Author Topic: Waited Far too Long... For nothing  (Read 3447 times)

Offline Blindside

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Hi all, I'm 17, and this is my first post. I've been looking around this site for a long time, and finally decided to post tonight. I've been super self-concious/depressed about my gyno for years, but never knew why I had these puffy nipples, and saggy breasts. I stumbled across this site about a year ago, and discovered that it had a name, and that surgery could be done to permanently correct it, but it was rarely covered by insurance, and very expensive. I decided that that was a long time in the future, and that I wouldn't be able to pay it on my own for quite some time. Recently, I came back to the site, and got very motiviated to look into the surgery/surgeons. What held me back was talking to my parents about it. We don't have the most open relationship, so I was very embarrassed to bring it up, or ask for help paying for the surgery. After coming back to the site, I got up the balls to talk to them tonight. I explained what it is, and what kind of psychological damage it's done to me over the years, and told them the price is usually around 5 grand, totally expecting them to just blow me off or make fun of me for taking my "moobs" so seriously. MUCH to my surprise, my mom was very receptive, and even said she would help me pay for it, or atleast cosign for a loan ??? I would have NEVER guessed her to respond this way, and was soooo happy it went well. I'd been wanting to talk to them for so long about this, but because of my fearful assumptions, I always held back. I wasted so much time (time they could have spent saving up to help me) because I didn't just bring it up and ask. I just want to encourage all of you teenagers with gyno to atleast bring it up/explain what it is to your parents, even if you're as scared of ridicule and rejection as I was. I won't hurt to ask. Who knows what will happen. I COMPLETELY expected my parents to be those parents who blew it off and tell me to lose weight.

I want to get it done before the summer of '11. I figure we can both save up enough by then, and get it done before that summer. I live in Wichita, KS, and had to explain to them the importance of getting a board certified surgeon. I figured if I researched one relatively close, they'd be more receptive to the idea because that would mean less money/hassle over traveling. I've heard many good things about Dr. Albin in Denver, and apparently he's had over 20 years experience doing gyno surgeries, so if anyone has had their surgery done by him, please tell me what your experience is like, or if there's any other relatively close, experienced surgeons within a few states from me. Thanks.

Offline headheldhigh01

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good advice and goals.  welcome to the sunlight of the unlurked  ;)
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Blindside

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Thanks a lot man. This site is an absolute God-send.

Offline Jopet

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Im really impressed d way u opened it up to ur parents. Way to go man. Gud luck to ur possible surgery.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Welcome and congratulations.

Perhaps your comments will be instrumental in getting someone else to open up and get help.

Some times, the greatest help is just the realization that we are not alone.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Blindside

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Welcome and congratulations.

Perhaps your comments will be instrumental in getting someone else to open up and get help.

Some times, the greatest help is just the realization that we are not alone.


That's the plan! I hope others are encouraged to seek help like I was from this site.

Not to get all mushy or anything, but I love the non-critical atmosphere here, and a sense of unity over this issue we all share. The support and encouragement is amazing. It's a breath of fresh air, and a nice change from every other online forum I've ever been to.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2009, 11:14:33 PM by Blindside »


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