Author Topic: Told today that the NHS no longer treats gynecomastia?  (Read 7101 times)

Offline gyno2

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Had a follow up consultation with a specialist in Windsor, who told me that under normal conditions I would have been guranteed surgery straightaway under the NHS, however, due to recent changes in the NHS, they have stopped treating this condition; they now see it as cosmetic surgery.

So where does this leave me? Well, I've been told that I need the surgery, and the NHS cannot cover it, and obviously being a student: I just dont have that kind of money. So my case is being put forward to the Priority Committee, I believe its a panel of doctors who review special cases and consider if they are special enough i.e. ones which the NHS will go ahead and cover. However, there is a slight caveat, the Priority Commitee are notoriously tough, and dont sign away free surgeries just for the sake of it.

I will see how it goes, I know its not going to be easy, I know that there are tough challenges ahead... oh and btw, I got my first year results back(im studying law), I got a 67% overall (3% from a first).

Will keep you guys updated....
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 09:03:59 AM by gyno2 »

Offline Nearliverpool

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Offline thetodd

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Its probally going to be the worse time to persue it via the NHS with the recent budgets. But thats not true if that particular hospital rejects it you could just go to another trust. You can go anywhere in the UK its totally upto you for a second opinion. If NHS is your only option id go through recent NHS posts and see what Hospitals they were treated at

I doubt theres been a blanket ban theres lads on here in the process of getting it done via the NHS
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline Nearliverpool

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Im getting treated for it on the NHS just waiting for surgery date.

Offline gyno2

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This is just strange, why would the consultant say that when obviously people are having it done on the NHS ( seen numerous posts from June 2010 onwards on this website saying that theyre about to have it done).  :(

Some things just arent fair. :'( Im keeping my fingers crossed, otherwise my summer job should hopefully pay towards the surgery.

Offline thetodd

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NHS practices have different policies, if i was to go birmingham for a consultation and get rejected i could go to london and be accepted

depends on the area, and who you see! Get refs from other people and contact that hospital (get your GP on your side to do it)

Offline kingboob

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Although  the NHS is supposed to be saved from the current round of spending cuts I still reckon patients will still feel the squeeze eventually. 

Operations for gyne were difficult to get during the good times, my guess is that all elective surgeries will be reduced and it will be very difficult to get treatment for things like gyne unless the problem is really, really extreme.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2010, 04:33:58 PM by kingboob »

Offline Whiff

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At the risk of being a bit controversial unless there are underlying health problems it is cosmetic surgery! ..treatment shouldn't be available on the NHS. What's the difference between this a nose job, a tummy tuck , a weave, breast enlargement.etc ? you wouldn't expect these to be paid for on the NHS .. or would you? For the record I don't think IVF should be paid for on the NHS either the NHS has limited resources and they should be used to make sick people better.

Offline gynedowner

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I have lived in both the U.S. and UK, and have had experience with the NHS. It can be difficult to get these kind of procedures covered. If I were you I would compare prices of procedures done privately in the UK with those done in the U.S. (with the exchange rate in mind). Maybe you could find a cheap flight, go to New York or Atlanta to see a surgeon, stay at a cheap hotel. Your cash will go a long way in the U.S. and I hate to say it, but many of the facilities here can be a bit more impressive. Just an option to consider.

Offline jsboob

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At the risk of being a bit controversial unless there are underlying health problems it is cosmetic surgery! ..treatment shouldn't be available on the NHS. What's the difference between this a nose job, a tummy tuck , a weave, breast enlargement.etc ? you wouldn't expect these to be paid for on the NHS .. or would you? For the record I don't think IVF should be paid for on the NHS either the NHS has limited resources and they should be used to make sick people better.

totally agree with this post! I know it sounds harsh to someone who thinks their life is being ruined by gynecomastia but it the grand scheme of things it isnt really that serious - sorry!
BTW I have 38B breasts & BMI of 24, but if I had to choose between my boobs getting chopped off or the old lady next door getting a hip replacement so she could walk to the bathroom.... sorry Id give her the op time!
the NHS is fantastic but it isnt a bottomless pit ::)

Offline kingboob

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At the risk of being a bit controversial unless there are underlying health problems it is cosmetic surgery! ..treatment shouldn't be available on the NHS. What's the difference between this a nose job, a tummy tuck , a weave, breast enlargement.etc ? you wouldn't expect these to be paid for on the NHS .. or would you? For the record I don't think IVF should be paid for on the NHS either the NHS has limited resources and they should be used to make sick people better.

totally agree with this post! I know it sounds harsh to someone who thinks their life is being ruined by gynecomastia but it the grand scheme of things it isnt really that serious - sorry!
BTW I have 38B breasts & BMI of 24, but if I had to choose between my boobs getting chopped off or the old lady next door getting a hip replacement so she could walk to the bathroom.... sorry Id give her the op time!
the NHS is fantastic but it isnt a bottomless pit ::)

So in terms of cosmetic surgery where do you draw the line?   

