Author Topic: HELP: what is The Lypo & What is The excision ??  (Read 1668 times)

Offline Mustoofee

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Please , can any one explain to me what are these statements means surgically ?? :)

thank you very much .

Offline headheldhigh01

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lipo is short for liposuction, an operation in which a surgeon removes fat.  usually the technique is with a cannula, a thin hollow rod they use to - there's no real delicate way to say this - vacuum out the fat content.   

excision means cutting out.  it's the more traditional technique of using a scalpel and other tools to cut tissue loose and just remove it.  surgeons have gotten skilled at minimizing the amount of cutting in the skin necessary to do this. 

excision is generally the better technique, because while there are different kinds of lipo techniques like PAL and sonic-assisted, they are just not effective, no matter what their advocates say.  many people, including a poster today, have been promised lipo only would be fine, and it wasn't, and i doubt many surgeons ever seriously stood behind their promises in full when lipo only didn't work. 
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* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?


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