Author Topic: Had surgery two days ago; wearing "binder..."  (Read 6841 times)

Offline bv3131

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Hey guys, I had my surgery two days ago and when I woke up they had me in what they call a "binder."  It is pretty much just a wrap with velcro that goes around my lower chest/upper abdomen.  I thought I was going to wake up in a compression vest like I had seen on this website.  I also have a drain in each side.  I am just curious if anybody here knows if it would be beneficial to buy a compression vest like I've seen on here, or just to keep wearing this wrap-type thing.  Has anybody heard of this or had any experience with it?  Thanks!

Offline Bobby - LAgyne

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i haven't had my surgery yet, but from what i read here, your doc should have given you complete instruction on what to wear when. ask your doc and if he requires you to wear compression vest, please o do.
congrats on your surgery!

Offline Ibanez99

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Yes i woke up with a binder too and my ps told me to switch to the vest in a week. im wearing a vest nw bt to be honest i like the binder more as it has two levels of velcro that offers better compression. the only reason i dnt wear it when im out coz its shape is visible easily thru a tshirt. i wear it at nite though as its really comfortable. rest of the time im on the vest and only take it off during shower.

Offline bv3131

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The plastic surgeon didn't say anything about any compression garments, but the nurse said that I would be wearing this binder for two weeks.  I'm going to set up an appointment for Monday and ask them about it then.  Are these garments more just to keep pressure on the area for healing purposes or are they for shaping the chest?

Offline bv3131

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Also, how tight should I wear this thing?  I have it as tight as I can get it.  The area is pretty numb (has been since the surgery), but I don't know if that's from the binder or not.

Offline Ibanez99

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its nt for shaping ur chest. it helps reduce swelling hence faster healing. wear it as tight as ur comfortable it. if it is too tight and hurts then loosen it. pain indicates that ur doin sumthng wrong. feeling uneasy is nrmal bt dnt let it pain.
abt the numbness im 6weeks post op and still kinda numb. so thats nrmal.

Offline bv3131

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Thanks for the response.  My surgeon says I should wear this velcro binder for two weeks, and then I don't need anything.  Does this sound right?  I'm thinking about buying a compression vest anyway, just to be sure.  Where would I go about buying one?


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Thanks for the response.  My surgeon says I should wear this velcro binder for two weeks, and then I don't need anything.  Does this sound right?  I'm thinking about buying a compression vest anyway, just to be sure.  Where would I go about buying one?

Here is where you can purchase a First Stage After Gynecomastia Garment and here a Second Stage Compression Vest. The links also explain the difference between the garments.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia Surgery

Offline 15yrsl8r

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There was no reply to how long one of the compression vests should be worn. I am just under 2 weeks post-op in a similar velcro binder. My second post-op appointment is Tuesday (1/28/2011) and would like to know if it neccessary to wear something different from the current binder. And for how long? If I get an answer it will help me to communicate questions to my doctor should his directions be different.


Offline dannyboy740

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Mate, I got a binder when I had my surgery and ended up buying a compression vest. It's easier to put on and take off and personally i think it offered more even compression than the binder did (which kept slipping down)


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There was no reply to how long one of the compression vests should be worn. I am just under 2 weeks post-op in a similar velcro binder. My second post-op appointment is Tuesday (1/28/2011) and would like to know if it neccessary to wear something different from the current binder. And for how long? If I get an answer it will help me to communicate questions to my doctor should his directions be different.


Here are my patients' healing and recovery after gynecomastia surgery that I use to document what is typical for my patients with my techniques. I prefer to individualize such timing for each of my patients compression garments. However, I almost never use the binders. That is why such timing issues should be directed to the operating surgeon to get results as they demonstrate for their patients.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline medici999

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The second stage garment, how many days after should you be wearing that?


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