Author Topic: Question for people who had recently had gland removed for puffy nipples.  (Read 3250 times)

Offline winston001

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I recently had gland removed as I had puffy nipples, my nipples are now flat and I'm very happy. I was curiouse about the swelling though, it seems to be all over my chest is it the same with you guys. Feels like I've pulled the pectoral muscles if I lift my arms to high or to far back. Just wondering if other peoples swelling is the same or not, it's nearly been nearly 3 weeks and it seems to be reducing slowly but it's as if the actual muscle is slightly swollen in the chest area.
Would like to hear from other people on how there swelling is going along.

Thanks guys.

Offline nipplevision

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It is completely normal that your chest muscles hurt after the operation.
When reaching in a cupboard etc. it can hurt a lot, or even when you just lift your arms...
After 4 weeks the pain should be gone and you can move freely again.

Offline thedomino

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I'm 4 weeks post now and all the discomfort and aches have gone. i can stretch my arms up as high as possible and not feel anything. thank god, because i was getting proper fed up with that! having to get my flatmates to reach things out of cupboards for me lol.
The best was on a train, i put my bag on the overhead storage thing (somehow), then couldn't get it down! had to get some woman to get it down for me,



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I recently had gland removed as I had puffy nipples, my nipples are now flat and I'm very happy. I was curiouse about the swelling though, it seems to be all over my chest is it the same with you guys. Feels like I've pulled the pectoral muscles if I lift my arms to high or to far back. Just wondering if other peoples swelling is the same or not, it's nearly been nearly 3 weeks and it seems to be reducing slowly but it's as if the actual muscle is slightly swollen in the chest area.
Would like to hear from other people on how there swelling is going along.

Thanks guys.

Swelling After Gynecomastia Surgery depends on the original problem, what was done, after surgery care, and many other factors. This swelling is normally in the injured tissues which can extend from the skin down to the fascia covering the muscle. Some surgical techniques can actually damage the muscle too. Injured muscle, the fascia, or fat, or skin can cause tenderness when further aggravated like with stretching. Surgery is a form of trauma, just like a cut. Push the healing tissues too far, and they can be further damaged, swell, and slow recovery.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline winston001

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Thanks for replys guys, it's coming up 6 weeks post op now my right side seems to be healing quicker than left but there was more excition from the left side so I guess there's more damage, there's still some swelling there again more so on the left and the muscle on the left feels strange if I push my palms together can't realy explain the sensation not really painful but uncomfy, if it would just go down abit more on that side I'd be happier but I'll see where I am in another 2 weeks at the 2 months post op mark hopefully by then there will be more improvement.

Again thanks for the replys, it really helps to hear from people going through the same healing process and with experience in this kind of thing, this site has helped me a great deal.


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