Author Topic: New Member, Plz read  (Read 3960 times)

Offline schazz

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Hello all, I just wanted to ask a couple questions here. I am 25 years old and have had a minor case of gynecomastia since around the time I hit puberty. For whatever reason to date, I have only really talked to one doctor about it and that was when I was much younger(I guess I just found it embarrassing); his input was that the symptoms would subside after puberty. Clearly this has not happened so I am begging to think surgery is the only corrective option.

So here are my questions, since my symptoms are quite minor; the fat, or whatever it is is only about the size of a dime, right underneath each nipple; My chest looks completely normal, but my nipples are puffy when soft and pointy when hard. Would this mean the surgery would be less expensive, since it would be more on the minor side(speculating)?

Also I was curious, I have always been pretty skinny/toned, I go to the gym regularly and hover about 6-9% body fat right now,however the lumps have always remained the same size, If I were to reduce my body fat even more would there be any chance that they would disappear? I am thinking no, but I have also read that this can have an effect.

last question is I have herd that smoking weed effects this condition somehow, I do smoke quite frequently, would this effect the chance of these reappearing after surgery? - I don't use traditional supplements anymore for weight lifting, I just smoke every time before I go. Works best IMO.

Offline sawyer

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So here are my questions, since my symptoms are quite minor; the fat, or whatever it is is only about the size of a dime, right underneath each nipple; My chest looks completely normal, but my nipples are puffy when soft and pointy when hard. Would this mean the surgery would be less expensive, since it would be more on the minor side(speculating)?

no, i believe they're all around the same price, you won't get it alot cheaper for it being smaller.

Also I was curious, I have always been pretty skinny/toned, I go to the gym regularly and hover about 6-9% body fat right now,however the lumps have always remained the same size, If I were to reduce my body fat even more would there be any chance that they would disappear? I am thinking no, but I have also read that this can have an effect.

nope, if you're 6%.. then there's no chance, any lower and you'll just be skin and bones.

last question is I have herd that smoking weed effects this condition somehow, I do smoke quite frequently, would this effect the chance of these reappearing after surgery? - I don't use traditional supplements anymore for weight lifting, I just smoke every time before I go. Works best IMO.

there's no evidence that it affects it, but in my opinion, i wouldn't bother risking it.. it's up to you.
you smoke weed before the gym....? ???

Offline Pooz

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So here are my questions, since my symptoms are quite minor; the fat, or whatever it is is only about the size of a dime, right underneath each nipple; My chest looks completely normal, but my nipples are puffy when soft and pointy when hard. Would this mean the surgery would be less expensive, since it would be more on the minor side(speculating)?

no, i believe they're all around the same price, you won't get it alot cheaper for it being smaller.

Also I was curious, I have always been pretty skinny/toned, I go to the gym regularly and hover about 6-9% body fat right now,however the lumps have always remained the same size, If I were to reduce my body fat even more would there be any chance that they would disappear? I am thinking no, but I have also read that this can have an effect.

nope, if you're 6%.. then there's no chance, any lower and you'll just be skin and bones.

last question is I have herd that smoking weed effects this condition somehow, I do smoke quite frequently, would this effect the chance of these reappearing after surgery? - I don't use traditional supplements anymore for weight lifting, I just smoke every time before I go. Works best IMO.

there's no evidence that it affects it, but in my opinion, i wouldn't bother risking it.. it's up to you.
you smoke weed before the gym....? ???

I heard Joe Rogan does the same thing before working out. Saw it on a youtube vid.

Offline sawyer

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i don't know who joe rogan is, but it sounds idiotic

Offline scrabble

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The lump behind each nipple is a mammary gland, and as I too painfully experienced, regardless of how much weight loss and how low your body fat is, they will not disappear because you cannot dissolve tissue, in the same way as fat during excersize. Weightloss can make the appearence of moobs much better, but that's due to the loss of fat.

If you have puffy nipples then you may/will need two procedures: a gland excision and a nipple reduction.  Liposuction is the third associated operation, but if you are happy with the size of your chest, then this may not be needed. Do expect to pay in the thousands for this, but you'll need to talk to surgeons for specific values - by theory, the fewer procedures the cheaper it is, but this may not be a relatistic expectation considering there can be more financially motivated surgeons out there.

Weed may/can increase estrogen levels: google "cannabis estrogen" and you have as much information for that argument as you want. Bare in mind two things here though: millions of people smoke weed, and the vast majority of them - I dare say all of them - do not get gyne from it, leading me on to the fact that you, as myself, had gyne before smoking weed, so rest assured ganja played no part in the forming of your moobies. However, I'd avoid smoking anything in general during the healing process to allow as much oxygen to flow in your blood as possible - google "smoking surgery recovery" and read...

