Author Topic: Gyno Sufferer for 4-5 years, what do I do?! 4MothsPostOpPics - Opinions? Pg.9!  (Read 38275 times)

Offline somedude999

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Hi mate, I just wanted to say thanks for making this thread.
I am currently under refferal for gyne at Salisbury hospital, seen plastic surgeon once and she refused to operate on me, been prescribed tamoxifen and told to see her again in August and she may consider it again.

I wasn't even sure I would want surgery on the NHS but was obviously desperate, after reading your thread I plucked up some courage and sent my parents an email explaining everything, they have reluctantly agreed to help me out with £3k towards a private operation. I want to go with Karidis so will have to find the extra £1500 somehow but this is a massive step forward for me.

Thanks again and best of luck with your appointment.

Offline wantridofgyno17

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Hi mate, I just wanted to say thanks for making this thread.
I am currently under refferal for gyne at Salisbury hospital, seen plastic surgeon once and she refused to operate on me, been prescribed tamoxifen and told to see her again in August and she may consider it again.

I wasn't even sure I would want surgery on the NHS but was obviously desperate, after reading your thread I plucked up some courage and sent my parents an email explaining everything, they have reluctantly agreed to help me out with £3k towards a private operation. I want to go with Karidis so will have to find the extra £1500 somehow but this is a massive step forward for me.

Thanks again and best of luck with your appointment.

She probably did you a favour indirectly! Personally would recommend NHS to anyone expecting a very good result from my experience, obviously some others may disagree. Glad to hear your parents are willing to help you out! I'd definitely go with Karidis if I were you, may as well go with the best when your spending that sort of money!

Good luck bud!

Offline wantridofgyno17

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Right well I'm all set, going up to London today to see the one and only Dr. Karidis! I'll update you guys later to let you know what he says etc, hopefully he'll be able to put some light at the end of the tunnel so to speak, and I'll be one step closer to truly being gyne-free!

Laters guys!  ;D

Offline wantridofgyno17

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Well! Got to the hospital about 45 minutes early, however upon arrival I had to fill in a couple of forms which helped kill some of this time. Finding the hospital was a doddle, literally walk down the road straight over from the underground station about 100 meters and voila. Inside and out the hospital was very nice and seemed much better presented than your everyday NHS hospital which was reassuring.

When I finally met Karidis he was as I was expecting, really nice genuine guy, clearly knows what he's talking about and he's very easy to talk to - put me at ease etc! Was in there speaking to him for about 15 minutes. Basically the main points were:

- He CAN get me flat.. no doubt about that.
- There is a risk of more creasing.. he said normally for the first op with him, this risk would be 2-3%, and it'd be about 5-6% given I've already had the NHS op so still no massive risk.
- Reason for areolas having a bumpy/uneven appearance was due to remaining bits of gland.
- Creasing may be helped by removing the remainder of this gland + fat as it may be this that's resisting the skin on my chest tightening up.
- Would be happy to do the op from October onwards.. So I'll hopefully have it at the beginning of October, however I haven't booked anything as of yet.
- Lowering my BF% wasn't going to make any real difference for the op at my weight, so he said not too worry about it (however I may do so anyway, or start clean bulking - not sure yet!)
- Said my scar tissue was pretty soft and hence why he'd be happy to operate from October onwards opposed to 12 months +
- Would be a normal day case, nothing different.

One interesting thing he did mention was, after having the first op where scar tissue develops, the fat which is broken up in lipo but not removed can form 'around' this scar tissue, so when the scar tissue/fat is removed, the whole lot comes out, which can sometimes cause too much to come out from a desired area, which I never realized before.

Overall he seemed pretty confident in what he could do for me, was clear about what he could do and what the risks were (potentially more creasing) however was sure he could get me a flat chest - so I'm happy to take that risk I think (fingers crossed the second op will actually help fix the creasing though!  ;D) Top bloke, was a pleasure to finally meet him and I'm certain now that if I go with anyone for this second op, he's my man! Told me if I have any more questions which I forgot to ask (did get a bit of a mental block once I was in there) just to give give him a call!

