Author Topic: suicide..  (Read 15984 times)

Offline Choda

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We all understand how you feel because we are there or have been there with you.  Any human would feel what you're feeling after the emotional things you've been through.  It's normal to feel that way because we've all felt it to some degree or another.

Listen to what I'm about to tell you closely.

This condition is curable.  You can do something about it.  You can do something about it. It would be different if you just had this and that was that, but this isn't the case.

I used to dream of a day that I woke up in the morning and didn't have to worry about my condition anymore.  Guess what, I don't worry anymore b/c I had the surgery and my life is different now.

You've put yourself through enough emotional pain so now it's time to do something about it and defeat this. 

-Go buy you some Nike tight shirts (the Under Armour style) and wear it under your clothes. If anyone asks why you're wearing them now, it's because you like how they feel and they stay dry in hotter weather. I say Nike b/c the bottoms are longer and you can tuck them in easier.  This will help your appearance until the rest of your plan comes full circle.

-Start eating healthier and start working out.  We've got to build you some muscle so your chest will look even better after the surgery.

-Pick a doctor you like, no matter where they are and start talking to them about pricing and the procedure. DO NOT go with the cheapest Dr. when it comes to this surgery. If they do a bad job on you, you'll still be depressed b/c your body will not be right.  Please be selective on the Dr. you use.  This is ultra important.  You want a pro that knows what they're doing. There is no cost to your happiness.

-Start working your rear off to earn money to get the surgery. I don't care, work 3 jobs if you have to and save every penny you can. It's only a temporary sacrifice for a lifetime of joy.

-Pick a surgery date that is realistic and gives you enough time to save the money.  Write it on your calender and look at it frequently so you remember why you're doing what you're doing.

-Last of all, you've suffered enough. Your last day of suffering was yesterday. You're on a mission to destroy this gyne and NOTHING will stop you from your goal, NOTHING!  You're changing your life right now. You've felt sorry for yourself long enough. That was the past and you're moving forward with your plan.

It's going to be hard at times, but well worth it in the end.  Just come on here for the support any time you need it when things get tough and you feel like your big day will never get here, it will!

Last of all, I want you to post about your experience so someone else that is in your shoes can see that you overcame this and it will give them the hope and strength to do the same. 

We're behind you brother and keep us posted!


Offline cyanide

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kwl04 thats the post iv ever read i will take your advice definately the only problem i have is choosing the surgeon, its a hard task especially at $150 for 1 consultation, but i will get there. i already eat healthy and work out because it does give me a great feeling of accomplishment, thanks so much for taking the time to reply i will keep you all posted on my progress, once again thanks every1 for caring means way more than a few words can say

Offline bigdawg1

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hang in there man.  we have all been through it.  your not alone

Offline Endless

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i feel u man, hang in there. GET IT DONE. keep us updated.

me ive been through 2 failed surgeries and waiting 2 months so i can get surgery again. IM SICK AND TIRED OF THIS. this gyne has turned me into a monster. Ive spent the first decade of my gyne trying to run away from it, but now im sick and tired and ANGRY!!!!!

It's normal to be PISSED and to be ANGRY. You don't have the mental age of a 3 year old. Stay strong, we can do this

Offline art

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Seriously, thetodd, what's your issue.  This person is obviously distressed and you go off on them in a public forum?  I don't know if Cyanide sent you PM's or not, or what was contained in said PM's, but you aren't helping the situation.

Cyanide, hang in there, we are all with you.  There have been plenty of times where I've been harassed by the look of my chest to the point that I want to crawl in a corner and die.  When I say harassed, I mean having my chest grabbed at multiple times, called "b1tch breasts", have girls compare the size of their chests with mine, etc....  Just know that you're not alone.  I found this site about a year ago, and I literally broke down in tears when I learned I wasn't alone, and that many others have this same condition.  Be strong, hang in there, and know that there are others out there that can offer support.

Offline thetodd

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My issue is that hes casting aspersions on why i post on here, end of the day im one of the regular members on the UK side of the forums and have dealt with loads of lads on here in getting surgery. Its up to me if i want to continue posting

Hes deleted the thread in which started this off, and ones where hes called other members "fattys" and that they need to lose weight. If you want to reinforce this complete farce, then more fool you!

Im sure the lads that hes called fattys were overjoyed when they read his supportive posts, oh no actually i bet they felt pretty bad but oh well it doesnt affect cyanide's selfish mentality ... so never mind!

Im not interested in carrying this on anway, i hope he has a good result. I wont post on his threads anymore

Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline Dave_8

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What?! Seriously?! I am appalled! If these accusations are true the Cyanide Ive lost respect for ya. Good luck on your endevour.
If you have gyne, dont expect not be laughed at.

Just like if you walk into a locker room, you're gonna see some hairy asses and dicks.

Unfortunately for me, both have occured in my life way too many times.

Offline Choda

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Sadly I agree with the todd on this. Wind up merchant imo.

Offline hopefullydone

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billions of people are suffering in this world.
people in many parts of the world are starving.
little kids sold to be sex slaves.

i really understand your pain. I understand that you get  stressed and you're sick of people judging.
but you know what? a lot of people in this world have WAAAY bigger problems than ours. I know this problem is huge for all of us, that's why we're here at the first place, but my point is, really? youre gonna kill yourself just because of this problem?
dont be so depressed man, everythings gonna be okay.

just save up and get an awesome sugery.


Offline jxc

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You're 31 years of age, grow the darn up. There are war veterans and children walking around with missing limbs and facial disfigurements, and you're here moping about superficial shit? I understand it's a confidence crusher and annoying and everything but if you're really willing to throw away the precious gift of life over MAN BOOBS, you're retarded. The worst thing is all of these opportunities you missed out on were down to you. If you gained some confidence in yourself people would stop caring about them. Jesus Christ.

Offline scrabble

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The worst thing is all of these opportunities you missed out on were down to you. If you gained some confidence in yourself people would stop caring about them.

I've seen a guy have his puffy nips forcibly twisted 540 degrees. I think any guy with gyne has every right to hate because the treatment we receive is unfair, unjustifiable and relentless. This doesn't include the daily torment of trying to hide gyne and the social consequences of the formulation of white lie on top of white lie to escape the chance such situations: yes I chose to miss out on hundreds of opportunities, but just look at the freaking alternative.

I even question if you have moobies.

Offline sawyer

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The worst thing is all of these opportunities you missed out on were down to you. If you gained some confidence in yourself people would stop caring about them.

I've seen a guy have his puffy nips forcibly twisted 540 degrees. I think any guy with gyne has every right to hate because the treatment we receive is unfair, unjustifiable and relentless. This doesn't include the daily torment of trying to hide gyne and the social consequences of the formulation of white lie on top of white lie to escape the chance such situations: yes I chose to miss out on hundreds of opportunities, but just look at the freaking alternative.

I even question if you have moobies.

but the guy who made this thread has the money...
alot of people don't, alot of people have had to wait years to save it :S

Offline bomberman

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I can't believe how negative you are cyanide, it's appalling!! you have just had a payout that will easily pay for the surgery, money that you did not previously have and would have taken you years to save up! The gyno is clearly affecting you if you are considering suicide, get the surgery and think about all the genuinely unlucky people who can't afford it! it's amazing how negatively some people view the world!!
Surgery with Dr. Karidis, 16th August 2011: currently recovering


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