Author Topic: Little bumps under areola after surgery  (Read 2225 times)

Offline nukem2k5

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I recently noticed some little bumpy masses underneath my right areola.  I had my surgery over a month ago.  Sometimes I can squeeze them and pop some white pus out that looks like it came from a zit.  If I continue to squeeze, some clear liquid / blood comes out, just like a zit.  My girlfriend told me she gets little bumps that she can pop just like mine, but I'm not a girl, so I'm concerned.

Is this anything to be concerned about?  My chest still contains hard healing tissue, especially under my nipples / areolas, which have yet to regain any feeling.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2005, 02:22:05 PM by nukem2k5 »
Reborn on May 24, 2005
Surgery Cost: $4,040
Dr. David Metzner - New Orleans, LA
My Photos
Two Years Post-Op Photos

Offline tnel00son

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did you go to a endocrinologist at any time before your surgery? things like that could be related to hormone levels i would think. see a endocrinologist would be the best idea i think.

Offline nukem2k5

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Yeah I saw an endo and I have had blood work done.  My testosterone was 424 and my estradiol was 37 (I forgot the units), but they were both within range although somewhat imbalanced.

She did not suggest any sort of testosterone deficiency treatment as I am still just 18 and my hormones may improve naturally in the next year or two.


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