Author Topic: My Situation / Karadis Help Please.  (Read 3895 times)

Offline r1

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Hi, been reading this site a while now and seems to be some great results, congratulations.

I have had gyno since approxiamtley 13 /14. I would say quite bad, maybe 6.5 out of ten, maybe 7 ( in my opinion). SOme of the problem being due to be over weight ( not massively), but shallwe say "chubby" as a teenager. Still carry some excess excess wight now, but goes up and down as Im really into weightlifting / training, I can lose a few stone no problem. But I'm always left with the excess fat / gland around the chest area. Now I know the aromatase enzyme works better in fatty surroundings so therefore would have made my gyno worse.

Anyways, Ive used steroids in the past, and possibly would in the future (NOT THE BEST IDEA FOR SOEMONE WITH PRE EXISTING GYNO!!!), I kNOW a lot about them and have my reasons for taking for them, so please no one judge. I'd say they didn't have a major effect, except for one course of anadrol when I didn't have a SERM on hand. But I did usually get itchy nips whislt on the steroids. Ive tried running letrozole, but this didn't have any effect excpet for negative side effects.

I had an un successful op on the NHS in 2008. My surgeon waas a complete tool, lipo only and a complete waste of time!!!!

Im now looking to get it doen privately, £4000 is a ridiculous amount of money!!! But I suppose needs must, anxd when I think of the amount of money I spend on alchol and stuff a year,m it ain';t that much! MY problem is I want it done ASAP. I have a few questions which iof you could answer I would be very appreceiative.

1) I currently live with my parents, who I havent told about last op and dont want to about this op! Therefore I do not want any letters coming here. Now I will be m,oving out in September, but I wanted to have the consulatation before then. Would they send any letters out confirming the consultation or any letters aftder the appointment?

2) Would thy accept cash payment? I know this sounds stupid but basically I could get a graduaste loan with a good interest rate to help me. They only give graduate loans for help moving house, for clothes and for cars now, due to credit crunch. So if I get this loan, then they see a big payment going out to a plastic surgeon, I don't want them to then accuse me of fraud or whatever?!! Which is a concern!

3) Do you have the bloods done at the consultation or at the day of the op?

4) Do you think it is worth mentioning my steroid use in the past, or not, cos I don'#t want him to then refuse a second op if needed, by saying its due to the steroids, it must have grew bavck, even though that is not possible as have;t been on in a loing while.

5) How long do you rekon after op will be able to go on holiday, without any noticeable visual scras / bruising.

Thanks, and sorry about the essay. I'm sure i'll have many more questions in the future!

Offline r1

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Wow that really is an essay! Apologies again.

Offline kingboob

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I think it is very important you mention all recent medications or drugs you have been using when you have an operation.   They need to know as it can make a difference to the way they treat you........ AAS can have some pretty serious side effects - raised blood pressure, increased RBC count, liver issues etc etc............ I hope you know what you are doing because so many 40 something ex bodybuilders seem to end up with totally screwed endocrine systems and stuck on hormone replacement for the rest of their lives.

Also if you are going to keep doing AAS I would have thought you would be at increased risk of regrowth.  What with excessive testosterone converting to estrogen which is going to equal gyne?

Having said all of that my understanding was Karidis charges for a second operation anyway - maybe someone who used him can comment on this issue?

I would guess you might need 6 weeks before you can walk around shirtless, but the overall healing process takes a lot longer.

Offline thetodd

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I have had gyno since approxiamtley 13 /14. I would say quite bad, maybe 6.5 out of ten, maybe 7 ( in my opinion). SOme of the problem being due to be over weight ( not massively), but shallwe say "chubby" as a teenager. Still carry some excess excess wight now, but goes up and down as Im really into weightlifting / training, I can lose a few stone no problem. But I'm always left with the excess fat / gland around the chest area. Now I know the aromatase enzyme works better in fatty surroundings so therefore would have made my gyno worse.

Anyways, Ive used steroids in the past, and possibly would in the future (NOT THE BEST IDEA FOR SOEMONE WITH PRE EXISTING GYNO!!!), I kNOW a lot about them and have my reasons for taking for them, so please no one judge. I'd say they didn't have a major effect, except for one course of anadrol when I didn't have a SERM on hand. But I did usually get itchy nips whislt on the steroids. Ive tried running letrozole, but this didn't have any effect excpet for negative side effects.

Stupid, especially that you still want to continue using them despite what most dumbass juicers will tell you stuffing letzerole down your throat is not a cover for gyne. Not helping your liver either. Never do them again

I had an un successful op on the NHS in 2008. My surgeon waas a complete tool, lipo only and a complete waste of time!!!!

Im now looking to get it doen privately, £4000 is a ridiculous amount of money!!! But I suppose needs must, anxd when I think of the amount of money I spend on alchol and stuff a year,m it ain';t that much! MY problem is I want it done ASAP. I have a few questions which iof you could answer I would be very appreceiative.

1) I currently live with my parents, who I havent told about last op and dont want to about this op! Therefore I do not want any letters coming here. Now I will be m,oving out in September, but I wanted to have the consulatation before then. Would they send any letters out confirming the consultation or any letters aftder the appointment?

They will send letters to wherever you tell them, and wont if you dont want to. Youl need an address for them to send the agreement to surgery papers and payment details etc. Just tell your parents not to open your post!

2) Would thy accept cash payment? I know this sounds stupid but basically I could get a graduaste loan with a good interest rate to help me. They only give graduate loans for help moving house, for clothes and for cars now, due to credit crunch. So if I get this loan, then they see a big payment going out to a plastic surgeon, I don't want them to then accuse me of fraud or whatever?!! Which is a concern!

