, they made me feel a bit feminine.  I watched a lot of porn on the internet back then, and in a way I think that sort of affected the way I looked at my own boobs and I believe I kind of confused them with the breasts I saw on the beautiful women in those porn pictures.  I didn't necessarily question my sexuality, as I knew that I was attracted to women and not men, but I began to think; Do I feel more comfortable being feminine?  A few times, I pretended to be a woman with big boobs.  I experimented with this idea by wearing female clothes and wearing tight shirts to expose my breasts as if they were something to be proud of.(Alone in my own room, of course!)  In a way, I became sexually aroused by the feeling of being a woman and instead of being ashamed of my breasts, feeling like they were something to be shown.  But after the feeling of excitement and pleasure wore off, I realized that I had not solved nothing.  I was the same teenage guy with man boobs.  I had no girlfriend and did was by no means popular with anyone at school.  Feeling feminine didn't solve anything.  It was only a temporary escape from reality, and each time I came back to reality I only felt like being more masculine which in turn meant hating my boobs even more.  I am not ashamed that I experimented with femininity when I was younger, because it caused me to look at the situation differently.  My condition is very feminine.  Aside from my sexual experimentation, I did not want to have boobs.  What I wanted was beyond the boobs; It was to be able to run around free with my shirt off at the beach and not feel shame.  Was being female going to solve my problem?  No.  Since then, I've decided that being masculine is the best thing to do.  Regardless of whether I still have man boobs or not, my masculinity is real and is what gives me a sense of power.  Pretending to be something that I'm not(feminine) is only hiding from the problem and twisting my feelings in to something more strange.

Offline Lauterbrunnen

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I can't say that it has affected my sexuality. I've known I was gay since before I even realized I had gyne. However, I must admit that I feel like gynecomastia and being gay are two things that take away from my masculinity, and I hate it. Maybe it's just the gynecomastia that makes me want to be more manly, I'm not really sure. Sexually, women just don't get me off and I would never want to be a woman. I enjoy being a man... But gynecomastia is hindering that. At least surgery would be a step toward feeling more normal and content in my own skin. I feel like being gay is at least something I can hide, but gynecomastia is much more difficult to hide because it's something people can physically see. You can't just pretend it away temporarily.  I don't feel like I can ever really completely be a male as society sees acceptable or normal. Sometimes it really fucks with my head and I get crazy thoughts, like there's no way out. I'm just some abnormal and disgusting freak of nature, pretty much.

Offline bigyno

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I think gynecomastia has affected my sexuality. 
At one point, when I was an adolescent, they made me feel a bit feminine.  I watched a lot of porn on the internet back then, and in a way I think that sort of affected the way I looked at my own boobs and I believe I kind of confused them with the breasts I saw on the beautiful women in those porn pictures.  I didn't necessarily question my sexuality, as I knew that I was attracted to women and not men, but I began to think; Do I feel more comfortable being feminine?  A few times, I pretended to be a woman with big boobs.  I experimented with this idea by wearing female clothes and wearing tight shirts to expose my breasts as if they were something to be proud of.(Alone in my own room, of course!)  In a way, I became sexually aroused by the feeling of being a woman and instead of being ashamed of my breasts, feeling like they were something to be shown.  But after the feeling of excitement and pleasure wore off, I realized that I had not solved nothing.  I was the same teenage guy with man boobs.  I had no girlfriend and did was by no means popular with anyone at school.  Feeling feminine didn't solve anything.  It was only a temporary escape from reality, and each time I came back to reality I only felt like being more masculine which in turn meant hating my boobs even more.  I am not ashamed that I experimented with femininity when I was younger, because it caused me to look at the situation differently.  My condition is very feminine. 

