Author Topic: feedback please  (Read 2772 times)

Offline bobby_ness

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I'd like to know if what I have is pseudogyne. or the real thing. I've been this way since before I can remember. First time I remember it actually having an impact on me was when someone pointed at my chest and said haha I can see your big nipples under your shirt, which quite frankly, has never really bothered me until then. This happened yrs ago. Ever since I've been rather self-conscious of the shirts I wear, etc.. yes I know, I've seen very bad cases and some may think this isn't so bad. Nonetheless, however small and trivial my problem has been compared to others, my character has infact been affected by this to a certain degree. everytime I walk by the mirror I "see" pointing fingers. I hate this, I want to fix it.
I need to know how I can tell. I was reading other messages, some people spoke about glands, discs and hardness? I had no idea by what they meant exactly. I've also read that people feel pain? I've never felt it. Perhaps it is simply fat, I can feel it at the bottom, though it isn't as apparent from the front picture, there is some fat under the pec that doesn't follow the true shape of the muscles.  I have been planning on running a few miles everyday.

Will simply running and shedding some weight fix it... I've heard of surgery mishaps, I consider the risks too great, so it is out of the question.

Thank you kindly for your help guys.

« Last Edit: June 11, 2005, 06:42:35 AM by bobby_ness »

Offline mannyman742

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pics aren't working chief

now they are
« Last Edit: June 11, 2005, 06:45:10 AM by mannyman742 »

Offline bobby_ness

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Sorry about that. I've changed the links.

Offline Pferdestärken

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  • Fixed 03/06/05 by the incredible Mr Paul Levick!
    • My Diary
Thats real spooky, those could have been pics of me 15 years ago.

Glandular tissue should be able to identify using a pinch test. You know like the old ads on TV for Ryvita - if you can pinch more than an inch? Well, if you pinch across the nipple area with your thumb and forefinger, starting from about two to three inches apart, and try to pinch them together behind the nipple. Gently now! If its just pseudo, i.e. fat, then it will be uniformly squishy and you will be able to pinch it just like pinching any similar area of fat on your body. If there is glandular tissue you will feel more resistance, and may even feel a disc of harder tissue. It won't pinch to anything like an inch - not without you feeling some of that pain anyway!

This is pretty crude, but short of mammgrams about as good as you'll get. How hard the tissue is depends on how long the gyne has been there - the glandular tissue develops over time, and hardens. When I got down to low (single digit) measured bodyfat levels I had a hard disc of tissue under the nipple which was easily felt just by pushing fingertips onto the chest - it was clearly not fat. As your bodyfat levels get higher it isn't as easy to feel, but a doctor used to performing this sort of examination will be better at finding it through practice!

Good luck!

Pics | Op 3/6/05 Mr Paul Levick


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