Author Topic: Surgery on January 6 2010  (Read 2986 times)

Offline Jan1010

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I had my Resection Gynecomastia surgery without liposuction on January 6 2010 and already I am noticing fantastic results, almost no protrusion whatsoever, and no bruising at all.  I do have on issue: under both of my nipples there are mass like things that are almost identical to my previous gynecomastia with two exceptions: a. they hurt like hell, and b. they don't really protrude and my chest still looks almost entirely flat.  My question is, is this what the swelling is and this will eventually just disappear?  I have had swelling before in other places from other injuries but the swelling was never quite this localized or this hard so I am a tad bit concerned so would appreciate anyone who can offer me any insight at all. 

Thanks Much


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I had my Resection Gynecomastia surgery without liposuction on January 6 2010 and already I am noticing fantastic results, almost no protrusion whatsoever, and no bruising at all.  I do have on issue: under both of my nipples there are mass like things that are almost identical to my previous gynecomastia with two exceptions: a. they hurt like hell, and b. they don't really protrude and my chest still looks almost entirely flat.  My question is, is this what the swelling is and this will eventually just disappear?  I have had swelling before in other places from other injuries but the swelling was never quite this localized or this hard so I am a tad bit concerned so would appreciate anyone who can offer me any insight at all. 

Thanks Much

Injured tissues tend to be firm and tender. When the injury is localized, as in surgery, the firmness and discomfort tend to be localized. How much Pain and Discomfort After Gynecomastia Surgery depends on many factors. My patients typically tell me that they feel that their chest is sore, like after a heavy work out.  Although we give them a prescription for strong pain medication, almost all tell me that plain Tylenol is more than enough to keep them comfortable.  How Swelling and Bruising Evolve after Gynecomastia Surgery also are technique dependent.  When surgery does not include liposuction for gynecomastia for refinement contouring, the problem I have seen with patients unhappy from other doctors is a depression that can look worse on animation. This depression can be subtle, or severe as in these Crater Deformities after Bad Gynecomastia Surgery.  The reason I bring this issue up, if there is current swelling that is filling in the depression, as the swelling goes down, the deformity will express. Time will tell.  Firmness is part of any healing process and how it changes will depend on the original problem, what was done, after surgery care, Scar Care, After Surgery Compression, and other factors best discussed with your doctor.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline Jan1010

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Thank you for that quick reply it definately helps.  But what you are saying is that what I am feelings is most certainly swelling however it is possible that when that swelling subsides I may not be as pleased with my results as I am now?  I was just concerned that what I am feeling is not swelling and is rather, dare I say it, breast tissue.



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Thank you for that quick reply it definately helps.  But what you are saying is that what I am feelings is most certainly swelling however it is possible that when that swelling subsides I may not be as pleased with my results as I am now?  I was just concerned that what I am feeling is not swelling and is rather, dare I say it, breast tissue.


Yes, healing injured tissues can be firm, just like residual gland or scar tissue.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia Surgery

Offline Jan1010

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Awesome you have been of great help.  Thank you very much.  Can you tell me where I can get my hands on a compression garment quickly.  I've been using an ACE bandage and honestly its a pain in the ass.

Sorry for all the questions but you have really helped me out.



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Awesome you have been of great help.  Thank you very much.  Can you tell me where I can get my hands on a compression garment quickly.  I've been using an ACE bandage and honestly its a pain in the ass.

Sorry for all the questions but you have really helped me out.


We fit all of our patients with both a First Stage Compression Garment and a Second Stage Garment before surgery. The first garment is put on the patient on the operating table.  Follow those links and you can purchase the garments. However, after surgery care is best deferred to the surgeon. It is a package deal, that is why picking the right surgeon can be so critical.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction


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