Author Topic: Gyno Sufferer for 4-5 years, what do I do?! 4MothsPostOpPics - Opinions? Pg.9!  (Read 37900 times)

Offline wannabemassive

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I think time for massage i do is in the range of 3-5 min on each side.

Remember the techniques up and down left and right and small circles.

As for the press ups and exercise, when your ready. When i had the left side done i was in the gym 7 days later when i had the right one done it was 2weeks.

Just go through the motion feeling it in, then start going heavier.



Offline wantridofgyno17

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Okay thanks.

I think I'm going to go back to the doctor and see what she says, but I'm starting to think maybe it is gland that's there, going to see what she says and if I can maybe arrange another op.


Offline wantridofgyno17

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Okay so I've just been to see the GP who referred me and what her thoughts were. She said she thought there was definitely a big improvement and that how it looks now looked normal, and people wouldn't think twice looking at my chest on the beach etc.. She seemed to feel as if having another operation anytime soon would be a bad idea and I should wait atleast a year as changes could still take place due to healing etc. She also noticed the rhs didn't currently look as good as the left, which could be swelling (hopefully), so we'll have to see what happens there and if it sorts itself out. Also managed to get her to pescribe me some Bio-oil which is good as I didn't want to keep buying it (expensive!!) With regards to the mass in my chest, she believed this was normal male breast tissue and not scar tissue (scar tissue would be harder, and wouldn't be a disc mass rather it'd be along where the incision was.) Imo surely havn't a mass of tissue which you can quite capabley pinch between 2 fingers isn't normal though..? Should a normal male chest have any breast tissue like this, but just a small amount? Or none?

She also thought I should try and lose some fat and see how that effects my results, as I've 1-2 stone over the last 6-12 months so if I try and get back down to a better weight, see how it all looks then. So I'm hoping to try and lose some weight which shouldn't be a problem as I've done it in the past (lost ~5 stone) and know plenty about nutrition, exercising etc. Next stop is seeing Mr.Masood again in march, and the GP said I should take it up with him as much as possible and explain my thoughts/feelings to him and see what he says and how he feels about it all and then go from there!

So still very uncertain atm, I will try and get more pictures up soon (I'm over 6 weeks post-op now.)

« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 12:48:36 PM by wantridofgyno17 »

Offline wantridofgyno17

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Hi, it sounds as though you are not completely happy at the moment? 

Without being too negative, given your immediate post-op pictures I'm not too surprised that you are still feeling a bit uncertain....... I mean there is an improvement and you won't know the final result until after the swelling has gone (6weeks is too soon), weight loss may or may not help but dropping a few lbs wont hurt................   but the overall flatness which other members are posting just isn't there in your post op pictures.

If you can still pinch a good lump of tissue then you either have breast tissue left over or significant scar tissue built up.... scar tissue feels quite ropey and firm (also quite tender in my experience!).   

I still have scar tissue on my chest 12+ months later, but it does reduce and resolve itself massively over time, if it is scar tissue then a bit of gentle massage appears to help free it up and break it down........ I just use cocoa butter because I like the smell and it is cheaper than bio-oil. ;D ;D

edit:  I was told that if the scar on the outside is still red then there is still healing taking place underneath  the surface..... may be a bit hard to tell from the tiny scars the lipo tools leave though........ FYI some of my scars took 18months to fade.

Yep I'm not happy at all if i'm honest. There's an improvement but it's still far from perfect imo. The doctor said it was definitely breast tissue and not scar tissue, and that sounds about right to me as it's been like this since right after the operation, I can't imagine that much scar tissue could have developed in that time (especially as I've had a compression vest on 24/7.)

I was discussing with my mum about how I could try and raise the money to get it done with karadis (£4,000.) I think I MAY be able to raise the money (would involve selling car etc). The doctor said she thought I should wait and give it atleast a year before any more surgery, but I'm sick of this problem and it's run my life for too long and I'm so tempted to just say f*ck it and get it done with karadis and be done with it. What are peoples thoughts on this? And how soon can I have safely have the operation after my last op...?


Offline kingboob

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You would have to speak to the surgeon about a time frame, but my guess is that you will need 6 months really.  You can not expect a surgeon to operate on an area which is still potentially healing from a trauma and get a consistent result......... he could over correct or under correct due to scar tissue and swelling.

