Author Topic: Height AND 'Gynecomastia'....  (Read 10726 times)

Offline headheldhigh01

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around 6, but i don't know many people much shorter.  i don't see much on the nba, though i guess the guys who had it probably stayed off the courts.  to ME the connection would be that we grew taller drinking heavily hormone-laden dairy stuff in childhood, which led to both effects, and i've said here before i've suspected that connection for years, especially as a trend in the post-ww2 years. 
« Last Edit: September 26, 2009, 05:41:41 PM by headheldhigh01 »
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Paa_Paw

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Mom 5' 2"

Dad 5' 9"

Me 5' 10" Now age of 72 years either old or young depending on how the day is going.

My sons are all my height or taller. Some say this is due to the fact that we are healthier generally than previous generations and have more to eat. I heard somewhere that the average height has increased about two inches over the last hundred years. It might be worth looking into.
Grandpa Dan

Offline KL

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Dad is 6' 2"
Mom is 5' 7"
I'm 6'5"

Offline jimmy663

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mom 5'-2"
dad 5'-8"
me 6'-0"

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Hmmm... again, the majority of respondents are 6'+....

Where are all those guys who are <6'.  That the docs speak of  ???.

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Offline CodySockeye

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c-c-combo breaker

Dad: 6'0
Mom: 5'3
Me: 5'6

Only 16 i guess theres still chance for me to grow but I haven't had a spurt in about 3 years.

Offline b33

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mom- 5'0
dad- 5'9
me- 5'3, almost 5'4

im only 16 and i grew like 4 and a half inches this past year.  i am "supposed" to grow to 5'7 says my doctor, but they are always wrong.  they told my friend he was "supposed" to get to 6'4 or 6'5 and he is at 5'11 right now and hasn't grown in almost 2 years.

hopefully they are wrong and i can get onto the taller side.  i have grown a half an inch in about 2 months...i really want to hit one huge growth spirt.

Offline bamboocha

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My dad: 5' 11''
My mom: 5' 7''
Me: 5' 11''

Pretty normal, I guess, sorry.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Thanks for all the replies guys!!!  ;)


Offline Hope

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Interesting that there are alot of tall guys...

My parents are around 5' 6-7", however I am the tallest in my family and I am 6'3".

Personally I dont think there is a relation between the 2 but you never know.

I remember Levick saying to me that the left side of the moob was in his experience always larger then the right side, I was the same case...
*Gyne free thanks to Mr Levick on  April 9th 2009*

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I remember Levick saying to me that the left side of the moob was in his experience always larger then the right side, I was the same case...

Same here...  Interesting!!!

I see you are a ManU fan... so is my dad.


Offline confused_satisfaction

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Personally, I think a lot of it has to do with when you hit puberty and what you do when you are just going through it. I don't want to speak for everyone but I would take a guess that a lot of the 6'+ guys hit puberty at a fairly young age? Or started it at least?

Maybe hitting puberty before everyone else put stress on us and that caused an imbalance in hormones and here we are now? haha I'm stretching it maybe..

I know for a fact that my diet was really poor when I was going through puberty and I think that would have played a factor on my hormone levels a bit.. a long with stress.

And btw:

Dad - 6'2
Mom - 5'7
Me - 6'5

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Personally, I think a lot of it has to do with when you hit puberty and what you do when you are just going through it. I don't want to speak for everyone but I would take a guess that a lot of the 6'+ guys hit puberty at a fairly young age? Or started it at least?

Maybe hitting puberty before everyone else put stress on us and that caused an imbalance in hormones and here we are now? haha I'm stretching it maybe..

I hit puberty late...


Offline Mauranius

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me 1.73 meter
dad 1.70 meter
mom 1.73 meter
brother 1 2.05 meter
brother 2 1.90 meter

Neither one of the family has G

Offline Pacifico

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Mom 6'
Dad  6'1''
Me   6'5"

I do see it in many tall guys as well.


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