Author Topic: nzgyne Just been "Diagnosed"  (Read 2443 times)

Offline nzgyne

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Hey guys,

I have come here looking for comfort with those who are in the same situation, I will try explain my history with it all so you get an understanding of my concerns.


When I was about 12 I started putting weight on, I love food and don't enjoy sports. Anyways time went on and at the age of 18 I was very overweight (140KG @ 6'2") and not healthy at all. So I went to gym for about 3 months but never made any gains while weight lifting. I gave up and went back to my old habits.

I'm now 22 and have started going to a Gym that I love and work out with a friend who does body building (Natural no bad roids etc) and he is training me. Anyways I have lost 5 KG (started 2 weeks ago) and all is going well.

Until 2 days ago. I noticed during the day one of my breasts was more heavy and when I got home I took the shirt off to have a good look and feel, and found my left breast behind the nipple had a rubbery feeling to it of about 3cm x 2cm size, the rest of the breast felt normal, I notice the breast skin was tight and had an odd shaped circle colour around it and generally swollen.

I panicked thinking it was cancer (haha) or something like that, so went to docs and he said "No it's fine, it's just Gynecomastia. I have always known about this condition and aware that I had large "moobs" but figured it was just me being lazy/overweight. Anyways after reading this site I noticed there is a difference between having fat in the chest "breasts" and having Gynecomastia.

Being fat in that area the tissue is very soft and bouncy, but Gynecomastia seems to be heavier and rubbery? I asked the docter if this was random or going away in a few days/weeks and he said it was a "Coincidence" that it happened now and not during my 13 years of having fat chest etc and randomly occured when doing gym trying to get rid of them.

Anyways here are my pics from when I was 18, I will try get some of me now to show you what my left breast looks like compared to the right (left being the one diagnosed) and why I seem so upset about it, I was doing good at gym and they were starting to get smaller, now I have this uneven horrible heavy feeling breast on the left and the right one looks like it's responding to weight loss.

By the way my stomach looks huge in these, but that's me being fully relaxed and not sucking in etc.. I think my breasts might be slightly bigger then in those, will get some new ones up asap!



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Hey guys,

I have come here looking for comfort with those who are in the same situation, I will try explain my history with it all so you get an understanding of my concerns.


When I was about 12 I started putting weight on, I love food and don't enjoy sports. Anyways time went on and at the age of 18 I was very overweight (140KG @ 6'2") and not healthy at all. So I went to gym for about 3 months but never made any gains while weight lifting. I gave up and went back to my old habits.

I'm now 22 and have started going to a Gym that I love and work out with a friend who does body building (Natural no bad roids etc) and he is training me. Anyways I have lost 5 KG (started 2 weeks ago) and all is going well.

Until 2 days ago. I noticed during the day one of my breasts was more heavy and when I got home I took the shirt off to have a good look and feel, and found my left breast behind the nipple had a rubbery feeling to it of about 3cm x 2cm size, the rest of the breast felt normal, I notice the breast skin was tight and had an odd shaped circle colour around it and generally swollen.

I panicked thinking it was cancer (haha) or something like that, so went to docs and he said "No it's fine, it's just Gynecomastia. I have always known about this condition and aware that I had large "moobs" but figured it was just me being lazy/overweight. Anyways after reading this site I noticed there is a difference between having fat in the chest "breasts" and having Gynecomastia.

Being fat in that area the tissue is very soft and bouncy, but Gynecomastia seems to be heavier and rubbery? I asked the docter if this was random or going away in a few days/weeks and he said it was a "Coincidence" that it happened now and not during my 13 years of having fat chest etc and randomly occured when doing gym trying to get rid of them.

Anyways here are my pics from when I was 18, I will try get some of me now to show you what my left breast looks like compared to the right (left being the one diagnosed) and why I seem so upset about it, I was doing good at gym and they were starting to get smaller, now I have this uneven horrible heavy feeling breast on the left and the right one looks like it's responding to weight loss.

By the way my stomach looks huge in these, but that's me being fully relaxed and not sucking in etc.. I think my breasts might be slightly bigger then in those, will get some new ones up asap!


Congratulations on the weight loss so far.

Have you checked your Body Mass Index with a BMI Calculator?  By definition you are in the upper range of severely obese. That is almost Morbidly Obese a condition that shortens life and badly increases risks of elective surgery.

BMI does not differentiate between fat, muscle, and bone.  Body Fat Calculators can help with the fat percentage and are better at helping define the fat component.

Plastic Surgery is not an alternative to losing weight.  With surgery, an overweight person will still look like a overweight person, just one with smaller breasts.

The problem is that Male Fat Pattern extends around the chest, under the arms, and around the back.  Plastic Surgery is not a good tool for a global fat problem.

I advise my patients to get to a weight / body fat percentage they are comfortable with before considering surgery. 
Weight Loss Before Gynecomastia Surgery can help with the fat, but not the gland.  However, you cannot pick where your fat comes from. Plastic Surgery is also not a good jump start tool for weight loss.  I have seen disasters from patients from other doctors with deformities from significant weight loss after their surgery.  Men tend to put fat on first in the belly and chest bands.  We tend to take of those areas last.  Early surgery and depending on weight loss to predictably change the body is a nasty gamble.  No Surgery Body Shaping Garments are a better temporizing choice.

The male chest can be distorted by gland and fat of Gynecomastia Male Breast Enlargement. After weight loss, loose skin can also be a factor to different degrees. Drooping or Ptosis is a frequent problem after massive weight loss or deflation of massive muscles.   

Posting Standard Pictures to Show Male Chest Drooping after weight loss can help others better understand if the loose skin component is a factor.

Low Nipples Look Strange on the male chest and comes in many different degrees.  The lower edge of the areola should be at or above the lowest part of the pectoral muscle when upright. When sagging is significant, surgery can combine both the residual contours of gynecomastia and loose hanging tissues in a single sculpture.  Male Mastopexy Chest Lift for Drooping Chest or Ptosis can consist of many different Surgical Options for Excess Skin of the Male Chest.  A Short Scar Skin Reduction Chest Lift hides the scars under the pectoral muscles and around the areola.  However, for more subtle problems, the compromise of leaving the loose skin alone can be a better option.

Finishing weight loss before surgery is usually much better than further weight loss after surgery. Weight loss is a coarse tool, Plastic Surgery is better reserved for refinement. This is especially true when tissue sagging is a factor.  Why lift sagging tissue, lose more weight, and see that tissue sag again from further deflation? 

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Male Mastopexy Chest Lift for Drooping and Ptosis

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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Reality is that you are severely overweight and no chest surgery will be of help to you now.

Best advice is to get down to about 220 lbs, more or less.  That will require stringent diet AND exercise and will take time.  But if you remain determined and persevere, it can be done.  When are have lost the weight, you will be healthier and your body will have changed significantly.  But you will still have breasts, albeit smaller and perhaps droopier.

It is at that point that a plastic surgeon can evaluate you as regards the best possible treatment -- which will most likely consist of removal of all excess tissue plus removal of excess skin and re-positioning of the nipple on your chest.

Best of luck in your weight loss -- you are on the right track!

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c


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