So now I just need to get all my money together and make the final decision, right now I'd say I'm 90%+ towards going for it, but the final decision will be made once I've got all the money and I'm ready to book the surgery.  :)

Offline kingboob

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So does he think he can fix the creasing or is the main goal to get you flatter?

Think carefully about the risk of more creasing or cratering, it may be that you can get totally flat but still your nipples/areolas may look a bit funky.   Would you be happy paying for that result?

Over all it sounds really positive, but I think you are going to have to accept that a perfect result may not be possible now the NHS guy has gone in there and left all that scar tissue which Karidis has to deal with.

What did he say he would do, lipo+excision?    Will he also be able to use the old scars as the entry point, saving further scarring?

Offline wantridofgyno17

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So does he think he can fix the creasing or is the main goal to get you flatter?

Think carefully about the risk of more creasing or cratering, it may be that you can get totally flat but still your nipples/areolas may look a bit funky.   Would you be happy paying for that result?

Over all it sounds really positive, but I think you are going to have to accept that a perfect result may not be possible now the NHS guy has gone in there and left all that scar tissue which Karidis has to deal with.

What did he say he would do, lipo+excision?    Will he also be able to use the old scars as the entry point, saving further scarring?

Main goal is to get me flat, creasing may improve/fix, it all depends on how the skin responds. Could be remaining gland/fat resisting it tightening up and removing them may resolve it. As I said, there's a small risk it could be worse. But I'd rather have a flat chest with the creasing, than what I have now which is a chest which sticks out and creasing, but ultimately a flat chest without creasing would be the ultimate goal!

Lipo + excision, using his normal entry point, so shouldn't really be any more scarring.

Offline thetodd

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Sounds good. But i will say this karidis is a bit of a smooth talker. He ultimately makes it sound like its going to be a walk in the park and breezes past the bad parts. Those percentages seem a bit far fetched a 3% difference in creasing when he just visually looked at the scar tissue. Ive got no doubt that he will leave you with a good result but a 96% chance of success sounds a bit to good to be true. And i got creasing in my nipples now so i must have been the one in the 98 percentile

I do think he'l be able to sort you out in getting flat which is what you want. But i dont think your chest sticks out to much everyone's got something on their chest. Its because your aereola's are large which make it look out of proportion and i dont see how doing a standard operation will fix that
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline wantridofgyno17

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Sounds good. But i will say this karidis is a bit of a smooth talker. He ultimately makes it sound like its going to be a walk in the park and breezes past the bad parts. Those percentages seem a bit far fetched a 3% difference in creasing when he just visually looked at the scar tissue. Ive got no doubt that he will leave you with a good result but a 96% chance of success sounds a bit to good to be true. And i got creasing in my nipples now so i must have been the one in the 98 percentile

I do think he'l be able to sort you out in getting flat which is what you want. But i dont think your chest sticks out to much everyone's got something on their chest. Its because your aereola's are large which make it look out of proportion and i dont see how doing a standard operation will fix that

No it's 2-3% normally, then 5-6% now he reckons, which would mean 94% of an op with NO MORE creasing.. that's not incorporating the existing creasing. That will depend on whether fixing the last surgeons mess (i.e. removing all the remaining gland/fat) will allow the skin to tighten up hence fixing the creasing. If you've got creasing, it's either due to scar tissue which should fix itself over time or loose skin, which will either tighten up or not.

I'm not happy with my chest that's all that matters. He said himself, he didn't think your everyday would notice the difference but someone who knew what they were looking for would. He told me what he'd removed (if I tense, and pinch, everything that I pinch basically) which is a fair amount and would certainly make a noticeable different to my chest imo. My areolas are quite large but it's not that I don't think, it's how they're even and what not because of the gland. My mate has areolas similar size to mine but he doesn't have gyno and it looks fine, where as mine looks pretty crap!

