Author Topic: Page 3 Contender  (Read 2753 times)

Offline Nebula

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 :D Haha no they are not that bad I hope. But annoying never the less. Hi everyone I’m gonna have surgery with the highly praised karidis in just over 2 weeks. I’m actually having the op the same day as another guy from this forum.

Anyway I didn’t really notice I had it when I was a teen, no one ever said anything at school so guess I developed it around 18-20 yrs old. Until one day I had my top off and a couple of mates started laughing to themselves:” haha you got breasts”. From then on I would look in the mirror at all angles and really I just thought they were being silly, as I was weight lifting at the time and my chest muscles got a little bigger. So I thought it was just pec muscle really. I guess when you have a smaller case it’s easier to deny it to yourself.

Well this year I promised myself I would get into shape, I want to feel good with my t-shirt off and be proud, not just leave it on all the time or even when it is off and you’re on the beach it’s like – sh!t just lay down man flat on the beach towel or, quick go in the water and get those nipples wet so they look better. Yeah guys you know the feeling. I’m an ectomorph and discovered that if I want to achieve a better physique then I need to tackle 3 problem areas:
1)   Build more muscle mass
2)   Decrease fat %, as its quite high at the moment
3)   Even if done the 1st 2 points extremely efficiently, there would still be a problem! Yep you’ve guessed it, I have 3 eye balls! Hehe nah – the moobs. I know no matter how much fat I lose or muscle I gain, them darn moobies are gonna be there. Effectively there’s nothing I can do without surgical help.
So I grabbed my board and started to surf Google, bang this site comes up. What a great site. I’d like to thank the author and perhaps suggest they have a donation page to help keep the site ticking over. I’d certainly like to send a little something over as a token of my appreciation.
The thing what has always put me off surgery was the risk, location, uncertainty of procedure, uncertainty of the surgeon’s skills etc. But all of these fears were laid to rest instantly when I browsed through the UK forum. Everyone was hailing karidis and you could actually see their before and after photos. You could read their accounts of the day itself in great detail. All of this filed me with confidence and the next day I was phoning his office and booking a consultation. There was no thinking should I do it or not, there was nothing holding me back now. So I managed to get booked in to surgery 4 weeks after the consultation. All in all from finding this site to surgery day took 5 weeks. I mean 5 weeks ago I didn’t even imagine I would have surgery this year. So thanks allot guys to all of those who wrote up their personal stories.

Picture time:

Condition: slightly cold, so sometimes can be worse than the pics

Yeah it is nerve racking and embarrassing to some extent going through with this but really it’s out of my hands now. All I have to do is turn up and let the best in the business do his work. After the op the next stage is discovering if it went well or not I guess. But I’ll worry about that after. Just gona have to think positively and hope that this will be a great weight lifted off the chest, sorry - shoulders.

Offline sparta

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good luck nebula. karidis always seems to do a good job. it will be interesting to see how you get on. karidis is someone who i would like to see once i get the money

your gyno is similar to mine but i think mines is a bit worse. yours does not seem that bad from your pics. but it only takes a bit to make us uncomfortable.

how much is it? is karidis still just over 4 grand?
« Last Edit: March 05, 2010, 01:10:40 PM by sparta »

Offline Nebula

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cheers sparta, yeh over 4k no matter how bad the case is. Hospital fee is around 1500 and Karidis and anesthetist 2600 ish.

Its a lot but judging by the excellent service and peace of mind you could get for decades after makes it seem like great value IMO.

Offline thetodd

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Yeah moderate case, you will get a good result

Keep us updated with pictures, make sure you follow the aftercare stuff properly i didnt and im suffering a bit for it now (thankfully im winning the battle now). I had major problems with Keloid scarring about 2/3months post op and to this day 10ish months im still suffering from it. Make sure you massage 2/3 times a day with bio oil. I got lazy after the op because i was so please with the result i mean day1 you are just amazed with the results then the swelling and scar tissue kicks in and its a bit of a kick in the balls!

Make sure you eat properly after the op fruit and healthy food will help with recovery.

Best of luck with the op, you wont need it just make sure they get all of your blood tests in time! and payment is made within the times set
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline Nebula

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Thanks thetodd. Your confidence in the surgery obviously means allot as you've been there and done it  :)

Yeah i did the tests on the day, know its abit of a wallet r*pe but was desperate to get everything done as soon as possible. Need to ring them about it though as haven't heard anything and that was on 24th feb. Will pay the rest of the surgery bill this Tuesday.

I read many of your posts before i signed up to the forum, seemed like you was allways going on about aftercare so im surprised thats the case. Seems like your a sensible chap, so guess ill take your words seriously - aftercare is a must. I can see how it would be easy to get complacent ater surgery, like the big thing is out of the way and all care and attention goes out of the window.

Sounds bad that Keloid scarring, glad your turning it around, how are you doing that by the way? heard you can get local steroid injections or gel, sounds nasty. Anyway good luck with that bud and thanks for the advice.

Offline thetodd

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Cheers for that :)

yeah you can get kenalog injections, but ive yet to find anywhere in the UK that does it near me. And since the massaging is breaking it up im sticking with that for now. Currentley i massage 3 times a day with Bio oil and it really helps break up the scarring

Also if youve got a hairy chest, order yourself some veet and do it a few days before your op (you dont want it to be itchy after your op). Once you come home after the op your faced with having to apply/remove plasters on the nipple/armpit area if you have loads of hair its a real nightmare!

Offline Nebula

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Thanks for the tips mate, gonna make sure im shaved on the morning of the op then as that sounds rather painful. Will post updates after the op with pics etc. For me it seems the problem of gynecomastia is fixed in 3 stages:

1) Acceptance
2) Finding a decent surgeon, gathering the fees, consultation, surgery.
3) Aftercare and healing

Cant wait to get to the final stage like your on even if its a pain :) just means its nearer to the end of the problem  :)

Offline tomo25mcr

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Since you have now both had your operations done would you please keep me informed on your healing process, my gynecomastia was a lot worse than your pics show. Had my op last december and my nipples are still puffy and pointy, the scarres are fading and not lumpy any more.

Offline Nebula

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yes certainly tomo25mcr, gonna wait for more pics once the waterproof stickers are off friday. I will have day 3 and day 10 post op pics then and will update on the healing etc.

So your nipples are still pointy? i thought he only leaves 2% of the gland behind, how much gland and fat did u have removed?


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