Author Topic: Losing Weight  (Read 12708 times)

Offline joborik

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My quick story is that I have been fat all of my life, peaking at 260 lbs and 6'1" when I was 16. I dropped down to 220 that same year, and since then I've worked my way down to 200 from various diets/changes in lifestyle (currently 21). I've had boobs the whole time, and it sucks. I hate taking my shirt off because I feel people staring at me, but I'm also freakishly hairy, so it's probably more because of that.

I still want to lose more weight and get down to around 165 lbs or so, but it's hard to find the motivation with the boobs still floppin' around.

However, every time I've lost weight, I've always thought that I looked better because of it, even if the boobs are there. My question is, has anyone ever lost enough weight and then been satisfied with how they look afterwords, even if they still have the boobage? It's hard finding motivation to lose the additional weight, and I'm kind of hoping for some here, but it seems like most people just say, "get surgery, you'll feel better."

Offline lighting506

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It kinda sucks - even if you lose weight in other areas, the chest will remain pretty much the same, and it will only make the chest stand out more.

I always hated working out (swimming / jogging / gym ) just because of the gyno. Really depressing. I'm sure after I recover from my surgery I'll work out a lot. :)

So it is possible to keep on the confidence, but easier said than done.


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My quick story is that I have been fat all of my life, peaking at 260 lbs and 6'1" when I was 16. I dropped down to 220 that same year, and since then I've worked my way down to 200 from various diets/changes in lifestyle (currently 21). I've had boobs the whole time, and it sucks. I hate taking my shirt off because I feel people staring at me, but I'm also freakishly hairy, so it's probably more because of that.

I still want to lose more weight and get down to around 165 lbs or so, but it's hard to find the motivation with the boobs still floppin' around.

However, every time I've lost weight, I've always thought that I looked better because of it, even if the boobs are there. My question is, has anyone ever lost enough weight and then been satisfied with how they look afterwords, even if they still have the boobage? It's hard finding motivation to lose the additional weight, and I'm kind of hoping for some here, but it seems like most people just say, "get surgery, you'll feel better."

Congratulations on your weight loss!  Does it not feel much better with that weight off?  60 pounds is quite an achievement.  35 pounds of additional weight loss after surgery can be a factor after surgery compromising the result.

After Major Weight Loss skin and supporting tissues retract only so much leaving sagging and drooping.  These are usually global factors affecting most regions of the body.  For men, the sagging chest is often the biggest concern.  However, there are often issues of the stomach, thighs, buttocks, arms, and more.  While a Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty can help with the front, a Lower Body Lift helps deal with the stomach, thighs, and buttock sagging. 

Low Nipples Do Not Look Good on the Male Chest.

Excess Skin of the Male Chest with Gynecomastia comes in various degrees.  Here are my Standard Pictures for Evaluating Extra Skin on the Male Chest.

Weight loss before surgery is usually much better than weight loss after surgery. Weight loss is a coarse tool, Plastic Surgery is better reserved for refinement. This is especially true when tissue sagging is a factor.  Why lift sagging tissue, lose more weight, and see that tissue sag again from further deflation? 

Weight loss and surgical sculpture is a series of compromises. What suites any one individual will vary.  Ideal sequence that I recommend my patients:

  • Get to a weight you are comfortable living with.
  • Let the skin adjust as much as it will. It can take from 6 to 18 months for skin equilibration after a gastric bypass and major weight loss.
  • Consider Tightening Lower Tissues First. There is little sense to lift the chest and then have a tummy tuck, lower the chest result, requiring a revision chest lift.
  • Then Address the Chest.
  • Use No Surgery Body Shaping Garments as emotional support not to rush the process.

Bouncing redundant flesh also can be a major emotional factor stressing any patient trying to lose weight.  That is why I posted Videos of Compression Garments dealing with gynecomastia and stabilization.

