Author Topic: Losing weight AFTER surgery..  (Read 4284 times)

Offline limaecho

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Basically I'm 6ft, and around 16-17 stone, I'm overweight. I'm working my weight down as much as I can up until surgery (most likely next summer or just before) to get the best results, and also as I don't like been fat! What I want to know is,

say I get down to around 15 1/2 stone, have surgery and WOW great results. What if I lose a further few stone to get down to around 13-14 stone, maybe less. Will my chest look deformed again?

Has anyone had any experience of losing weight after surgery, help appreciated.

Offline webster

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I am 6'2" wus 17st in March, op late May I wus 15st an a bit. Now 13.5 stone. Deformed? don't think so - think I'm looking better, FEEEL better anyways. Ideally I'll be 13st next spring & that would be just right.

If U think loosing weight will make you too flat chested - I don't think it will - U can always loose weight by hitting the gym an putting on some beef innit?

Laters Webster.

PS if you need a psycho boost to make you loose weight then spending best part of £4k on an anti-gyno op did it for me...

Offline RRB

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Ive lost over 3 stone since my op and feel and look so much better.  Chest is getting better the more weight i lose.
Surgery performed by Mr Paul Levick, 17/02/05. I am here to help.

Offline limaecho

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I thought it may look more puffy rather than indented, like maybe some excess fat got left over during surgery. But if that isn't the case, then that's great news. Post op, I'm sure I'll be able to get my weight right down, and I'm looking forward to it!!!  :D

I haven't eaten a bag of crisps or a takeout for a month now.  :o

Offline webster

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LimaE - sadly, you gotta learn to love the broccoli not the pie.

I was nearly as embarrassed about my gut as my breasts last Spring so I pray I can keep it off.

« Last Edit: December 07, 2005, 04:23:08 AM by webster »

Offline limaecho

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I've never been to bothered about my gut at all. Mainly because I know it's within my control and I can lose it if I want. I'm hoping to become ALOT trimmer after surgery, as I will be confident enough to go swimming etc.

You're right about the brocolli and the pie though. It's hard to stick to good food, but it tastes so much better if you can be bothered to cook it. It's even harder, when you go out with friends who eat crap all of the time, put don't put on any weight at all!

Offline RRB

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Its not really hard to stick to good food, its just a case of getting into a routine.  Ive not eaten much junk this year and a couple of months back i had my first pizza in a long time and it tasted absolutely horrible, when before i loved pizza


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