Author Topic: Surgery with Alex Karidis 28.5.2011  (Read 4068 times)

Offline heinekoins

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So last month I decided to get a consultation to see what could be done about my puffy nipples and mild gynecomastia.
It's something that I've wanted to sort out for a while now, due to things like going to the beach, having boobs under t-shirts etc.
Anyway, cut a short story shorter... read through these forums, decided upon Dr. Karidis, went along for a consultation, was reassured, and booked it the next day.
Payed the fee to Karidis's office in 2 sums, and then the hospital fee in another, pretty easy overall I'd say. Oh and I decided to get the blood tests done at the hospital rather than through my GP, as I ran that one a bit late.

Anyway, about today :

Got there early, was taken to my room, signed the forms and had various tests, met the anaesthetist and then Dr. Karidis who marked up my moobs and explained things/asked if I had questions.
A while later I was taken down to a room next to the operating theatre, and was prepared for surgery. I can't really remember much of this part - I think they plumbed me in to some machines, gave me a local anaesthetic where the general anaesthetic would go in my hand then...... I just remember saying "time to sleep" and the next thing I knew I was waking up gasping for air like when Neo gets unplugged from the matrix. It was alright tho, nothing gnarly.

Later, after they'd monitored me for a while I was wheeled back up to my room.
Back in the room I still felt pretty sedated but stayed awake for the rest of the day until I felt it had worn off. The nurse came in regularly to take blood pressure and check up on me, the anaesthetist and Alex Karidis came up to see how I was, and another member of staff offered food and water. I went with a chicken club sandwich, not because I was hungry but because you gotta get your moneys worth and it was the biggest thing on the menu. Got a sidearm of mushroom soup, avocado, bread, and orange juice too. I think I left there at around 3 or 4pm (my surgery was 9am) and I felt alright around that time.... I suppose everyone reacts differently to being anaesthetised, but I think that the chicken club was probably what got me feeling healthy & clear headed again.

Jerry's Final Thought : It's only the first day so I've no idea what the results are like or will be like, but in terms of the experience of going through surgery I'd say it's much easier & less traumatic than having wisdom teeth out and so far it's not really been that painful. The service that the staff in the hospital provide is first class too.

I know that's a bit of a long 'short story' but hopefully if anyone out there is wondering what to expect, that's pretty much it :)

Offline Choda

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Congratulations mate, glad everything went well for you and fingers crossed your results will be triffic.

Offline chopper

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Definitely agree about the wisdom teeth pain, i had 3 pulled under local and one snapped and needed a good digging and the pain the next day for about 3 days was eye watering. Gyne surgery was is a breeze, just those first few hours afterwards that you are a spaceman but i just went along with it and chilled out until i was ready to get up and go. Happy healing mate

Offline somedude999

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glad it went well mate, keep us update on how u're doing.

Offline heinekoins

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ok I'll try to post some pre-op pics :

pretty hairy, and also I have pectus excavatum (pigeon chest).... but you get the general idea - puffy nipples and some gyne

Offline heinekoins

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Day 1 pics :

These were taken just over 24 hours after the operation, prior to taking first shower.
I was pretty surprised with the results. Dr. Karidis did say prior to the operation that my chest would be 'flat city', and indeed it is :)

Offline heinekoins

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Day 2

The compression garment is still ok, but starting to chafe a bit around the armpits, only 12 more days to go!
I'm able to move around much more today, my chest still feels pretty numb, and looks a bit weird especially around the nipples but I'm not going to take any notice of that as it's early days yet.
Still can't believe that my baps have been hoovered up.


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