Author Topic: what are my chances?  (Read 3477 times)

Offline b33

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what are my chances of naturally losing my gynecomastia? 

-i have had it for a little over 2 years now
-im skinny, so i got it from puberty and i know it isn't fat around my nipples
-i work out 2 days a week (have no idea if this helps or not)
-i have never smoked pot or drank a lot of alcohol at all

i have heard that 90% of boys get rid of it naturally within the first 3 years.  i don't really believe that number, so what do you all think? 

Offline Exit

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How old are you?

Offline b33

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i turned 16 a week ago

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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The consensus of many of the members on this site is that if you've had G for more than 2 years, you're stuck with it. Unless you have surgical intervention...

If you can get by, try to give it another year or two dude. If it hasn't gone by the time you turn 18, it isn't going away on its own...

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline joltera

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I'm no expert, but based off my own experience and from others I've discovered I'd say it will not go away naturally if it hasn't yet. Does it seem like the hard gland in your chest is growing even slowly since it first became noticeable or has it stayed the same? Personally

 I also come to believe that generally statistics, especially those posted on the internet, are sometimes inaccurate.

I developed gyne around say...11 or 12? I didn't drink or smoke anything for the first time until I was 17, at 16 my gyne was pretty bad for my size, although minor compared to some, since I am skinny as well no body fat minor gyne stood out alot. I do think that at 20 smoking and drinking has made my gyne a little bit worse, but not much it could just be my imagination.

Working out is fine, I pretty much have the same gym schedule, but I never directly work out my chest. I will hard core post-op but since your muscle is beneath your gland tissue that would certainly make your chest worse. 

Sorry to be a bearer of bad news but it's a grim reality for everyone.

My best advice for you is to talk to your parents. Tell them how you feel and ask them what your options are if any then proceed depending on your situation. If you want your man boobs gone, then do whatever it takes to reach that goal.
f*ck gyne

Offline b33

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yeah it is where it just feels like a bone or something in my nipple.  really, i cannot afford surgery and i simply cannot deal with this anymore.  especially with school coming up in 2 weeks.  im doing something about it. 

what is this stuff made out of?  it is just fat right?  well, i think i am going to poke a hole with a needle right outside of my nipple and try and squeeze some of it out.  im being dead serious.  i think it is worth the risk.

Offline joltera

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that wont do anything but hurt a lot and make you bleed. If your gyne is like mine which is likely is, its not fat. its gland tissue or breast tissue. It just feel like a lump and their is usually fluid under your nipple making it really puffy.

Just calm down, don't do anything stupid impulsively.

I know it's tough but your just going to have to deal with it and find a way to get surgery. Life sucks somtimes.

believe me my entire high school career was hiding and being annoyed and depressed by my boobs and even more so nipples.
But honestly it wasn't that bad, certainly didn't ruin my life although it was always present, always on my mind.
I never swam much or had a lot of confidence to go for girls and I've had a few issues having sex, but other than that dealing with gyne until I've come to the point where surgery was a option hasn't been that bad.

Get a job and start saving thats the best way to start. If you save 150 dollars for 38 months that's $5700 which means you could have surgery in a little over 3 years. Anything is possible it just depends on how hard your willing to work to get to your goal.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Great advice joltera!

i think i am going to poke a hole with a needle right outside of my nipple and try and squeeze some of it out.  im being dead serious.  i think it is worth the risk.

b33... you cannot just "squeeze out" glandular/fat tissue. It must be surgically removed.

Those that self medicate, have a fool for a doctor!!!  ;)


Offline headheldhigh01

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what they said, only louder.  

you won't fix it, and you couldn't do anything dumber.  don't become a headline on some weird-news website or win a darwin award ;)  
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline JamesVH

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From what I've heard/seen, if it's gonna go away on it's own it shouldn't take much over a year. It looks like it's here to stay, until you decide to have a surgeon slit it's throat like I did ;)


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