Author Topic: Fellow gyno sufferer for 30 years  (Read 2017 times)

Offline alphazone

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Hi guys,
             First of all I would like to thank all of you for providing me with information and all the resources to do what was right for me. I have been a lurker on this website for over a year but never posted and kinda felt that I was cheating by not sharing so here I am. I will be posting my life story as well in the other section.
 Anyways my life has been a train wreck due to this condition, I am a man with above average intelligence who had very good career prospects but all that changed due to gynecomastia. I steered my life in a direction where I was comfortable with my condition working dead end jobs and not pursuing a career. Got surgery last year in 2015 march and have mixed feelings abt it. For a year I was extremely happy but now I feel that I am growing someway somehow or my chest just feels bigger. The t-shirts that I was comfortable in do not fit comfortably anymore so not sure what to make of it. Will be posting some pics for reference once i figure that part out
Thanks again guys for everything that you guys have done for me. 

Offline magnesium

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You are telling my story 100%. I hope it is all just psychological and that you will experience that same satisfaction you did initially. 

Offline VICTOR_G

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Seems more of a mental trauma. im sure the trauma of having gyno for so long affected first month after surgery i kept having to look at myself in the mirrors at stores because i felt like i still had my original gyno but i had to get used to this new body and that i no longer had it. Good luck  (Victor Garcia Gynecomastia)

Offline Paa_Paw

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Welcome aboard. 
My story is a bit different. I grew up in a time when male breast reduction was not common and results were not anything to boast about.  That changed with the introduction of new surgical techniques including Liposuction.  By that time though, I was nearing 50 and had different priorities.  Now 79 and still roughly a 46 B.  The condition itself never actually harmed me in any way.   My attitude about the condition was a stumbling block, but the condition itself was not.  Over time I found that the easiest way to deal with something I did not like was to ignore it. I have never thought of myself as anything other than a perfectly normal male.  
Grandpa Dan

Offline Alchemist

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Hi Alphazone,
I have had gynecomastia since age 12 or so, well before surgery was even being done for such.  I'm 68 now (50 D to DD cups)..  Having recovered from a chronic disease, not related to gynecomastia, something I would have to say.  Let's say I had chronic fatigue and could no longer do many things of life.  Here is the question I would ask.  Is a person who "recovers" from CFS but doesn't add back in all the activities they had given up for decades or new items despite having energy back, they still act exactly as if they were still sick having the condition.  Are they recovered?

So 30 years of condition limited behavior by a condition limited to basically one symptom and no physical impairment, is not likely to go away easily.  You worked a long time building up all the abnormal concern with what you look like to oithers, avoidance mechanisms and the ways to hide those too, then building the ways to conceal the concealments into yourself because even admitting such avoidances is taboo.  I'm speaking from experience.  Some were as concerned about the scars or shape or whatever that they did not achieve the behavior targets, acting normally about shirts and swimming and so on because people who see the scars will know that you had enlarged breasts etc. 

I became a nudist, accepted my body and got rid of my body issues.  I wear shirts that fit and comfortable in summer temperatures, I go swimming, even at public pools.  However I never built up avoiding the activities of life; swimming, going out with girls or women, performing in plays and singing.  I got angry with bullies who harassed me and dealt with them as bullies.  I certainly wasn't going to let a bully run my life or my fears about what they might think, run or ruin my life.  They were not giving me the reciprocal right to run their life.
Good luck.  You can declare yourself the winner and stop having a train wreck of a life.  You don't have to keep this battle going the rest of your life.  Let go of it and enjoy your life.  Go to a nudist club for vacation and declare your freedom.  Be  satisfied with what you had done and the results/  Nobody else cares.


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