6 months gives you time to save up anyway....... if it is still breast tissue then it isn't going to go away,  fat can dissolve with weight loss but not gland as far as I know.

Offline wantridofgyno17

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Had my 2nd post-op appointment since the operation earlier, was meant to be with Mr.Masood but got there and it was a different person.. He said did I have any concerns or questions, I said I wasn't particuarly happy with the result (although there's improvement).. Showed him and he had a quick feel. He said that there was scar tissue there (which I can feel too I think as there's a very hard bit of mass, he also said there's a disc bit which has to be there otherwise the nipple would cave in or fall off (can't remember which one) is that right..? He told me to massage twice a day which I was doing but lately havn't been so much, so I guess I'm going to try and get on top of that. I also want to lose some weight as I've gained weight and I have more bodyfat than I should do so that may help too.

So yeah, 4 months post-op, still not particuarly happy and still wouldn't take my shirt off in public and wear my compression vest still under clothes. I do feel there's improvement but now what I was expecting.. Whether or not I need another op I guess I'll have to see. I'll try and get some pictures up soonish when I can. Although I think if I manage to lose the weight and massage and I'm still not happy with the result in say several months at the most, I'll go and see Karidis and try and get a loan and go that route if there's still improvement to be had.

Cheers fellas.

Offline kingboob

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You should really get the overall impression of the final result by 6 months.    However small improvements have been known to continue for up to a year.....  swelling and scar tissue is a funny thing, it isn't always obvious that it is there until it is gone........... if that makes any sense??

Also, nipples should not cave in or fall off when the gland/lump is removed if it is done by a surgeon experienced in gynecomastia reduction................. but that is the problem really, you never know how much experience an NHS surgeon has because there isn't any way to find out.


Offline wantridofgyno17

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Yeah I realise there's possible room for improvement, but I'm thinking the amount of improvement I'd like isn't going to happen without another surgery. If I have any more surgery I'll only have it with Karidis, I don't want to risk going through the whole experience again without being sure I'm getting the best possible result. I don't know how to go about it though.. I'm thinking once I finish school in June if nothings been done by then, I'll try and get in full time employment and just get a loan and be done with it - I know people look down on credit as it's a risky path, but it seems worthwhile if it ends this crap. I'm gutted it wasn't sorted first time, I was hoping this summer would be the first I could really enjoy in years and hit he beach etc, but no.

I'm going to see if there's any family that can lend me the money but I'm not too hopeful, I think there MAY be a possibility but it's alot of money to ask for and I don't know what the situation is like for them, so we'll have to see I guess. I'm still meaning to get some pics up so you guys can see, but in terms of chest shape it's pretty much the same as the last pictures I put up, possibly a little better but not a great deal. I'm still wearing my compression vest under clothes as it still protrudes too much in just a shirt/polo or what have you without it.


Offline wantridofgyno17

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Here's some pictures I just took. I want 100% honest opinions on how bad you think it is? There's a possibility I can get the money for the operation if I were to sell my car and mum could possibly lend me a small amount for the rest.. Deep down I'd hate to sell my car as I've recently got a new one and I love it to bits, at the same time it's only a material object and if I need another operation to get rid of this problem then I guess in the long run it's well worth it! Thoughts?

Offline kingboob

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There is a clear improvement from the pictures you posted in Dec 2009 and your chest does look flatter and less droopy than when you started.... ir looks more muscular and masculine rather than breast like... IMO anyway.

However it could possibly be flatter still... depends on what you personally feel is an ideal shape.  I would say your chest is within normal range now, but at the same time I can understand why you might have hoped for it to be completely flat as a board.

What does stand out is the bit of tethering / crease you have on the right side..... In my experience this takes a very long time and a fair bit of firm massaging to get it to un-stick itself, - In my case I  actually  had my nipple unstuck as a revision when I was having something else done, although it did stick back down again and will probably require a further touch up at some point...........

The problem is the more surgery you have the more scar tissue you get and the harder it is to get an acceptable result, the longer the healing takes, the longer the swelling sticks around etc etc etc.

