Author Topic: Chest has lines under skin (post op)  (Read 4289 times)

Offline technics777

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When I bring my shoulders back, I can see a bunch of lines under my skin. It looks like a tiger mauled at it.
Dont get me wrong, i look great in a t-shirt and everything is well done, it's just that this thing is bothering me.

Is this scarring? Or is this left over fat? Im only really concerned because Im into body building and once I drop to very low body fat percentage, im worried my chest will look really ugly.

How do I fix this? It doesnt hurt or anything, just looks really ugly.

I got my surgery in June

Offline thezombie

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can u post some picture mate..
hard to tell without seeing
My Before and After :

Offline JamesDawson

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Sounds like stretch mark lines, pictures would be great

Offline technics777

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Not stretch marks...

that really big indent on the left of my nipple is what is bothering me.

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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Photos and lighting are not great -- but it does appear that you have some areas of irregularity which may have been due to liposuction.  At this point, I would not expect any spontaneous improvement.

Suggest you re-visit your surgeon to discuss -- and if you get no satisfaction there, then consider consulting with a gyne specialist in your geographic area -- or even consider traveling.

Dr Jacobs

Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline technics777

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Photos and lighting are not great -- but it does appear that you have some areas of irregularity which may have been due to liposuction.  At this point, I would not expect any spontaneous improvement.

Suggest you re-visit your surgeon to discuss -- and if you get no satisfaction there, then consider consulting with a gyne specialist in your geographic area -- or even consider traveling.

Dr Jacobs

Well, I did talk to him and he said 'You'll be fine'.

If I lose lots of weight and get really lean (such as before a bodybuilding competition), then it should be 'back to normal' right?
Its not some giant scar under my chest right?

Offline thezombie

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I Actually noticed I have those lines as well.
and I suspect my high % of body fat.. i have cut down to 1200 calories and will start exercising jan 5th onwards(cuz the doctor said so ) to get my body fat down..

Offline technics777

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Photos and lighting are not great -- but it does appear that you have some areas of irregularity which may have been due to liposuction.  At this point, I would not expect any spontaneous improvement.

Suggest you re-visit your surgeon to discuss -- and if you get no satisfaction there, then consider consulting with a gyne specialist in your geographic area -- or even consider traveling.

Dr Jacobs

Well, I did talk to him and he said 'You'll be fine'.

If I lose lots of weight and get really lean (such as before a bodybuilding competition), then it should be 'back to normal' right?
Its not some giant scar under my chest right?

Dr, any input?

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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I am doubtful that any significant improvement will occur spontaneously -- but there is absolutely no harm in watching and waiting.

If the problem persists, then, as I previously stated, it is time to consult a gyne expert for another opinion.

Best of luck.

Dr Jacobs


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