Author Topic: What is wrong with my body? klinefelters possibly?  (Read 19222 times)

Offline eyooh

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Alright, I'm 18 years old and I had surgery for gynecomastia last year. I thought this operation was going to make me look more manly, but sadly it didn't.
It seems like my problem is my incredibly narrow shoulders and my wide hips.
I googled these symptoms and it suggested that I had klinefelter syndrome. A symptom of klinefelter which almost everyone had was small balls and low sex drive, I however does not either of these, so I'm really curious to what is wrong with me.
I might look a little fat on the pictures (I just started working out to lose some weight), but my BMI is only 21, which is in the normal range.

As you can see almost all the fat on my body are stored in the stomach, butt/thigh area, which suggests I have a female fat distribution pattern :/

Whats wrong with me?


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Alright, I'm 18 years old and I had surgery for gynecomastia last year. I thought this operation was going to make me look more manly, but sadly it didn't.
It seems like my problem is my incredibly narrow shoulders and my wide hips.
I googled these symptoms and it suggested that I had klinefelter syndrome. A symptom of klinefelter which almost everyone had was small balls and low sex drive, I however does not either of these, so I'm really curious to what is wrong with me.
I might look a little fat on the pictures (I just started working out to lose some weight), but my BMI is only 21, which is in the normal range.

As you can see almost all the fat on my body are stored in the stomach, butt/thigh area, which suggests I have a female fat distribution pattern :/

Whats wrong with me?

The limited views shown are not a female fat pattern, but that of a male. The diagnosis of Klinefelter's syndrome starts out in the exam room of an experienced physician comfortable with such a screening, and then ends up in an endocrinologist's office and testing such as checking genetic material. The limited details provided are only a fraction of what my patients start with their remotes and not any where sufficient as an in office exam where I need a possible hypogonadal patient to start because of the genital exam. Instead of speculation using inadequate information, why not set up a clinical exam with an experienced physician?

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, M.D.
Board Certified
American Board of Plastic Surgery
Member: American Society of Plastic Surgeons and American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
Specializing in Gynecomastia and Surgical Sculpture of the Male Chest
(804) 748-7737

Offline eyooh

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I will most definitely contact a doctor within the next week. Judging from the pictures, why would my body as a male be like that? I know giving a diagnosis over the internet isn't accurate, but is there any other reason why my shoulders are narrow and hips are wide?

I have already had my hormone levels tested, and they were normal for a male my age. This is very confusing, as I have no facial hair whatsoever.

Offline eyooh

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Offline Mark102

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you could try building muscle to make yourself look more "manlike", but I don't really see any feminine properties in you. That's probably just your body type.

Offline pokeweed

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You look like a normal male to me. I don't see the symptoms you keep referring to. Work out and see what happens!

Offline xoxoxoxo

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yeah your body looks pretty normal like what others are saying..

Offline eyooh

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I took blood samples today. They will test hormone levels.

If my testosterone levels are normal, do I not have klinefelters? Or can you still have it even with a normal testosterone count

btw. you should see how I look with a t-shirt on. Like a kid... self esteem so low cause of this shit..

Offline xoxoxoxo

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actually bro i don't really know what klinefelters is.. BTW all of us having this condition have low self esteem

Offline eyooh

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Its where males are born with an extra X chromosome. People with this condition usually have very long arms and legs, narrow shoulders, wide hips and gynecomastia. They also have small balls and lack of facial hair.

I don't have small balls tho, but I have all the other shit :/


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Its where males are born with an extra X chromosome. People with this condition usually have very long arms and legs, narrow shoulders, wide hips and gynecomastia. They also have small balls and lack of facial hair.

I don't have small balls tho, but I have all the other shit :/

There are many misconceptions about Klinefelter's Syndrome. I have already addressed such issues, symptoms, and an extended discussion about Klinefelter's Syndrome elsewhere on the forum:;topicseen#msg126172

Again, you are not going to get a diagnosis here. That is best done in an experienced doctor's office after an evaluation.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, M.D.
Board Certified
American Board of Plastic Surgery
Member: American Society of Plastic Surgeons and American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
Specializing in Gynecomastia and Surgical Sculpture of the Male Chest
(804) 748-7737

Offline improving

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I think you look like a normal 18 year old.

Maybe start doing some weight lifting if your unsatisfied.

Offline eyooh

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Let me take a picture with a shirt and some pants on and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Offline Mark102

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I don't think you should sweat it so much, but maybe when you take those pictures, we'll see what your talking about.

Offline thetodd

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To be blunt, your just unfit!

Youve got love handles, youtube a "lose love handles" video, do it every day increase your reps do some road running and theyl be gone. There is a huge difference between wide hips and lower back fat and i can see from your pictures you just have love handles i mean ok look at a pic of me

now thats me 5 months ago with lower back fat, leading upto christmas i really worked on tightening my core up and i pretty much lost all that fat ... then christmas hit and ive been busy at work and i just cant be arsed and my body is the same as it was then. Most people have fat there its very very hard to shift it but it can be done

As for your chest, maybe a mild bit of gyne but seriously not a bad case at all

Youve been brainwashed by TV with the jersey shore arseholes dedicating their life to getting a tan and a six pack, life doesnt revolve on how much your abs stick out so dont get caught up thinking its a be all or end all.

Kinefelters, no way mate dont even let it cross your mind anymore
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!


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