For some patients, my small incision skin reduction chest lift is an option.  This eliminates the unnatural very obvious unnatural vertical scar.  For smaller problems, I have evolved my Internal Lift Male Mastopexy Surgery that has even smaller scars.  My internal lift is not suitable when the excess skin is a major contributing factor for the deformity.  A Male Donut Mastopexy when pushed too far will leave a star burst deformity that detracts from the result. That is why picking your surgeon carefully can be so important.

Yes, scars are a compromise.  We need some place to remove the excess skin.  The shorter the scars, the less skin that is removed. 

Options are best explored during an evaluation.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Male Mastopexy Chest Lift for Sagging Tissues


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I never got to the point I was satisfied, but I did get down to 160 @ 5'11" and I thought that was too skinny for my build.  My case was of extremely puffy nipples, as it was all gland and little/no fat.  They protruded like crazy and no matter what I just kept pushing myself in the gym while I was saving for the surgery.  I feel like a completely different person.


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I never got to the point I was satisfied, but I did get down to 160 @ 5'11" and I thought that was too skinny for my build.  My case was of extremely puffy nipples, as it was all gland and little/no fat.  They protruded like crazy and no matter what I just kept pushing myself in the gym while I was saving for the surgery.  I feel like a completely different person.

Losing weight will not help with the gland component. I work with many Bodybuilders with Gynecomastia. A common complaint is that as they build muscles, what sits on top of the muscles gets pushed out further. Also as fat goes down, remaining gland tends to be unmasked. That is why I suggest that my patients get to a weight they feel comfortable with before surgery. The surgical sculpture can then be used as a refinement tool.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline RadG

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My quick story is that I have been fat all of my life, peaking at 260 lbs and 6'1" when I was 16. I dropped down to 220 that same year, and since then I've worked my way down to 200 from various diets/changes in lifestyle (currently 21). I've had boobs the whole time, and it sucks. I hate taking my shirt off because I feel people staring at me, but I'm also freakishly hairy, so it's probably more because of that.

I still want to lose more weight and get down to around 165 lbs or so, but it's hard to find the motivation with the boobs still floppin' around.

However, every time I've lost weight, I've always thought that I looked better because of it, even if the boobs are there. My question is, has anyone ever lost enough weight and then been satisfied with how they look afterwords, even if they still have the boobage? It's hard finding motivation to lose the additional weight, and I'm kind of hoping for some here, but it seems like most people just say, "get surgery, you'll feel better."

I am in a similar boat just 7 years older. I have decided to work on shedding the extra pounds and finding myself at a healthier weight. I sometimes think about the fact the boobs will still be there, but what you should focus on is the benefits of shedding the weight. If the boobs moving around while exercising and stuff you could always take the approach some who live with gyne do and try some sort of sports bra or one of the compression shirt. I have done the compression shirt while exercising and it to an extent reduces movement of the boobs. I am not one to say "get surgery," I won't say to not get it either, it is a personal choice that has to be right for you.

Offline Elton

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Hi Joborik,
To lose more weight do break your meals in 5/6 small meals including snacks and prefer raw food over processed food. Increase water intake, drink green tea and avoid beverages, soda and even diet soda. Burn body fat by engaging in resistance training and daily workout.

Offline coko222

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Losing weight is the beauty of the man kind because over weight person personality is not looking good..but dude yoiu loss 60 pounds weight in very short time its amazing for me..

Offline vitalhomeo

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weight cant be loss just doing only exercise and other method obesity should be treated with proper medicine diet chart and exercise it should be medically treated that can cure your symptoms that is producing weight.

Offline GlennMarsh

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Useful ideas and tips are shred in this thread that helpful one to lose weight. But i thinks the proper workout according to the personal trainer is much helpful to lose weight quickly,.

Offline ghalib

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Hi Joborik,
To lose more weight do break your meals in 5/6 small meals including snacks and prefer raw food over processed food. Increase water intake, drink green tea and avoid beverages, soda and even diet soda. Burn body fat by engaging in resistance training and daily workout.
I quite agree with this.. Dieting is one of the most important step toward losing weight.. For effective result in short time period you have to do some workout in Tacoma gym
« Last Edit: September 06, 2014, 03:20:14 AM by ghalib »


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