Author Topic: Is this the worst case you've ever seen? *PICS*  (Read 3079 times)

Offline NeedToLoseWeight

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I've had it since I was 12 but when I hit 15 it really started to take its toll and I actually haven't worn a t-shirt in public for 4 years. I'm 19 now and starting university in September and would like to have this sorted before then or really, I can't see myself enjoying that time. My mum has agreed to lend me £3.5k and I'm hoping I can somehow get the other £900 or so needed for the op with Dr. Karidis. I spoke to my GP and she refused to even have the blood tests done so it will all have to be done with Karidis at the hospital.

I actually have no idea how to save up that £900. I've bent hell looking for a job without any success and I can get overdraft which will be £500 maximum if that and I need money for deposit on my room at uni and other things as well so really, somehow have to make £900.

Any help will be appreciated guys.

Offline pharmerjoe

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definitely not the worst case I've seen, but yours is probably similar in severity as mines. My advice, get it done as soon as. I take it your mum knows you want this surgery? This definitely takes stress off your shoulders, believe me. I still haven't told anyone, I've finished uni and in a job now. But I felt, while I did my degree and passed it, thats about all it was for me. I didn't do anything else at uni because of the gyne, no parties, didn't talk to people,etc. I'm not saying you will be the same, but I really felt myself getting more and more self-conscious, cos I was surrounded by (in my head) perfect, good-looking, skinny people.
For that £900, I'm sure you will find a way. Can you not get your mum to try and lend more off another relative? Maybe even try getting a job anywhere, Mcdonalds, KFC, or whatever. Just save up, cut out non-necesseties, sell your computer games, anything - this surgery trumps any other material posession.

Offline NeedToLoseWeight

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definitely not the worst case I've seen, but yours is probably similar in severity as mines. My advice, get it done as soon as. I take it your mum knows you want this surgery? This definitely takes stress off your shoulders, believe me. I still haven't told anyone, I've finished uni and in a job now. But I felt, while I did my degree and passed it, thats about all it was for me. I didn't do anything else at uni because of the gyne, no parties, didn't talk to people,etc. I'm not saying you will be the same, but I really felt myself getting more and more self-conscious, cos I was surrounded by (in my head) perfect, good-looking, skinny people.
For that £900, I'm sure you will find a way. Can you not get your mum to try and lend more off another relative? Maybe even try getting a job anywhere, Mcdonalds, KFC, or whatever. Just save up, cut out non-necesseties, sell your computer games, anything - this surgery trumps any other material posession.

Actually no my mum has no idea. I just told her to trust me and and I'll give her the money back and made up another excuse as to why I needed it but I really don't feel comfortable telling anyone because I am 100% they wouldn't let me get surgery. Thing is, my dad also has it and he considers it absolutely normal so I really can't tell anyone, at least until after the surgery is done. And ye I'm afraid I'll end up having a bad uni experience because of it which is why I want it gone asap.

I've tried looking for a job every single place but the thing is my exams finish right at the end of June and no one is hiring that late for the summer so I'm hoping for a miracle for that £900 man need to figure something out.

Thanks for posting btw I hope you get yours sorted asap as well.

Offline sawyer

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as pharmerjoe said, not the worst case i've seen, far from it..
i'm in a similar situation, but i'm starting from scratch.
you're lucky to get 3.5k off your mum  :o what did you say it was for??
i know what you mean about telling 'em, i'd much prefer to save up myself rather than tell anyone and ask for their help.. they wouldnt understand.
in regards to the 900.. what about a student loan? or just a normal bank loan?


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