I would be tempted to give it a few more months before doing anything, get some cream and give the area a gentle massage as well.

I have no medical skills at all btw... just had a fair bit of surgery myself and giving my opinion based on experience of having that done......   could be complete BS but no one else appears to have commented which is a shame.

Ultimately it doesn't really matter what anyone else thinks anyway; it is all about how you feel........... Don't rush in to anything because further surgery with the wrong surgeon could make things a whole lot worse (you now need someone experienced in revisions & gynecomastia if you are going to seek more surgery).   I think you could go on the beach without any comments now, which is an improvement over your before pictures anyhow.

« Last Edit: April 26, 2010, 04:18:06 PM by kingboob »

Offline wantridofgyno17

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There is a clear improvement from the pictures you posted in Dec 2009 and your chest does look flatter and less droopy than when you started.... ir looks more muscular and masculine rather than breast like... IMO anyway.

However it could possibly be flatter still... depends on what you personally feel is an ideal shape.  I would say your chest is within normal range now, but at the same time I can understand why you might have hoped for it to be completely flat as a board.

What does stand out is the bit of tethering / crease you have on the right side..... In my experience this takes a very long time and a fair bit of firm massaging to get it to un-stick itself, - In my case I  actually  had my nipple unstuck as a revision when I was having something else done, although it did stick back down again and will probably require a further touch up at some point...........

The problem is the more surgery you have the more scar tissue you get and the harder it is to get an acceptable result, the longer the healing takes, the longer the swelling sticks around etc etc etc.

I would be tempted to give it a few more months before doing anything, get some cream and give the area a gentle massage as well.

I have no medical skills at all btw... just had a fair bit of surgery myself and giving my opinion based on experience of having that done......   could be complete BS but no one else appears to have commented which is a shame.

Ultimately it doesn't really matter what anyone else thinks anyway; it is all about how you feel........... Don't rush in to anything because further surgery with the wrong surgeon could make things a whole lot worse (you now need someone experienced in revisions & gynecomastia if you are going to seek more surgery).   I think you could go on the beach without any comments now, which is an improvement over your before pictures anyhow.

Yeah I agree with everything you've said there really. I'm massaging with Bio-oil at the moment so hopefully that will help, will have to see how that works out. Also *want* to try and lose some weight, just need to get my ass in gear..

If I'm going to have anything done further it'll be with Karidis no doubt about it, I don't want to risk another dissapointing result, I want to know I'm getting the best possible result. But I think I really need to try and lose weight and massage the area to see what happens with the scar tissue etc first - although I'd happily have an op tomorrow to have it sorted!

Offline kingboob

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Hi, yeah weight loss might help........ I need & want to lose a bit of weight myself, but every time I decide to make an effort I screw it up within a day!   

Anyhow, just be aware that it may not be possible to get a 100% perfect result now (whoever you go with), because the surgeon is working with scar tissue and stuff.

Also, I don't think a good surgeon like Karidis would touch you for a few months until everything is 100% healed.

Offline wantridofgyno17

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Hi, yeah weight loss might help........ I need & want to lose a bit of weight myself, but every time I decide to make an effort I screw it up within a day!   

Anyhow, just be aware that it may not be possible to get a 100% perfect result now (whoever you go with), because the surgeon is working with scar tissue and stuff.

Also, I don't think a good surgeon like Karidis would touch you for a few months until everything is 100% healed.

Yeah I seem to be the same! Yeah I guess that's probably right, but I wouldn't be looking to have another OP for a good few months I don't think at best, so hopefully by then it'll be more healed up etc.

Offline wantridofgyno17

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Would appreciate more feedback on post-op pictures..


Offline Deymorin

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Hey buddy,

Is that photo taken when you're tensing or is that fold on the right of your chest there all the time?
I think I agree that you probably could lose a little bit of weight too...

Overall I'd say it's an improvement from your previous pics mate. If you're thinking about a 2nd surgery go and see Karadis and get his opinions. He was actually honest enough to tell me that I didn't really need an op, so I think he's tell you realistically if he thinks he can help you. I guess it depends if you have gland left etc. It will only cost you £80 (charity donation) so you can feel good about yourself too lol

Good luck mate


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