Author Topic: Should I go for it? (Pic + question)  (Read 5640 times)

Offline Bensin

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Hopefully the upload worked and you can see the image.

Clearly, I'm not the most severe case here, but I'm not happy with the state of my chest as it is now. I have extremely large nipples, and hard lumps under both. I'm naturally skinny, so this looks even more unnatural. Yes, it's going to cost £4k+ to fix, but I see sorting this out as a better investment than getting a crap car - which would cost about the same.

I've done a bit of research so far, and it looks like a few people with relatively minor gyno can and do have successful surgeries. I suppose the main question I had at this stage, and from my research, is about the procedure for doing so. I'm in the south-east of England, and Dr. Karidis has been mentioned by quite a few people. Is he the guy to see?

My current plan is to get a consultation this year, with an aim to getting surgery next year if possible. I'm aiming to save up £5,000 for it - is that a reasonable cost expectation?

I'm 22, by the way. I've reached an age where I can't see these 'going away' on their own. 

Offline Bensin

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Sorry about the stupidly large pic, btw...I'll resize as soon as I get my Photoshop up and running again.

Offline thetodd

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you dont have gyne ... at all

nor do you have big nipples. Take protein and creatine and go up the gym to bulk yourself out a bit
« Last Edit: June 11, 2010, 12:14:34 PM by thetodd »
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline Bensin

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I think that's a little unfair. I noted in my introduction that my problem is a relatively small one. However, having hard lumps of significant size under both nipples, in addition to the large nipples, does indicate minor gyno. Perhaps the picture doesn't show it very well, but the situation is a real one.

If you want to question whether it's 'worth' getting treatment on such a minor case, that's fair enough. But I'd also suggest that it's an individual choice whether or not he wants to treat this - within reason, and as long as they have realistic expectations.

Offline thetodd

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you dont have gyne even in the minor degree, no puffiness no fat nothing at all. Everyone has a gland under their nipple whether they have gyne or not. And you dont have big nipples at all im not saying that to be a male thingy cause im all for surgery. But i dont see anything that can be operated on you have a flat normal chest seriously

If you want to get a bigger more defined chest, then get some creatine and hire a personal trainer. Youl save yourself a few grand and get ripped at the same time. No decent doctor would reccomend surgery for you, karidis definatley wouldnt.

Offline Bensin

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I've actually just started a workout programme, so I'm making progress in that area. I wasn't aware that it was normal to have nipples of more than an inch diameter on a small guy, or extensive hard tissue behind nipples on a guy. I'd always heard the latter was an indication that some degree of gyno was present.

I could be wrong, but is there any harm in going for a consult? I have seen similar low-level gyno operated on, such as here (although, to be fair, the cosmetic difference in the before and after is not extensive here):

Offline kingboob

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Some better pictures from a distance and a side on shot would be better............. however based on this evidence you do not have gynecomastia at all.  You don't have breasts, you don't have pointy nipples or a contour problem and your nipples are a normal size!

 Based on this picture I would say the issue is all in your mind OR this is a wind up / troll post.

I mean seriously, even  the link you posted : ,    IMO that guy didn't need surgery either. EDIT: and he has a crease in his left pec post op, which looks worse than the shape he had before, he looks over-flat now.

Based on your picture I'm not convinced any good surgeon would offer you surgery............but how would you feel if you had surgery and ended up with a creased nipple or raised red scar etc etc?    These things can and do happen -  A risk worth taking if you have large breasts but not when you clearly have a normal chest already.

£4 to 5k for surgery,   probably £120 for each consult.

Buy the car instead.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2010, 03:10:47 PM by kingboob »

Offline Bensin

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I'll see if I can get some different pics up tomorrow then - my cam batteries are recharging tonight.

I said from the start that I understand my issue is minor. I am not claiming I have full-blown moobs, but I do have hard tissue and large nips. It would be "in my head" if I was on here claiming I can't go outside with this, but as it stands all I'm saying is: if I could improve this, I'd like to do so. The risks you mentioned seem to be mitigated by the use of a good surgeon.

For the record, the nips are of unusually large size and others have commented on this. Perhaps it doesn't appear so on the picture (and again, I'm not claiming they're as large as worse cases, merely that they're above the norm).

