Author Topic: Surgery Questions  (Read 4409 times)

Offline Lee1190

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I have minor gyno behind both nipples. I'm in pretty good shape and fairly slim. I have a few questions before I go in for surgery.

1. I've heard of the cave in effect. How common is this? What are the chances this could happen to me?

2. After I tell a surgeon I want to have surgery done how long is the wait?

3. Will scarring be less likely for me considering it's minor and I'm in good shape?

Offline alphajc

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1)  Getting surgery from a board-certified plastic surgeon with lots of gynecomastia experience is the key to avoid having a crater defect after surgery. 

2)  The wait can be a few days to several weeks.  That all depends on how busy the surgeon is and when he can squeeze you in.

3)  Scarring all depends on the person.  But again a good surgeon can make the incisions in a way to minimize scarring.


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I have minor gyno behind both nipples. I'm in pretty good shape and fairly slim. I have a few questions before I go in for surgery.

1. I've heard of the cave in effect. How common is this? What are the chances this could happen to me?

Unfortunately, I see many cases of Crater Deformity After Bad Gynecomastia Surgery. But these are in patients coming to me unhappy after disasters from surgery done elsewhere. For my own primary sculpture, this is a deformity I have never created. Pick the wrong surgeon, and the risks can be much higher for problems with contouring.

2. After I tell a surgeon I want to have surgery done how long is the wait?

Time between consultation and surgery can vary widely. Some busy doctors can be booked for some time into the future. Yet, even in such situations there are occasional cancellations that open up.  There also can be variations during time of the year. Jane is my office manager and can better discuss what the current wait time is for our office.  She can normally be reached at our office by phone Monday - Friday 9-5 Eastern Time at (804) 748-7737.

3. Will scarring be less likely for me considering it's minor and I'm in good shape?

Scarring can be an issue even for Puffy Nipple Gynecomastia done poorly. Scars are how the body heals itself. The trick is to optimize the surgery to minimize such scars with surgical technique, After Surgery Compression Garments, Scar Care, and many other details.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia

Offline drdeadlift

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I was very worried about the crater effect especially since I have hardly any fat on my chest. I was told that the gyne gland can cause a depression in the muscle over time, which the nipple can then sink into after surgery in some cases.

I had surgery a few weeks ago and everything is looking great so far,  I can hardly see the scar and no crater effect yet. My gyne was minor as well and I am also in good shape like yourself.

Offline Lee1190

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Are there any surgeons you'd recommend near the Birmingham, Alabama area?

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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Contact the American Society of Plastic Surgeons referral line 888 475 2784 for board certified plastic surgeons in your area.  Then interview several surgeons, ask to see their before/after photos, ask about numbers of gyne procedures that they do, etc.  Do not rush into a decision.  If you cannot find someone who has interest and significant experience in doing gyne surgery, then consider traveling for the surgery.  The best shot at a good result is with your first operation -- everything else is playing catchup.

I would be pleased to provide an email consultation for you -- for free.  If you are interested, send me a pm with your real email address and name and I will send you the appropriate information.

Best of luck!

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c


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Are there any surgeons you'd recommend near the Birmingham, Alabama area?

I have posted here how to pick a gynecomastia surgeon:

Actually we see many Gynecomastia Patients from Alabama and around the world who prefer my techniques. To minimize travel, most start out with our Preliminary Remote Discussion.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline Lee1190

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I really appreciate the help.

My email is

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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The info is on its way to you.

Dr Jacobs

Offline Lee1190

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You're way too far away. It would be ridiculous to travel that far when I can have the surgery done in the southeast.


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I really appreciate the help.

My email is

You're way too far away. It would be ridiculous to travel that far when I can have the surgery done in the southeast.

I have sent our preliminary remote package to your email address. If interested in learning about the process, Jane is my office manager.  She can normally be reached at our office by phone Monday - Friday 9-5 Eastern Time at (804) 748-7737.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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I do not know of any surgeons who specialize in gyne surgery in your area.  If you wish to limit your travel, then consider Dr. Pope in Orlando, Florida.  He is listed on this forum.

Dr Jacobs


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