Offline Pooz

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i don't know who joe rogan is, but it sounds idiotic

http: //

watch.. dude is very interesting.

Offline jojo82

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The lump behind each nipple is a mammary gland, and as I too painfully experienced, regardless of how much weight loss and how low your body fat is, they will not disappear because you cannot dissolve tissue, in the same way as fat during excersize. Weightloss can make the appearence of moobs much better, but that's due to the loss of fat.

If you have puffy nipples then you may/will need two procedures: a gland excision and a nipple reduction.  Liposuction is the third associated operation, but if you are happy with the size of your chest, then this may not be needed. Do expect to pay in the thousands for this, but you'll need to talk to surgeons for specific values - by theory, the fewer procedures the cheaper it is, but this may not be a relatistic expectation considering there can be more financially motivated surgeons out there.

Weed may/can increase estrogen levels: google "cannabis estrogen" and you have as much information for that argument as you want. Bare in mind two things here though: millions of people smoke weed, and the vast majority of them - I dare say all of them - do not get gyne from it, leading me on to the fact that you, as myself, had gyne before smoking weed, so rest assured ganja played no part in the forming of your moobies. However, I'd avoid smoking anything in general during the healing process to allow as much oxygen to flow in your blood as possible - google "smoking surgery recovery" and read...

In order to develop permanent gynecomastia, there is to be a chronic imbalance of estrogens and androgens. Your testosterone levels naturally fluctuate a lot each day (highest in the monrning, lowest in the evening). These temporary fluctuations will not cause gynecomastia, just like drinking alcohol every day within FDA limits will not cause gynecomastia if you're otherwise healthy. It's improbable that THC will cause gynecomastia unless you are already predisposed to low testosterone or have other issues going on (liver/kidney damage, etc) or chronically abuse the drug.

Offline Pooz

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Apparently, there's been studies that say if don't masturbate for up to a week your testosterone levels go up like 100%.

I don't got the willpower to not masturbate for a week, though  :'(

Offline schazz

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there's no evidence that it affects it, but in my opinion, i wouldn't bother risking it.. it's up to you.
you smoke weed before the gym....? ???

Well to be honest I didn't want to complain much as I have read other posts and seen pictures that make my circumstance pail in comparison. However this has been something that has effected me on a daily basis since I was an adolescent. I resent the fact that I have spent hundreds of hours in the gym and still continue to do exercise, yet I will always be embarrassed taking my shirt off. I have nice abs and a toned body yet I still feel self conscious at the beach, or when i'm in bed w/ a girl, and I don't wear tight shirts because my nipples clearly poke out. I also resent the fact that I am apparently the 10% or so of individuals that develop this during adolescence and never have it go away. If all this was were a lump of fluid I would have punctured that shit with a needle myself a long time ago.

On the other note, yes, I smoke weed almost every time before going to the gym. As many of you have said, this seems very counter intuitive. But take my word for it, I have been lifting semi-regularly since I was 16, I have tried creatine, N.O explode, etc, all that pre-workout stuff, and I can still say that weed is 10x better for straight lifting IMO. When I am stoned I can usually do about 1.5x reps or 110-120% of the weight that I can lift when I am sober; it gives me unparalleled focus, especially for completing that last rep. The one thing I don't do when I am stoned is cardio, that is just not a good combo. Smoke, get some good workout tunes and I am set. This has been my routine for the last 4 months or so and I have brought my bench up from around 190 to 260 in this time frame. Also I weigh 168 & am 6.2". Not trying to boast, I just find it amazing that more people don't do this (to my knowledge anyway).         

Offline schazz

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And yeah, that sucks that the procedure would seemingly cost the same. Relating to this; I think I stumbled upon a private practice in my area that specializes in this surgical procedure, probably would be a good place for a consult, no? i will try and find the specific doctors name.

Offline schazz

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Also one more question; does this surgical procedure(removing mammary gland & possible nippy reduction) always require the patient to be unconscious? If so is it possible to be done with local anesthetic, which I am assuming would be much less expensive. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain, pretty much looking for any way to make this more affordable, while not sacrificing quality. 

Offline scrabble

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If there's a specialist nearby then definitely get a quote there, but in general try find as many cosmetic surgeons in your area. Mmm, I read one case on here where the guy received only a local anaesthetic but I think having a general anaesthetic is the most common.

Offline sawyer

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there's no evidence that it affects it, but in my opinion, i wouldn't bother risking it.. it's up to you.
you smoke weed before the gym....? ???