Offline kingboob

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Sounds good. But i will say this karidis is a bit of a smooth talker. He ultimately makes it sound like its going to be a walk in the park and breezes past the bad parts. Those percentages seem a bit far fetched a 3% difference in creasing when he just visually looked at the scar tissue. Ive got no doubt that he will leave you with a good result but a 96% chance of success sounds a bit to good to be true. And i got creasing in my nipples now so i must have been the one in the 98 percentile

I do think he'l be able to sort you out in getting flat which is what you want. But i dont think your chest sticks out to much everyone's got something on their chest. Its because your aereola's are large which make it look out of proportion and i dont see how doing a standard operation will fix that

Are you going cold on Karidis now? The other day you said someone should go and see Levick...... and I thought you were the Karidis fanboy and I was here to sing Levick's praises... :D :D 

only joking.

Seriously though, creasing of the nipples, cratering and general uneven results seems to be a really common side effect or complication of gynecomastia surgery.  If you have no life and spend time browsing the internet for before and after pictures of gyne correction you will see that this type of problem occurs WAY more often than the surgeons let on.

I think this is why some people start to get so upset after surgery.  The surgery is sold as a cure but really even with a great surgeon a cure is not always possible and you might always have some kind of issue.    I mean the surgeons obviously know the score and will look at a 90% improvement as a great result, however  some of us will only see the remaining 10% and are probably destined never to be fully happy.

Having said all that, I do think wantrid17 has a genuine concern and there probably is room for improvement, I mean Karidis wouldn't offer surgery if he didn't think he could make it better........... I just think he needs to keep in mind that a perfect result is difficult to achieve. 

 I'm sceptical about a 96% chance of success on a revision to be honest.  I doubt even Dr Bermant would claim such results and he is like the top US surgeon for gyne revisions according to most people around here.

Offline kingboob

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My areolas are quite large but it's not that I don't think, it's how they're even and what not because of the gland. My mate has areolas similar size to mine but he doesn't have gyno and it looks fine, where as mine looks pretty crap!

So is Karidis expecting the surgery to help even out and shrink the areolas  (sp?) as well?

Offline thetodd

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lmao karidis will always have my recommendation. But he does make it sound like a walk in a park and after ive read a few hundred posts on here quoting karidis saying "i can make you pancake flat". I think shit ... he used that line on me the smooth criminal. I think id recommend levick for revisions because of his knowledge and i think people write him off by saying

"well karidis's patients don't have revisions"

thats because it costs £2.5k. When i hear that levick offers keloid surgery for scars (which i would like) for free! which karidis doesnt offer at all it winds me up a bit.

Offline kingboob

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lmao karidis will always have my recommendation. But he does make it sound like a walk in a park and after ive read a few hundred posts on here quoting karidis saying "i can make you pancake flat". I think shit ... he used that line on me the smooth criminal. I think id recommend levick for revisions because of his knowledge and i think people write him off by saying

"well karidis's patients don't have revisions"

thats because it costs £2.5k. When i hear that levick offers keloid surgery for scars (which i would like) for free! which karidis doesnt offer at all it winds me up a bit.

My understanding was that Karidis didn't charge for revisions if they were needed?

Offline thetodd

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he waived his fee if he warranted the need for revision

but you still have to pay a ridiculous hospital fee anyway, then the anaesthetist etc. id imagine it would be closer to 3k than 2k

Offline wantridofgyno17

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So is Karidis expecting the surgery to help even out and shrink the areolas  (sp?) as well?

No that was never mentioned.. I said where the remaining gland is behind the areola, it's the cause of it looking uneven/bumpy etc, so removing this + the fat should give them a more normal/natural look.. Whether or not they'll change in size I don't know, I suppose it's quite possible given there's still gland just behind the areola, and karidis said this was causing a bit of puffiness still (personally I wouldn't call them puffy what so ever! but hey, if that's what he says, I guess he knows best.)

So can the appearance of the areolas be improved by having this surgery, I think so. Will they change in size? Who knows.. As I said it's not really the size that bothers me anyway, it's the appearance.


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