Author Topic: question for doctor bermant  (Read 3135 times)

Offline triumph89

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Hi doctor Bermant,

I have minor puffy nipples from glands behind them, I was reading your website and was wondering if i have the glands removed would i also need fat flaps to stop cratering? Also would the fat flaps cause a puffy look like the gland did? Or do the fat flaps not affect how far the nipple sticks out? Also, in terms of scar tissue after the operation, does that go away completely with proper care, and does the scar tissue make the nipple stick out as well. Thanks.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2009, 06:59:08 PM by triumph89 »


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Hi doctor Bermant,

I have minor puffy nipples from glands behind them, I was reading your website and was wondering if i have the glands removed would i also need fat flaps to stop cratering? Also would the fat flaps cause a puffy look like the gland did? Or do the fat flaps not affect how far the nipple sticks out? Also, in terms of scar tissue after the operation, does that go away completely with proper care, and does the scar tissue make the nipple stick out as well. Thanks.

Puffy Nipple Anatomy typically consists of gland, fat, and skin. I prefer to target gland first and use my Dynamic Technique that adapts to what I find during surgery.  When there is mostly gland and little fat, then my Fat Flap option permits me to remove more gland and use nearby fat to provide a natural fat cushion for a more natural result especially on motion.  If the gland component is small enough, I do not need the fat flap.

After Surgery Scar Care is an important component to refining results.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline triumph89

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ok thanks. I have a couple of questions about fat flaps if you don't mind. Do fat flaps heal normally over time? Or is it something where the flaps could break apart at any time if you got accidently hit or something for the rest of your life. And do you need lots of fat on your chest in order to create the fat flaps. Also, how far in advance does one usually need to schedule a consultation with you. Thanks for any help.


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ok thanks. I have a couple of questions about fat flaps if you don't mind. Do fat flaps heal normally over time? Or is it something where the flaps could break apart at any time if you got accidently hit or something for the rest of your life. And do you need lots of fat on your chest in order to create the fat flaps. Also, how far in advance does one usually need to schedule a consultation with you. Thanks for any help.

Flaps are a workhorse of Plastic Surgery reconstruction, moving tissue from one location to another preserving the blood supply and can take on many forms.  You can find many examples of other flap reconstruction on my site.  I can evolve my Fat Flaps within quite thin layers of fat. After the tissue heals, no special protection is needed.  We are happy to help you explore your concerns during your consultation or preliminary remote discussion.

Jane is my office manager and can better help with what time we have available.  She can normally be reached at our office by phone Monday - Friday 9-5 Eastern Time at (804) 748-7737.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline mizuno

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With fat flaps can it grow bigger over time ? Causing the area to look like the gynecomastia has come back ?


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With fat flaps can it grow bigger over time ? Causing the area to look like the gynecomastia has come back ?

With weight gain fat cells can put on more fat, it is their function.  The Normal Male Fat Distribution is to put on new fat on the chest and abdomen.  Fat people have bigger breasts.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline mizuno

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Ok thanks and by weight gain I gather you refer to significant "weight gain".


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Ok thanks and by weight gain I gather you refer to significant "weight gain".

Significant weight gain usually results in significant contour issues and insignificant weight gain: insignificant contour issues.  The question really makes no real sense.  When someone with nearly no body fat puts on a few pounds, it can make for major contour changes.  The same pounds in someone morbidly obese will have negligible changes, that person will need much more to see a difference.

What I am talking about is the nature of the body and its fat cells.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction


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