Well to be honest I didn't want to complain much as I have read other posts and seen pictures that make my circumstance pail in comparison. However this has been something that has effected me on a daily basis since I was an adolescent. I resent the fact that I have spent hundreds of hours in the gym and still continue to do exercise, yet I will always be embarrassed taking my shirt off. I have nice abs and a toned body yet I still feel self conscious at the beach, or when i'm in bed w/ a girl, and I don't wear tight shirts because my nipples clearly poke out. I also resent the fact that I am apparently the 10% or so of individuals that develop this during adolescence and never have it go away. If all this was were a lump of fluid I would have punctured that shit with a needle myself a long time ago.

On the other note, yes, I smoke weed almost every time before going to the gym. As many of you have said, this seems very counter intuitive. But take my word for it, I have been lifting semi-regularly since I was 16, I have tried creatine, N.O explode, etc, all that pre-workout stuff, and I can still say that weed is 10x better for straight lifting IMO. When I am stoned I can usually do about 1.5x reps or 110-120% of the weight that I can lift when I am sober; it gives me unparalleled focus, especially for completing that last rep. The one thing I don't do when I am stoned is cardio, that is just not a good combo. Smoke, get some good workout tunes and I am set. This has been my routine for the last 4 months or so and I have brought my bench up from around 190 to 260 in this time frame. Also I weigh 168 & am 6.2". Not trying to boast, I just find it amazing that more people don't do this (to my knowledge anyway).         

nice results.. if it works for you, then go for it :)
i personally don't use anything but natural foods.. but i've a couple of questions.
1. where do you get the weed from? is it the same source each time? cos you might get a different strain that might have different effects you on.
2. and surely if you smoke it, it's gonna have bad effects on your lungs during your lifting?
3. you're gonna reek of it going into the gym?

Offline schazz

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nice results.. if it works for you, then go for it :)
i personally don't use anything but natural foods.. but i've a couple of questions.
1. where do you get the weed from? is it the same source each time? cos you might get a different strain that might have different effects you on.
2. and surely if you smoke it, it's gonna have bad effects on your lungs during your lifting?
3. you're gonna reek of it going into the gym?

Yeah, aside from physically lifting; technique/routine/etc., diet is definitely the next big factor in gaining muscle or losing weight. I have given a lot more attention to this over the years as I have come to recognize that results are hugely determined in how you eat; you can do everything right in the gym but if you do not have diet figured out results can be disappointing. I consider myself (while not formally educated on the matter) highly educated due to years of experience and personal interest, so if anyone is interested in picking my brain on the subject I will be happy to share what I know. Likewise, I have read a lot of posts from individuals who seem to experience the most severe symptoms of gyno because of weight struggles; reading these posts and hearing so much distress is pretty upsetting considering how easy (in relative terms) it is to lost body fat. I am not sure if gyno is inversely effected by weight loss, but I can at least attribute the minor-nature of my condition to the fact that I was skinny when the condition developed and have mostly remained so. Therefore I would be inclined to think that weight loss and muscle gain can only be a productive step towards reducing gyno & would be obliged to offer personal assistance towards approaching this (potentially) intimidating task. 

As for the questions 1) where I get my weed? a few local friends. The strains of bud often differ from dealer to dealer or from one batch to the next, however the felt effects are usually the same to varying degrees. Some I may like better than  others but it all generally does the job at providing great mental focus when lifting. Most importantly however is that I live in western NY, and am certain that the weed I buy comes from a local grower and does not support the Mexican drug cartels- or similar types of criminals.

2) yes my lungs kind of suck; I recently submitted myself to a lung performance assessment and received very poor results. However I also smoke cigarettes habitually- which probably causes the most lung damage. I do not notice the effects when lifting because I do not include traditional cardio into my routine. I mostly just lift at a semi casual pace. However, getting the same fat-burning potential of say running, or biking is still reachable through lifting. By doing exercises that work major muscle groups and reducing the rest time you can surely activate your metabolic rate. I guess you might call it circuit training. An example would be doing clean & presses, then without rest doing burpies (pushup-then jump into-a-pullup), then without rest also doing rowing, then repeat. This way is IMO just as effective as traditional cardio, but often is less painfull on the lungs.

3) maybe I do smell like it? But I think not, a little deodorant would surely mask the odor as the smell of weed doesn't really linger unless you are in possession of it, or carrying some that has been partially smoked (most-smelly). Sometimes I may wear sunglasses to the gym, but generally I think people don't suspect you are stoned- when in a gym. 

Offline jojo82

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If the lumps are gland/fibrous tissue then they aren't going away with weight loss. It's always a good idea to be at a healthy weight regardless, and fat loss in the chest can improve your contour somewhat (it does for me).

THC does lower testosterone temporarily (see comment history for studies). THC hasn't been linked to gynecomastia though- development of gynecomastia requires chronic hormone imbalances over an extended period of time.


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