Offline thetodd

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Any guys who have had surgery will vouch for me when i say this, you will be worse of after surgery if any doctor did agree to operate on you

they cut your skin, suck fat out, it swells it scars. You get folds you take ages to recover and it hurts for months. Its worth it for lads who have considerable cases of gyne/puffy nips because id rather have the odd fold bit of scar tissue compared to what i had before. You will never get the perfect chest!

Go to the best gym in your area hire a personal trainer. And follow what they give you strictly youl get in really good shape! If you willing to spend loads of a plastic surgeon a decent personal trainer will turn your regime around. Few hundred quid and a result comapred to 5 grand a load of downtime and a result which you arent going to be satisfied with

you do not have large nips, i can see from the picture you dont. And even if you think you have large nips theres nothing surgery can cure with it, if you have puffy nips maybe. No sane doctor would agree to an aerola reduction.

Please stop considering surgery, honestley its silly when your in the current shape you are. Take 3 months seriously at the gym and youl realise what a great body you have

GL mate

Offline Bensin

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^ Fair point. Perhaps I'm misjudging the risks and results of surgery. I have seen some good outcomes with zero significant scarring, but perhaps they're not the norm.

The one advantage of my current situation is that large nips can be mitigated by a bulkier chest. They don't look so weird that way, so perhaps it's an incentive to work out. You don't think there's any point in even going for a consultation then?

Offline 2fast2furious

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hi mate i am new to this forum. i have been thinking of joining up and your post kinda made me so thanks in a way!

Neway there seems to be alot of mix messages so far....

I will just like to say that i fully respect the fact that you must be feeling uncomfortable with it to of posted it on here and even contemplate surgery so ignore the -ve comments so far!

what i would suggest is that you consider getting a professional opinion. I must say that from the pic i cannot say. If it is gyno then its a minor form but if it is enough to not make you happy then it really doesnt matter. maybe contact your GP if not book a consulation with a PS.

I totally agree with considering the cons of surgery. cost, the risks, the healing process, etc

Dr. Karidis is a straight forward guy and he will most probably give you his honest opinion. his consulation cost £75 and is donated to the hospice he works in so that says it all about him really. just google Alex Karidis and his website should come up, clinic is in London.

as you are thinking about getting it next year you have plenty of time to think about it.

Just ASK people close to you what they think about it aswell as professionals. thats if your comfortable of course.

I hope what i have said may or may have not helped.

however good luck in whatever decision you make.

most of us have been in your position and only YOU know how badly it effects your life!

Offline Bensin

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^ Thanks for that post mate - it was certainly helpful. I would gladly trump up £75 just to get this looked over, so I may well book a consult with Karidis later this year (I'm going abroad for summer, so likely in the autumn).

I'm not too fussed by negative comments - people are entitled to be honest. The only disagreement I have is that from my point of view, while this is a minor case, it is still a case. To give you a bit of background, this only developed for me after taking a hairloss medication for which gyno is a listed side effect. Since then I have developed these hard lumps, and seen my nipples increase in size from normal to 1 inch+ diameter. This is why I am struggling to believe there's "nothing here", since I know it's not how my chest used to look like.

Ultimately I'm not dying with discomfort at this, since it's not too bad. My attitude is rather that I'd like to get it fixed, and if its possible to do so in a safe way then I'd want to go forward with it. If I can't, I'll just stick to what I'm doing in the gym; but I'd like to explore that option.

Offline thetodd

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How recentley have you been taking the hairloss treatment stuff? If its been less than two years then you could take some strong anti estrogen tablets and it will get rid of the small gland. Do it with a doctor though.

Upto you what you do surgery wise, have a consultation with karidis. But id seek NHS advice beforehand if youve been taking hair loss stuff theyl prob do testosterone tests etc, which StJohns wont do.

Offline Bensin

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It's been about a year since I've been off this medication. By the time I go for consultation, it'd be 18 months since discontinuation, giving ample time for things to return to their previous state if they were going to do so.

Offline thetodd

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No but what im saying is, if you take these tablets on newly formed gyne they will effectivley shrink the gland


Before i got surgery i explored avenues like this and basically took a shit load of anti estrogens like those, in vein because i had it for about 8/9 years when i started taking them. But pre 2 years they should offer you some hope. And i wasnt diagnosd with them if anyones wondering i imported them from china. Which i do not reccomend!


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