Author Topic: Holiday In June.  (Read 3956 times)

Offline r1

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Ive booked a holiday in June with my family. I had planned to get the surgery done with Karidis before January 2010 and had my consultation in September 2009. However, that wasnt possible, now theres a chance I can get it done by the end of April but this will only give me six weeks healing time.

Looking at the pictures of here, it seems after four weeks, that the scars are hardly noticeable. But its hard to tell off a photo. The thought of going away without the surgery stresses me out, but if its going to be blantantly obvious, then I don't know if its worth it. I feel like if I dont get the surgery soon, I never will.


Offline thetodd

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Depends on how bad your case, in short its not enough time and it prob wont be noticeable to anyone else but it will be to you

and the scars on your nipples will still probally be visible (from what i can remember).
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline chad1721

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Maybe the sun will help with the healing? help blend the colour in.

Just out of interest, how long does it take after your consultation with karidis to get booked into surgery? is there a big waiting list?

Offline thetodd

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tanning will make the scarring more prominent, and im sure its reccomended that you dont tan after surgery honestley cant remember though

waiting list is about a month, if that!

Offline dave2009

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Hi, I thought exactly the same as you, my op was booked for Jan 4th, being the NHS it was cancelled, thankfully, because I had booked a holiday fairly soon after, thinking I would be ok and I wasn't.

It does depend on what you're having done, I had mastectomy and Lipo. I genuinely thought I'd be fully functional after about 1, 2 to 3 weeks but not so. You really do have to look after yourself fully and take a lot of care following this.

I ate only healthy foods, had a pre/pro biotic to boost my immunity as was fearful of getting an infection, kept the wounds as clean and sanitised as possible etc etc. I took things very steady and did exactly what my surgeon told me to.

If you check out the Ask the Doc bit, I asked these great guys a question about sun-bathing and it's a no no, as I am due to go to a very hot climate in 3 weeks time, so even though I love the sun, I will be covering that area up.

I am now 6 weeks post op and only just able to move fairly freely. There is still tightness and lifting my arms above my head is impossible yet. The incision sites are healing nicely but there are still some stitches there even now! You can definitely see them at this point as The Todd said. My scars are very minimal even though I had the lot done. She went in so close to the nipple it sort of blends in.

I am very pleased with the result and am not trying to put you off at all, in fact I'd say go for it, big time, BUT please be aware your recovery time may be much longer than you think.

I've read some people's posts on here and have been shocked, ie pulling their own stitches out etc etc, this is so dangerous. Being a nurse myslef, albeit psychiatric, I have seen some horrendous wound infections through people's impatience and basic stupidity.

Be kind to your body mate, you only get one!

Hope that helps.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2010, 08:37:05 PM by dave2009 »

Offline thetodd

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i agree with what dave's saying, dont worry about stiches tho as karidis doesnt use them with his surgery but you will still have incision wounds on the nipples which will crease etc and make them noticeable for a few months. But it does go!

Offline r1

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Thanks for your replies.

So the todd and Dave, having had your surgery, if you had to go on holida six weeks after the op, would you rather have gone with the slight scarring or not gone and had gyno for the holiday? I know everyone is different, but im just trying to get a perspective on how bad these scars will be at this time.

Another point is, if I dont get ti done then, then I will have to wai until after June for an op, which means I wont be able to go away with the lads at the end of Summer / August time, which means another summer of my youth gone without going away with the lads. I really do feel like im missing out.


Offline thetodd

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Would depend on the lads i was goin with

In my past lads holidays ive ended up with the lads kneeling on my chest tea bagging me and stuff like that, and 6 weeks post op that would be a nightmare on top a nightmare lol. I went on lads holidays with gyne and went out virtually naked in fancy and only had a few jibes and that was it water off a ducks back. However if i was to go on a lads holiday and someone pointed out that i had surgery scars i doubt id ever of lived it down a few girls i know have had breast aug's! Basically their branded with the surgery label for life.

I would get it done, but just not go on the holiday personally and wait till next year

Offline kingboob

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Would depend on the lads i was goin with

In my past lads holidays ive ended up with the lads kneeling on my chest tea bagging me and stuff like that, and 6 weeks post op that would be a nightmare on top a nightmare lol.

They sound like good friends???    If anyone did that to me I would knock the shit out of them....    seriously, why would you go on holiday with anyone like that?   ???

Offline postiey

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Would depend on the lads i was goin with

In my past lads holidays ive ended up with the lads kneeling on my chest tea bagging me and stuff like that, and 6 weeks post op that would be a nightmare on top a nightmare lol.

haha that was a funny post! lads will be lads kingboob!

on a serious note tho i agree with thetodd get the surgery ditch the holiday. i know it will suck and be a hard time, but there will be more holidays. i definetely wouldnt get it done and go on holidays.

who knows tho maybe people will look up to u!, as u did something about a problem, thats the way it should be but it doesnt work like that and i personally wouldnt risk it.

Offline dave2009

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Just in answer to your question mate.

I can only say from my experience, like The Todd's excellent advice from his experience.

Everyone is different and healing times are too.

If anyone had told me how long I would take to heal from this I would have said they were having a laugh. I do not regret it though.

My personal view-point is, yes get the surgery done as soon as you can, if that's the path you've chosen to take, but be aware that your body will need to heal and that takes time. Even after 6 weeks post op for me, the very thought of anyone touching or bumping into my chest area makes me feel sick! It still is VERY tender. So if your mates are likely to be a bit rough then avoid it. I'm a lot older than you at 34, but trust me, you'll have loads more times to go away even though you may now feel you're going to waste some of your youth, everything is so urgent when younger but in time you'll see that. If you put the op' off, you've lived with the gyne so far so another summer holiday won't matter that much, it'd be better to get jokes about your moobs than risking being damaged following surgery through play fights and general lads stuff.

you seem to be worrying about the scars, like the todd says, they will crease also, mine are at the moment, it's no big deal but then again i have my shirt on, i suppose people would notice if i was on a beach.

i'd say, if you were going on a very quiet holiday six weeks after, with people you can trust not to mess around and possibly damage your chest, and were willing to keep your surgical area covered as dr bermant suggests then you could go, but i would say a lad's holiday is most definitely out.

i'm off to egypt in 3 weeks time and will not be exposing my chest to the sun and will have the maximum sun block on also. i don't think i'll be swimming either because of the arm movements being restricted which is very common. basically, i just don't want to do anything to jeaopardise this result which i've waited so very long to achieve.

anyway, hope that helps.

kind regards.

Thanks for your replies.

So the todd and Dave, having had your surgery, if you had to go on holida six weeks after the op, would you rather have gone with the slight scarring or not gone and had gyno for the holiday? I know everyone is different, but im just trying to get a perspective on how bad these scars will be at this time.

Another point is, if I dont get ti done then, then I will have to wai until after June for an op, which means I wont be able to go away with the lads at the end of Summer / August time, which means another summer of my youth gone without going away with the lads. I really do feel like im missing out.



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