Author Topic: Is this the worst case you've ever seen? *PICS*  (Read 7607 times)

Offline NeedToLoseWeight

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I've had it since I was 12 but when I hit 15 it really started to take its toll and I actually haven't worn a t-shirt in public for 4 years. I'm 19 now and starting university in September and would like to have this sorted before then or really, I can't see myself enjoying that time. My mum has agreed to lend me £3.5k and I'm hoping I can somehow get the other £900 or so needed for the op with Dr. Karidis. I spoke to my GP and she refused to even have the blood tests done so it will all have to be done with Karidis at the hospital.

I actually have no idea how to save up that £900. I've bent hell looking for a job without any success and I can get overdraft which will be £500 maximum if that and I need money for deposit on my room at uni and other things as well so really, somehow have to make £900.

Any help will be appreciated guys.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2011, 12:46:47 PM by NeedToLoseWeight »

Offline NeedToLoseWeight

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Also, I'm 5 foot 8 and overweight and I seriously hope that wouldn't be a problem but I really can't get myself to go to the gym with those. :(

Offline somedude999

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Not the worst case I've seen mate but can see why you would want to get it sorted asap.

Have you thought about going with Levick ? would only need a few hundred quid extra then.
Get the money by any means you can, get a job stacking shelves, sell stuff on ebay, it will change ur life forever so its worth pushing for.

Try and lose as much weight as you can, it will help.

Offline thetodd

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carefull with overdrafts etc the fees incurred can be huge with some banks. Definatley not the worse case ive seen but a genuine case of gyne. I know its a bit shit but there are plenty of agency factory jobs out there if you wanted to you could easily make £900 in a month doing that.

But start losing weight now, itl only help imrpove the final result. You dont have to go pounding the pavement but just go for long walks and eat a really clean diet. Once you sort your diet out thats when you start shredding the pounds.

Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline NeedToLoseWeight

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Not the worst case I've seen mate but can see why you would want to get it sorted asap.

Have you thought about going with Levick ? would only need a few hundred quid extra then.
Get the money by any means you can, get a job stacking shelves, sell stuff on ebay, it will change ur life forever so its worth pushing for.

Try and lose as much weight as you can, it will help.

Hey thanks for the post mate, I've been following your thread and congrats on the op man, you look amazing.

I did think about going with Levick but apparently Karidis is the best thing ever to happen to Gyne surgery and I really want this gone completely. I'm also in London and going Bham for uni so if I went with Levick I'd have to get it sorted while I'm at uni whereas I really wanted to get it done before I start. I'm still looking into both of them and if I fall short I'll deffo go with Levick. I'll keep on following your thread id love to see the end result after the swelling.

Offline NeedToLoseWeight

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carefull with overdrafts etc the fees incurred can be huge with some banks. Definatley not the worse case ive seen but a genuine case of gyne. I know its a bit shit but there are plenty of agency factory jobs out there if you wanted to you could easily make £900 in a month doing that.

But start losing weight now, itl only help imrpove the final result. You dont have to go pounding the pavement but just go for long walks and eat a really clean diet. Once you sort your diet out thats when you start shredding the pounds.

I think I'll be able to get the student overdraft which is interest fee for a few months and then pay it back working through the summer. Yeah mate I also think without a question it's gyne but those pics do make it look a bit worse than it is, do you think I'd get good results? I've been on a clean diet for a few weeks and have lost 2kg but after the exams finish I'll really start exercising and hopefully lose as much as possible.

What do you mean by agency factory jobs mate? Ive never had a job before in my life maybe ats why I'm not good at finding one.

Offline somedude999

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Hey thanks for the post mate, I've been following your thread and congrats on the op man, you look amazing.

I did think about going with Levick but apparently Karidis is the best thing ever to happen to Gyne surgery and I really want this gone completely. I'm also in London and going Bham for uni so if I went with Levick I'd have to get it sorted while I'm at uni whereas I really wanted to get it done before I start. I'm still looking into both of them and if I fall short I'll deffo go with Levick. I'll keep on following your thread id love to see the end result after the swelling.

Hey thanks a lot mate, glad ur following, will keep it updated with pics. Swelling and bruising all seems to be going away now and really chuffed with my chest.

Can understand you wanting to go to Karidis, he does get great reviews on here. For me Levick was the better option due to location and price, but also after the consultation I felt he was the right man for the job. Don't think you'll go wrong with either tbh.

Have you looked online for jobs ?, monster etc etc. What about enquiring at local supermarkets and pizza places etc ? you've got very little money left to get so just about any job would do it really.

Offline NeedToLoseWeight

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Ah that's good man look forward to seeing the pics. Did you go to both surgeons before deciding? I just don't want to get it done and then feel like it's a been a waste of borrowed money.

