Author Topic: Can Depression due to gynecomstia lead to suicide?  (Read 23004 times)

Offline Fajha

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 As a bonus, a well written letter from a Psychologist can sometimes be a valuable asset in the battle to get surgery covered by insurance.

I agree with this.  It should help the cause.

Offline dontknow_ok

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hello, im new, I joined a while back then I just never visited this site since,  Its because  think I try to ignore my gyno as much as I can.  Hard drugs and lots of beer helps but really only prolong the agony. The agony of dealing with the fact that I can not live like this. . .  But I think suicide is a rather selfish thing to do,   tempory problem permenante solution blah, blah, blah just dont do it.  I would not wish my situation on anyone, but im damn glad all of you are here and im not alone <------ is that selfish???   anyway, nice meeting you all ;D

Offline Fajha

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 I would not wish my situation on anyone, but im damn glad all of you are here and im not alone <------ is that selfish???   anyway, nice meeting you all ;D

No... I don't think it is selfish.  I think that is probably what has helped a lot of us - realizing you are not some isolated, singular freak of nature.  It certainly helped me.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Unlike the lads of today, I grew up in a time when the surgery was still decades in the future. There was no choice but to learn to cope. Buy this time in my life, I simply have different priorities.

Even today, surgery is not for everyone. There are some who are poor surgical candidates for various reasons. Others cannot get surgery for religeous reasons. Finally, there are a lot of people who simply cannot afford it.

With the realization that the condition is so common, should come the realization also that young men with a total absence of breast growth are statistically the least normal.

Grandpa Dan

Offline headheldhigh01

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i've always looked at it this way:    

1.  if i ever committed suicide, gyne wins.  
2.  i hate gyne so passionately that there is no way in hell i am ever going to let gyne win.  

put those two together and see what you come up with.  

no matter how long it takes, no matter how it happens, i am going to, for want of a less personal way of putting it, somehow, finally drive a stake through its evil heart.  

a life with gyne was misery enough, but it took the fact gyne cost me my girlfriend to make me think suicide.  guess what, that then also only reinforced conclusions 1 and 2 above.  suicide my a$$ >:( >:( >:(

i also have read a bunch of near death experience stories, and every single time suicide comes up, it basically never did the person any good or fixed anything, obviously more for the ones that got sent back.  so my work here is not finished yet.  i may be suffering from gyne-rooted depression still (although finding this site was a hell of a help), but i will never leave this planet without having the last say over this $h't.  

not[/i] the other way around.  

(oh yeah, and see the beach comment up there by my avatar too ;)  
« Last Edit: February 22, 2006, 10:18:30 PM by headheldhigh01 »
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline sadgyneguy

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i gave up and think that suicide will not be my solution. i will be having a new work, and hoping that two years from now, I can have enough money for surgery. i will be sticking, with the compressed shirt technique to hide my gyne.  :)
To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did...

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Offline tnel00son

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thats great to hear, best of luck to you m8!


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