Theyl bite your hands off with cash, but if your going to do that and your sure you want the surgery. Id pay it all on the day of consulation.

Consultation = £75
Blood test = £20 (£130 if done at StJohns)
Surgery+Hospital fees = £4161

3) Do you have the bloods done at the consultation or at the day of the op?

Consultation, if you willing to pay £130 ... i wasnt

4) Do you think it is worth mentioning my steroid use in the past, or not, cos I don'#t want him to then refuse a second op if needed, by saying its due to the steroids, it must have grew bavck, even though that is not possible as have;t been on in a loing while.

Well i told alex that i used, letz caber tamoxifen. And he went

"o right, they never work"

If you want a second op ... youl pay for it anyway. He only deducts his fee leaving you with a 2k bill for a revision

5) How long do you rekon after op will be able to go on holiday, without any noticeable visual scras / bruising.

Visible scars/brusing few weeks. But to go on holiday and for it to look even and un-noticeable months! Everyone heals differentley but you have scar tissue beneath your skin ... which will be visible on the beach

Steroids are for people who dont know how to train properly, if you know how to train and have the right diet. Then youl look like a mens health posterboy. If you eat shit and take steroids youll look like an idiot who takes steroids
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline frozen

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I'd have to agree with Thetodd on everything, as quite simply, he's correct.

I think you're being a bit silly planning on taking steroids after the operation. This is your chance at getting a perfectly flat chest and a new lease on life .. why do you want to waste that?

If you don't plan on telling your parents then that's your business, but my advice would be to include them on the decision. It's good to have some support. I've received a lot of mail from Karidis' office, all inconspicuous and in normal white envelopes. If you were really willing to fork out you could rent a private mailbox; there are usually places that will sign/receive your mail for a fee.

You CAN get your bloodtest done at the time of the consultation, but as Thetodd says, it's £130 which I think is ridiculous. I managed to get mine done for free by my local doctor/surgery, but even if they refused to pay for the test as it was for a cosmetic operation I knew they only charged £17.50.

You definitely need to mention your steroid use to Dr. Karidis, ESPECIALLY if you plan on doing it afterwards. For revisions you don't have to pay Karidis anything, but you do however have to pay hospital fees of £1450 or so. However you might find that he is unwilling to waive his surgeon’s fee if your gland further develops as a result of steroid abuse.
Had surgery with Dr. Karidis (London, UK) on 23rd July. Wearing tight t-shirts and looking forward to going swimming!

My experience so far & updates:


Offline r1

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Thank you for your replies regarding the surgery, and the mail etc.

Im a bit dissapointed in the manner of some of your replies as it seems as you are judging me. I know what I am doing regarding steroids, admittedley at first I did not. If I do decide to go on steroids again, whcih is an IF, then I will be running a non-aromotasing steorid like anavar or possibly very low doses of test alongside letro or arimidex, with nolvadex and proviron on hand. I have these before with no problems. IT was when I was younger that it flared up my existing gyno.

With the comment "dumbass juicers", I do not think that is fair at all, as most steroid useres who know what they are on about are not "dumbasses". These "dumbasses" would never even heard of letrozole. If you are saying you used tamoxifen to try and reverse pubertal gyno, then obviously that is nto going to work as tamoxifen (nolvadex) is a SERM. ~And would not reduce gyno induced form steroids either. The only reason I mentioned steroids is as I was worried about Karadis using this as an excuse not to give a free revision op even though I haven't used for over a year. As the check up is six weeks after the initial operation, I guess this wouldn't be an issue.

ANyways, I am getting off point, as I said the gyno was pubertal. I will wait til I have moved out before I do anything, and wait til next year for a holiday, this is the more sensible option anyways.

I will get the bloods done at the doctors :) Hopefully the operation will be a success and will not need a revision, it is fair enough of him to do it for free but still charge for the hospital fees.

So I suppose that the only problem now is the loan situation. I don't really want to spend the money on gyno if they only lend you the money for a car. In case they make a big deal out of it and cause me a lot of hassle.

Thankyou for your replies.

Offline ineedhelp

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thanks for the info todd, really well written. where did you pay £20 to get the blood test? can you just walk in to a clinic and get it done or do you need to go through your gp?

Offline thetodd

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No probs ineedhelp,

I just got a phlebotomist to come to my house (mobile blood clinic)

Girl came around, took my blood and was gone 5 minutes later. Look in your yellow pages there should be a few listed. It was a bit of a pain getting the results to karidis's lot whatever you do make sure you get the results faxed to them i had to get karidis's lot to phone for the results over the phone, after a lot of persuasion!

R1 - Its upto you what you do with your body! If you really want to tempt fate then thats upto you. There is a low chance of it growing back if you use the correct medication granted! But at the end of the day

Whats the point? Eat properley and train hard = good natural result

Offline r1

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To be honest, my main priorities are getting back in shape, naturally asap and then having the op. I don't know what I'll do in the future, and probably won't touch the stuff. I'd never recommend it to anyone with existing gyno.

Mobile phlebotimist sounds intersting! Ill probs just go the doctors. The issue with the post is me Mum has same first initial as me and occasionally opens letters for me by mistake, but sods law it will be a letter to do with the op. I had one letter come about my appointment with plastic surgeon on NHS and by bad luck you could not see who's name was on it, the letter was folded weird, could see address but not the name.

And when I very first mentioned it to the doctors years ago, the letter regarding my blood results for thyroid etc. just said Mr then my surname?!! So me Dad opened it, but I managed to blag both situations!

Anyways, thanks again, i'll let you'se know when Ive had consultation.


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