Actually something might have come up, it's an evening shift job at Wilknsons but I'm not sure how many people they're taking on, I'll go Tuesday and drop my c.v in there and see what happens.


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I've had it since I was 12 but when I hit 15 it really started to take its toll and I actually haven't worn a t-shirt in public for 4 years. I'm 19 now and starting university in September and would like to have this sorted before then or really, I can't see myself enjoying that time. My mum has agreed to lend me £3.5k and I'm hoping I can somehow get the other £900 or so needed for the op with Dr. Karidis. I spoke to my GP and she refused to even have the blood tests done so it will all have to be done with Karidis at the hospital.

I actually have no idea how to save up that £900. I've bent hell looking for a job without any success and I can get overdraft which will be £500 maximum if that and I need money for deposit on my room at uni and other things as well so really, somehow have to make £900.

Any help will be appreciated guys.

Sorry, no that is far from the worse case I have seen. Having breasts is part of the contour of any overweight mammal, male or female. In fact I launched a campaign about the weight contribution to gynecomastia contour many years ago and built a page on Male Body Fat Distribution featuring the contours of Sumo Wrestles. Have you ever seen a Sumo Wrestler without breasts. It goes with the territory. Surgery is not the answer for global fat issues. Look at your surgeon's results with that contour problem. It is compromise surgery and quite expensive for something that still ends up not looking good. Surgery can bring the breasts to the basic fat thickness around the body. Go beyond that and it is a bad distortion. Do early compromise surgery and then losing weight becomes a gamble. Men tend to put fat on first the breast and belly and take it off those regions last. Do the surgery, lose the weight in the normal fashion, and it will look like the gynecomastia has recurred.

That is why I have been trying to educate that weight loss before surgery is better than weight loss after. As a surgical sculptor, I prefer to use the coarse tool first, the weight loss, reserving the refinement the surgery for a stable problem. I do not agree with the concept that surgery is an effective tool for a "emotional boost" to help with further weight loss. The results just do not warrant the costs, in my opinion.;topicseen#msg132741

Thankfully, current posting seems to be on target, lose the weight first.

Your screen name says it all to me. What is your BMI, your body fat percentage? Living with all that fat is just not healthy. If you decide to have the surgery first, look for actual before and after surgery pictures with of others done by that doctor to see if the results are what you are looking for. Be careful to find out if that example needed further surgery, revisions, further weight loss, and other events in the path between the before and after results. Then look to see if there are loose skin issues with the weight loss. With weight loss, bending over pictures show how well the process managed loose skin. I have seen patients from other surgeons who had "jump start surgery," then had skin tightening revision, then lost weight and had new breasts and sagging, and then came to me asking for help with yet another revision? Some spent a great deal of money, time off of activities, and stress for multiple uses of a refinement tool that would have been better position after the coarse tool. That is why I have had a passion about this topic on these forums for years.

If someone is aware of what they need to go through to get there, then at least they have a better chance of establishing realistic expectations.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, M.D.

Offline NeedToLoseWeight

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I've had it since I was 12 but when I hit 15 it really started to take its toll and I actually haven't worn a t-shirt in public for 4 years. I'm 19 now and starting university in September and would like to have this sorted before then or really, I can't see myself enjoying that time. My mum has agreed to lend me £3.5k and I'm hoping I can somehow get the other £900 or so needed for the op with Dr. Karidis. I spoke to my GP and she refused to even have the blood tests done so it will all have to be done with Karidis at the hospital.

I actually have no idea how to save up that £900. I've bent hell looking for a job without any success and I can get overdraft which will be £500 maximum if that and I need money for deposit on my room at uni and other things as well so really, somehow have to make £900.

Any help will be appreciated guys.

Sorry, no that is far from the worse case I have seen. Having breasts is part of the contour of any overweight mammal, male or female. In fact I launched a campaign about the weight contribution to gynecomastia contour many years ago and built a page on Male Body Fat Distribution featuring the contours of Sumo Wrestles. Have you ever seen a Sumo Wrestler without breasts. It goes with the territory. Surgery is not the answer for global fat issues. Look at your surgeon's results with that contour problem. It is compromise surgery and quite expensive for something that still ends up not looking good. Surgery can bring the breasts to the basic fat thickness around the body. Go beyond that and it is a bad distortion. Do early compromise surgery and then losing weight becomes a gamble. Men tend to put fat on first the breast and belly and take it off those regions last. Do the surgery, lose the weight in the normal fashion, and it will look like the gynecomastia has recurred.

That is why I have been trying to educate that weight loss before surgery is better than weight loss after. As a surgical sculptor, I prefer to use the coarse tool first, the weight loss, reserving the refinement the surgery for a stable problem. I do not agree with the concept that surgery is an effective tool for a "emotional boost" to help with further weight loss. The results just do not warrant the costs, in my opinion.;topicseen#msg132741

Thankfully, current posting seems to be on target, lose the weight first.