Does a woman who has had breast cancer and had a breast removed get a breast reconstruction free on the NHS?     What about a man who has had testicular cancer, does he get a free testicular implant on the NHS?         A 15 year old car thief who has smashed his face up in a car accident - does he get reconstruction on the NHS?

What about someone who has severe gynecomastia which has been caused by a medical problem or as a side effect from medications -  IE: prostate cancer treatment can cause serious man boobs - do they get treated free or told no?

Lots of things aren't that serious in terms  of being life threatening - but many things can make life really miserable for the sufferer -       

I think the NHS should be cutting back on paying managers huge pay packets and bonuses before cutting back on things like gyne correction................. but of course that will never happen, the people tasked with saving money aren't gonna cut their own jobs are they!

Offline thetodd

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The NHS is clogged up by

1/ People who dont contribute, the majority of this crappy country
2/ Smokers and Drinkers
3/ Drug companies

You know when you switch on your Local news and theres a story about

"NHS Bosses refuse £80k new cancer medicine"

and it has the daughter going "How much is my mums life worth, its DISGUSTING". You see this because of American corps like GSK etc creating fake buzz around their brand new drug. The drug itself may have very little different build up to whats already out there but drug companies create all of this public outcry and ultimately write off a few million quid on a useless drug thats probally got very little medical backing but a huge amount of public backing. If you actually look into figures behind it youl see a huge proportion of the NHS money gets wasted on these pointless treatments and you get the Yanks across the water going

"It ain't fair we are the only one manufacturing new drugs"

Yeah via our money using by using backhanded tactics! The NHS system is a great system but its fucked up by the usual layabouts in this country. Not the immigrants but by the people who fly St George's flags in their houses throughout the year and are "Proper pure blooded British" and then sit around getting their benefits.

If you want treatment on the NHS, persue it get second opinions till you actually get the surgery!

Offline kingboob

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Come on dude... the majority of people do contribute and don't abuse the system, unfortunately there is a significant minority who quite frankly take the piss.

 My guess is that smokers pay a lot more in tax over their  lifetime than the additional resources they take out of the NHS.......  drinkers probably too, although people getting pissed up on a friday and saturday night who end up in casualty or down the police station after fighting really should be fined on the spot.

Part of the problem with the 'free at the point of use' system is that everyone feels entitled without any responsibility  or any understanding of the costs involved. 

You are right about drug companies though.......... they  have a lot  to answer for as well, obviously they are a business, but making huge profit on the backs of cancer and HIV AIDS is just plain wrong.  These drugs must require millions invested to develope but surely     they does not give them the right to make $billions as a return.

Also,  from what I have seen the NHS is run by complete muppets............. I bet with better management they could get better deals on drugs.  I mean supermarkets like tesco dictate what price they pay suppliers for goods (like milk) in order to keep prices low for the customer............ surely with the colossal buying power the NHS has it can drive prices down in the same way?

anyway, that is  my political rant over with for the day.

I hope this guy gets his surgery sorted - NHS or otherwise.


Offline Whiff

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wow that response took a lot longer than i expected. An operation for gyne is about appearance not about health. So to answer your question in my opinion for a woman that has a mastectomy on the NHS no we shouldn't pay for breast reconstruction but rather use that money to pay for the drugs that may keep others alive. A testicle? I wouldn't even entertain that claim. Who on earth would be able to tell if you had a testicle missing other than a sexual partner. Smokers and drinkers are denied treatment as it happens, usually after they have been given a chance to sort things out, seems fair. Smashed up 15 year old that has stolen a car. Yes I'd treat them on the NHS a 15 year old is a child and children make mistakes and deserve a second chance.

Really how can sorting out a pair of breasts on a man be payed for by the tax payer? the clue is in the title national Health service it should be about health. having a pair of breasts never killed anyone. One caveat if there are underlying health problems they clearly should be dealt with on the NHS but the corrective surgery absolutely not.

As it happens I lived with pair of breasts for some 30 years and whilst I found it embarrassing, annoying, confidence destroying and it seriously affected the way in which I lived my life I never thought for one minute it should be paid for on the NHS.

Offline Raider Fan

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Hard to believe so many people accept socialism and a bunch of bureaucrats making medical decisions instead of doctors.  Capitalism works every time.

Too bad the United States is about to be like the UK and Canada...thanks to Obama and a few other radical leftists.  Even in the U.S. now, they are going to have death panels and health care will be "rationed" and exclusive to those who are young and are still productive.  For everyone else, you take a pain pill and are told to shut up.  

BTW....we are all human beings.  Anyone suffering an ailment that is able to be corrected should get care.  There should be no "deciding" WHO gets care.....a lady needing a hip replacement or a guy with gyne.  That's about the most ridiculous statement I've ever read on these board.  Socialism is evil, as are those who vote for those who are in favor of it.


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