Well in my case, Its a very confusing story to me even now.
I was 13 when I started developing boobs and pubic hair around the same time. My body was pretty much thin at the time and the accentuated boobs really stood out. They stood out to the extent that some of the bullies in class started sexually abusing me as a group when they would surround me and fondle and squeeze my chest area all day at school. Gradually this resulted in me becoming a loner at school, focusing entirely on academics. Except that I had a few friends now and then who wouldn't abuse me as much but still everybody called me derogatory terms right through adolescence ( terms such as "milker"..etc..).
To make matters worse I had been a marathon swimmer in my teens ( had swum across famous straits) and had to quit because of my abnormal gyne, much to the displeasure and disappointment of my parents. It was then I had to consult a doctor for the matter who diagnosed it gyne but my parents didnt have the money for the procedures.
Around this time, I was sexually abused by some senior bullies who made me fellatio them in school and squeezed my chest area, mutilated my nipples with pins and did other disgusting things to me.
I was so confused around that time and even today to a certain extent. I started feeling pleasure in fondling my breasts and playing with my nipples and became more and more interested in penises. Anal masturbation with foreign objects had captured my fancy due to some forced encounters mentioned earlier. Constant stimulation on my breasts lead them to grow bigger and the aerola to grow more womanly, round and firm.
But to make matters worse, as I didn't even know what  sexuality was at 15.
I changed schools at 16 and formed an entire new group of friends, gained some tremendous weight to give the appearance of being an overall fatty. I had a chance to live in anonymous normality again and didnt want to blow it and return to hell, even at the expense of the occasional "fatty" jibes.
This was when I fell in love, at 17, with a girl! ( I know). Things seemed pretty normal in the beginning but when we went on to have sex, she freaked out at my boobs and thought I was a transsexual or something. Here I was, at 18, just wanting to be a normal guy with a normal life but having homo/transexuality thrust on me by society for the lack of funds for a stupid surgery.
Things were pretty much the same in college except I had another girlfriend in college who used to love playing with my breasts, suck and lick my nipples throughout sex. She seemed to have accepted it but it freaked me out in a dark corner of my mind that it wasnt normal behaviour and never would be. I thought she was a closet bi. ( I wasnt judging her, but she was making me even more confused about my repressed sexualities)
I broke up with her due to increased complications ( she insisted on penetrating me sometimes) and I took some time off to determine things in my life.
Around this time, one of my gay friends committed suicide due to constant mental harassment from peers( homosexuality was illegal in India at this time). Years of repression and grief had spurred something in me after this event as I became a full time activist fighting for the rights and decriminalization of LGBT community in the country. After a couple of years long period of rallying, lobbying and activism, finally we managed to persuade the government to legalize sexuality of the minority in the country.
I came out of the whole process, definitely a little scathed and with a whole lot of questions than I had went in with, especially about my sexuality.
I have realized that it may or may not be due to gyne that I had been subject to the events I have been, but I would definitely not withhold sex with a handsome man with a beautiful body, neither with a beautiful woman ( penetrating or otherwise), nor with an agreeable transsexual. I do know that I have what they call pretty/feminine facial features , very noticeable oddly  firm breasts for a man ( if am not in very loose clothes) by which I am very turned on if fondled,masturbate anally with long objects fondling my breasts sometimes and possess the gait, voice and confidence of an adult male but am certainly very vain in taking care of my appearance, similar to a woman. Enjoy shopping, dont enjoy monday night football,etc, etc... I have stopped trying to figure out my sexuality by stereotypes and have started living it based purely  on what I feel. I have come to realize that I may definitely be bisexual.

Summing it up, I would say, YES! Gynacomastia definitely influenced my sexuality. Infact, I am afraid it may very well be the only thing that influenced whatever I am/did till today right from being a full fledged bisexual male to a minority human rights activist.

So either way I am getting my surgery done next month, with my own hard earned money, after waiting a decade.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Except for the fact that I matured rather slowly, There has been no effect.

I didn't start dating until nearly 30 and at that point I was still called babyface. I was popular with choral directors, there are few true natural counter-tenors. My vocal range was almost that of a Soprano.

I got married at the age of 36 and quickly made up for lost time. Father of 8.
Grandpa Dan

Offline eyooh

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It makes me feel less of a man definitely, I'm not sure I even am a man, even tho I have a penis and balls. What kind of man has boobs, narrow shoulders and wide hips? I even have a feminine face and no facial hair.....

The doctor said my hormone levels were fine for a male my age, but I just can't believe it.
Whenever someone talks about being a man they look at me and just go "you don't have to worry about that" and have a good laugh on my expense.

I am almost 20 years old and still look like a kid. Add a bad personality and overall uglyness to that and you have me.

darn life.

Offline belveder

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From Craig: "Do I want to have sex WITH him - or AS HIM?!"

You ask if anyone "gets" this...I totally get what you are saying. I've had gyne since I was a kid, although it was mostly obesity related. I have enlarged areoles, but normal "guy nipples", but my boobs are huge. I was heavy all my life and was teased constantly while growing up. I think it made me both afraid of men (who did all the teasing) and also made me "crave" men.

Am I gay? I don't think so. I prefer to say I "struggle with unwanted same-sex attractions." These attractions are the "cravings" for normal manliness that I feel like I've lacked my whole life because of my boobs and my obesity. I used to weigh 430 pounds. I lost 230 of those pounds and when I looked in the mirror, I thought my boobs looked even worse. Now they were saggy, hanging at mid-body like an old woman. I consulted surgeons, but like many of us, can't afford it.

Anyhow, when I saw your statement, I understood completely. I get turned on by good-looking men with beautiful chests because that is what I crave and what I want to be. I'm not really interested in having sex with them - I just want to BE like them. This thought crosses my mind continually when I am with my fiancee too - if I only I could look like those guys, then we could have really amazing sex.

Just thought I would let you know that there is someone else out there who knows exactly how you feel in that regard. Peace.


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