Your screen name says it all to me. What is your BMI, your body fat percentage? Living with all that fat is just not healthy. If you decide to have the surgery first, look for actual before and after surgery pictures with of others done by that doctor to see if the results are what you are looking for. Be careful to find out if that example needed further surgery, revisions, further weight loss, and other events in the path between the before and after results. Then look to see if there are loose skin issues with the weight loss. With weight loss, bending over pictures show how well the process managed loose skin. I have seen patients from other surgeons who had "jump start surgery," then had skin tightening revision, then lost weight and had new breasts and sagging, and then came to me asking for help with yet another revision? Some spent a great deal of money, time off of activities, and stress for multiple uses of a refinement tool that would have been better position after the coarse tool. That is why I have had a passion about this topic on these forums for years.

If someone is aware of what they need to go through to get there, then at least they have a better chance of establishing realistic expectations.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, M.D.

Thank you sir for replying, it's great to get the opinion of an actual doctor who deals with these issues every day.

I just measured my height and weight accurately for the first time in years and it came out as 73kg and just over 5 feet 9 inches. This gives me a BMI of 23.8 which is supposed to be in the healthy range but as you can see that is far from the case. I took some pictures a few weeks ago to keep track of my weight loss and I've lost 2kg since those pictures. (I'll link them later on)

My biggest concern is saggy skin and asymmetrical pecs. As you can see my "moobs" aren't symmetrical and I'm just worried that they'll have some form of... deformity even after the surgery. Also will the areolas shrink in size? They are massive, as you can see.

What do you think?

Here are the pictures I took about 3 weeks ago, I'm about 2kg lighter now and I have until September so I'm sure I'll lose at least a few KGs more, I'm aiming for about 10kg.

Would you say I'd get good results after surgery, with about 5kg weight lost from that body? I realise that my bodyfat percentage is very high, any idea on what it might be?

Thanks a lot


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I've had it since I was 12 but when I hit 15 it really started to take its toll and I actually haven't worn a t-shirt in public for 4 years. I'm 19 now and starting university in September and would like to have this sorted before then or really, I can't see myself enjoying that time. My mum has agreed to lend me £3.5k and I'm hoping I can somehow get the other £900 or so needed for the op with Dr. Karidis. I spoke to my GP and she refused to even have the blood tests done so it will all have to be done with Karidis at the hospital.

I actually have no idea how to save up that £900. I've bent hell looking for a job without any success and I can get overdraft which will be £500 maximum if that and I need money for deposit on my room at uni and other things as well so really, somehow have to make £900.

Any help will be appreciated guys.

Sorry, no that is far from the worse case I have seen. Having breasts is part of the contour of any overweight mammal, male or female. In fact I launched a campaign about the weight contribution to gynecomastia contour many years ago and built a page on Male Body Fat Distribution featuring the contours of Sumo Wrestles. Have you ever seen a Sumo Wrestler without breasts. It goes with the territory. Surgery is not the answer for global fat issues. Look at your surgeon's results with that contour problem. It is compromise surgery and quite expensive for something that still ends up not looking good. Surgery can bring the breasts to the basic fat thickness around the body. Go beyond that and it is a bad distortion. Do early compromise surgery and then losing weight becomes a gamble. Men tend to put fat on first the breast and belly and take it off those regions last. Do the surgery, lose the weight in the normal fashion, and it will look like the gynecomastia has recurred.

That is why I have been trying to educate that weight loss before surgery is better than weight loss after. As a surgical sculptor, I prefer to use the coarse tool first, the weight loss, reserving the refinement the surgery for a stable problem. I do not agree with the concept that surgery is an effective tool for a "emotional boost" to help with further weight loss. The results just do not warrant the costs, in my opinion.;topicseen#msg132741

Thankfully, current posting seems to be on target, lose the weight first.

Your screen name says it all to me. What is your BMI, your body fat percentage? Living with all that fat is just not healthy. If you decide to have the surgery first, look for actual before and after surgery pictures with of others done by that doctor to see if the results are what you are looking for. Be careful to find out if that example needed further surgery, revisions, further weight loss, and other events in the path between the before and after results. Then look to see if there are loose skin issues with the weight loss. With weight loss, bending over pictures show how well the process managed loose skin. I have seen patients from other surgeons who had "jump start surgery," then had skin tightening revision, then lost weight and had new breasts and sagging, and then came to me asking for help with yet another revision? Some spent a great deal of money, time off of activities, and stress for multiple uses of a refinement tool that would have been better position after the coarse tool. That is why I have had a passion about this topic on these forums for years.

If someone is aware of what they need to go through to get there, then at least they have a better chance of establishing realistic expectations.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, M.D.

Thank you sir for replying, it's great to get the opinion of an actual doctor who deals with these issues every day.

