Author Topic: What to do about skinny dipping?  (Read 12838 times)

Offline chris1234567

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I met a girl last and we were getting along great until I had told her I didn't want to go skinny dipping. She took it as a sign that I wasn't interested in her. I know I've missed my chance with her but is there anyone that can give some idea on how to handle swimming in the future or at least a good excuse?

Offline Dave_8

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Same situation as you man. Doesn't gyne suck?
If you have gyne, dont expect not be laughed at.

Just like if you walk into a locker room, you're gonna see some hairy asses and dicks.

Unfortunately for me, both have occured in my life way too many times.

Offline shiftr

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Wow same thing happened to me just last week. It was kinda buggy that night so I told her I didn't want to get bitten all over, she agreed. 2 days left until surgery!

Offline gyne-be-gone

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I've been there too man. gyne has fucked up my sex life so many times its ridiculous. if your swimming outside though depending on where so live the water may be cold so at least your nipples would shrink and look normal
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Offline jsboob

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i go on holiday to spain often & seek out nudey beaches. believe me man, no one will give you a second glance!
 Humans come is ALL shapes & sizes & all nude, nobody can point & laugh! ;D

Offline Supergman11

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You could use a substitute and just start making out with her, gradually heat her up and then stick it. 8)

Offline miloseal

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yeah i know what u mean lol
i went on a trip with friends and they all decided to go skinny dipping and i just said that i was tied and went 2 bed :(

lucky 4 me i got the surgery and its looking good so look out girls im coming in! lol

Offline WishmasterK

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This last summer I went skinny dipping know one really cared that much.

Offline jsboob

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This last summer I went skinny dipping know one really cared that much.

 Ive always found that too. The person who most notices the gyne is you yourself, dont let it take over your life! There are many worse things you could be afflicted with.

Offline John16102

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When I was younger, I have felt all of the pain that you all feel today. I had missed opportunity after missed opportunity to be with some HOT looking young women that would have grossed out if they saw my breasts and they would have talked. I just did the avoidance thing or made sure they got on top. It was puzzling to some women as to why I was not interested in them or why did I not respond to their obvious flirts. I was a good looking guy who worked out very hard so I had a nice body and I could easily hide the breasts with clothes on. When I had one night stands, I made sure they were on top or doggy style. I also made sure the lights were off. It worked, I even had some one night stands call me the next day wanting more.

Oh these breasts of mine were a torment. Thank god my lovely wife who I met at 30 likes breasts. Her acceptance and pleasure of my breasts has take all of the stress away.

Offline hopefullydone

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dont forget that the water temperature is probably going to be much lower than your body temperature; therefore, if what youre dealing with is just puffy nipples, the cold water is going to keep your nipples erect.

just go for it, you know what she prolly wont even notice

Offline TomR1934

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i go on holiday to spain often & seek out nudey beaches. believe me man, no one will give you a second glance!
 Humans come is ALL shapes & sizes & all nude, nobody can point & laugh! ;D

I'm comfortable riding to the gum, changing' working out, sauna, steam room and redressing. Nom one cares. Lots of friends, regulars. Ar this point I am always toned, svelte, longish silver hair combed around not parted, enjoy beingnin lady Tanktops and shorts. Enjoy being you!

Offline Paa_Paw

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This is our issue, others seem not to care.

Once we learn this we are free.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Alchemist

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I met a girl last and we were getting along great until I had told her I didn't want to go skinny dipping. She took it as a sign that I wasn't interested in her. I know I've missed my chance with her but is there anyone that can give some idea on how to handle swimming in the future or at least a good excuse?

Hi Chris,

Go for it.  I'm a nudist and with every body being nude nobody is going to say anything about your body.  I find that the ladies usually don't care in the least and even like our breasts and usually "you can feel mine if I can feel yours".


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