Author Topic: Rate my gyno + need some tips from u (Fixed -now can see pics)  (Read 5736 times)

Offline venosmaster

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I have consulted a surgeon and he said i don't have a severe case. but its really disturbing my!
I want to hear your opinion:
another thing i want is that u tel me how to tell this to my parents... (I still live with my parents in the 2 years)
and I don't know how they will react  :-\
I have thought to do this without telling them... Is it possible?
Will I be able to take care myself after the surgery?
do u have any tips for me?
« Last Edit: October 23, 2009, 06:49:16 AM by venosmaster »

Offline krucial

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your pic links are acting up! cant see nothing....

Offline Jaxed23

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Offline venosmaster

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I think I want this surgery!
buy your opinion is very important to my also...

Offline krucial

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go with the surgery ! lipo and gland excission.thats my opinion of course.. consult with more than 1 surgeon..

Offline krucial

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As far as parent go.. it depends how they are! if there cool ,go ahead and tell them..(unless ur parents talk alot then good luck in keeping this within a few people) if not then idk what to tell you! stay somewhere for a couple of weeks.  I would think that would be okay....

Offline fluffy_tits

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haha goin through the samething you are!!  I'm not tellin mah mom!  I have surgery oct. 28th!  i only told 3 close friends and i almost had to tell my grandmother cause she was goin to be my last resort to have someone drive me home from the hospital but my friends are helping me out!
My before and after surgery pics: Leave a comment if you look!! (HAD THE WRONG LINK UP! THIS IS THE ONE WITH ALL THE PICS)

Offline headheldhigh01

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you have it bad enough to be unhappy with it and get the op. 

another thing i want is that u tel me how to tell this to my parents... (I still live with my parents in the 2 years)  and I don't know how they will react  :-\
I have thought to do this without telling them... Is it possible?
Will I be able to take care myself after the surgery?
do u have any tips for me

it is possible to do it without them, but a lot less if you're still living there.  you just have to decide if you want their support or want to do it on your own.  you would not have a severe recovery and could probably get by with maybe a day or three in a motel, but consult with a doc about it. 

this is an approach i suggested to someone once before if i tried to picture myself telling parents years ago the way i wish i had if i'd known what this was.  either in person or in writing. 

"mom, dad, i've had something on my mind i wanted to discuss.  this is a little embarassing for me to talk about, but it's something i have to deal with. 

i've noticed i've had a physical condition, so i did a little research on it.  the technical name for it is gynecomastia, and it happens a lot in puberty, in fact most men get it in at least some degree temporarily.  in most cases it goes away in the first 2-3 years, but in others it can stick around. 

apparently if your hormone ratios go a little odd, guys can develop enlargement in the breast area.  normally it makes people's lives hell because they get teased about it pretty mercilessly, they get depressed and don't talk about it, -- but there are surgical procedures that can correct it too.   the price range runs anywhere from $3-6000 depending on surgeon, location, complexity of the case, and so on. 

i'm still researching this and talking to a bunch of people i've discovered online who've suffered from the same condition, but i'm learning a lot.  a lot of surgeons won't operate till the hormones restabilize a little, but i should be ready.  it's normal for people to try to minimize it and say oh it's nothing, or you just need to exercise, but that doesn't fix it, it can really mess your life up inside and out, and i'd like to explore getting it fixed and having a normal life." 

(optional if finances become an issue):  i understand it's a lot of money, but it's not something i decided on lightly, and you have to understand how important it is for me, so if i have to take a job or two to help pull my weight on this one and start saving, i just want you to know that that's how much this means to me. 

adjust to fit your circumstances as needed :) 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline venosmaster

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Hello Everyone! I have done the surgery  :)
I am few days after and I feel great.
It was only a lipo suction, And The surgeon is a plastic surgery Proffersor.
I will upload pics in 1 or 2 weeks.

Offline bewbies

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Offline bewbies

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What is with the smiley? I would happily pay that much if I had the money.

Offline headheldhigh01

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he may not be in the states, that money might be harder to come by depending on where you are. 

of course it's starting to get harder here too!  :(


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