I just measured my height and weight accurately for the first time in years and it came out as 73kg and just over 5 feet 9 inches. This gives me a BMI of 23.8 which is supposed to be in the healthy range but as you can see that is far from the case. I took some pictures a few weeks ago to keep track of my weight loss and I've lost 2kg since those pictures. (I'll link them later on)

My biggest concern is saggy skin and an asymmetrical chest. As you can see my "moobs" aren't symmetrical and I'm just worried that they'll have some form of... deformity even after the surgery. What do you think?

Here are the pictures I took about 3 weeks ago, I'm about 2kg lighter now and I have until September so I'm sure I'll lose at least a few KGs more, I'm aiming for about 10kg.

Would you say I'd get good results after surgery, with about 5kg weight lost from that body? I realise that my bodyfat percentage is very high, any idea on what it might be?

Thanks a lot

Congratulations on the weight loss so far. It sounds like you are a work in progress.

That is why BMI alone is not enough. All of my patients have their body fat percentage measured. Check out the many answers I have posted here about

BMI and Body Fat Percentage

to see what I am talking about. Those responses also have critical resources to evaluate such issues as loose skin. When I was coming up with my

Standard Gynecomastia Pictures

to evaluate my patients' problems and the quality of my surgery, I realized they were not complete in understanding loose skin issues. I then came up with my

Standard Pictures for Male Chest with Loose Skin

This set uses gravity to pull the skin away from the body to demonstrate just how much excess is there to deal with. I then added chest wall measurements to put a number on the distortion. It became a valuable tool to understand the problem, progress patients were making with their weight loss, and how effective my surgical sculpture was for each problem. It then permitted me to evolve new forms of male chest lift for those wanting smaller surface scars my Internal Male Chest Lift which can lift low nipples but not manage excess skin. So that documentation permitted me to understand and then educate my patients about the limitations, benefits, risks, and alternate methods of care.

There is an entire section of my website I dedicated to this education process about weight loss, loose skin, and compromises necessary in the process.

Guessing body fat percentage is equivalent to a carnival weight guessing act and has about the same value. I also evolved resources to learn about body fat percentage, how to measure, and limitations.

For individuals stressed out by contours while they are trying to stabilize their problems, I also evolved a demonstration of just how effective compression garments can be for various body forms. They have become an extraordinary tool as an Emotional Bandaid to temporize emotional issues while my patients were losing weight.

On forums my answers have to be generic. If you are looking for my specific advice, we are happy to help you explore your concerns during a consultation or a preliminary remote discussion. We see many UK patients who prefer my techniques and passion for helping my patients learn their options. If interested you can contact me by the email link or Jane is my office manager.  She can normally be reached at our office by phone Monday - Friday 9-5 Eastern Time at (804) 748-7737.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, M.D.

Offline somedude999

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Ah that's good man look forward to seeing the pics. Did you go to both surgeons before deciding? I just don't want to get it done and then feel like it's a been a waste of borrowed money.

Actually something might have come up, it's an evening shift job at Wilknsons but I'm not sure how many people they're taking on, I'll go Tuesday and drop my c.v in there and see what happens.

Nah I only saw Levick as getting to London was a bit hard for me so wasn't such a good option.

That sounds ideal mate, keep us posted, and get applying for other stuff 2  ;D

Offline thetodd

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Your weight loss should be a breeze tbh, youve got a slight body type

go to JJB, get a nike compression vest and wear a tshirt over it go to the gym and start hitting the cardio it will drop off you. Dont need any weight routines so just go to the cheapest gym you can find and drill the cardio. Youd shed that in a few months!

Once your had the surgery, youl look great trust me you look like youd tone up easily if you google "skinny fat" thats how id classify your body type. Dont read what they say about man boobs though its a load of crap you will need surgery for them

Offline NeedToLoseWeight

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Your weight loss should be a breeze tbh, youve got a slight body type

go to JJB, get a nike compression vest and wear a tshirt over it go to the gym and start hitting the cardio it will drop off you. Dont need any weight routines so just go to the cheapest gym you can find and drill the cardio. Youd shed that in a few months!

Once your had the surgery, youl look great trust me you look like youd tone up easily if you google "skinny fat" thats how id classify your body type. Dont read what they say about man boobs though its a load of crap you will need surgery for them

Oh thanks for the vest info ill go get that tomorrow. My uncle has a fully working treadmill that I can borrow for the summer do you think that might be enough?

I seriously hope so I need to lose this fat and get the surgery thanks for the motivation.

Offline thetodd

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yeah thatl do, get yourself a decent pair of running shoes though or youl end up getting injuries

if you stick to a good diet, and do 5k on the treadmill 4 days a week it should start falling off. Try doing some at home ab exercises

Search on youtube for "Scott herman abs"

have a look through his vids easy to follow and you wont need any equipment.


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