Author Topic: A month post-op, still puffy, pics  (Read 3072 times)

Offline gumtreeconfession

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I'm 25 years old.

I underwent liposuction one month ago. The surgeon said there was no need to remove the gland as the problem wasn't very big.
I would say there is a 50% improvement so far, it's about half as big as it was, but still visibly puffy.

It looks alright just after I take off the compression vest but within 10-15 minutes it starts looking like in the pics.

I am very unhappy with the contour at the moment. The surgeon had a look at me 2 weeks ago and said it will take a few months to reach an ideal result, and that I shouldn't be concerned with what I feel to be hard tissue under the nipples (much more noticeable on the left side, which is puffier).

He said it is hematoma that will become liquid in time and then it will be possible to drain it if need be.

Anyway, I've read a LOT on people's experiences and I know a lot of people are sharing my concern a few weeks or even months post-op but I would really like to hear a professional opinion on whether I should be concerned or let time run its course.

Offline strahan222

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I've got the same thing. My left side is perfect but my right side has this hard lump underneath my nipple wich makes it look puffy. Been 2 months and a half now and it doesn't look like it's going anywhere. I wore the vest for the first 2 weeks and when I took it off the puffiness showed up. And like you when I put it back on for a while it goes away and then it comes back after 10-15 mins when I take it off. But my advice to you would be to not panic and just wait it out because it will probably go away on its own eventually. I know it's frustrating to go through surgery and then to have to wait for a while before seeing the final result but the only real option is to wait it out. In a few months it will just be a bad memory. I'll give you an example from a personal experience I've had. Had chickenpox when I was 16 (I'm 22 right now) and I thought the red marks would never go away, went to a Dermatologist he told me to wait it out, of course I wasn't satisfied with his answer but about a year later They'd all dissapeared. So don't panic I know how you feel because someday I just look at myself in the mirror and get so pissed off at this puffy nipple but I guess you have to forget about it and then one morning you'll notice it's gone.   

Offline gynobeast

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well im 2 and a half and my nipples look exactly the same as urs

Offline clevelandguy1980

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You probably dont want to hear it, but it looks like you need gland removal.

Offline gumtreeconfession

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I asked to see my surgeon again a few days ago. He saw it and said that judging by the yellowish color still visible that the healing process is not yet complete and what is making the area puffy is the scar tissue which will eventually go away. He said he took out everything that was needed during lipo and I should give it two or three more months before I am critical of the result.

From what I read here, a ton of people here are experiencing the same type of long healing process. I'm sure not all of them had a bad surgery but rather that it takes longer than a lot of us thought for it to flatten out after surgery?

Offline gyneco_1001

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you definitely need gland removal... ur P.S. knows it just as well as you do... but let it heal properly before you go for a revision (which I'm pretty sure you will need).

Offline clevelandguy1980

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In the last pic look just above your nipple, I am almost certain this is gland just by looking at it. Your Dr. just doesnt want to be bothered with a revision because he didnt get it right the first time.

Offline gumtreeconfession

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Thank you for the comments.

This really pains me to hear, and I would like a surgeon to comment on this if possible.

Offline ddh

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If you decide you want revision surgery, be careful about selecting your surgeon.

I think you could easily end up with crater deformities if you select a surgeon without significant revision surgery experience.

Best of luck!


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