Author Topic: Re: the day my life changed forever. *post op day 50 pic*  (Read 15842 times)

Offline joltera

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I will be cut open and freed of this demon in approximately 2 hours..

12 years....12 fucking's finally going to be over..

Please, everybody, wish me luck.... I'm so nervous.

I'll be posting pre-op and post-op pics asap

Thank you, I love you all.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2011, 12:55:35 PM by joltera »
f*ck gyne

Offline Mark102

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Offline jojo82

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Good luck and heal fast.

Offline Ali19

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Good luck my friend, are you in Alberta by any chance?

Offline joltera

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Thanks for the wishes guys, they mean a lot to me.

Just got back from my surgery, it was done under local anesthesia, excision+lipo, I live in Virginia, and it cost me $3800

I really hope it heals well...I just can't wait to be able to go swim, go to the beach, and just chill with no shirt.

I'm not in much pain....but I am on a lot of medications right now..

Here's my advice... I'm 22, and if you're young like me, do whatever it takes to get surgery... I had to postpone finishing my last two years of school to pay for this and I have absolutely no regrets. Money is made to be spent, and this is money well spent. I have yet to see it because of the band aids but I'm really hoping for the best. Bottom line, if you have the financial resources or any personal assets you could sell... DO IT.. don't live with boobs another day.

Also, for those of you who are young, and afraid to tell your parents...DO IT. I told my dad and he thought I was insane, he said he didn't see anything wrong with me. Once I explained the severe psychological damage it has done to me he was 100% supportive. Parents just want their kids to be happy, they wont judge you . If you must, keep it a secret between you and one of your closest family members, that's what I did.

Anyways, I will keep you posted on my recovery progress.   I will put post op pics as soon as I can but here are some pre op pics I took today.

« Last Edit: July 11, 2011, 10:43:26 PM by joltera »

Offline joltera

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Well, just got back from the next day visit...

my chest is really sore to the touch, but I finally got to see it without any bandages.... looks amazing.... I can't believe how well it turned out, and its been less than 24 hours since the operation.

There seems to be no bruising and minimal swelling...the cuts are still healing and somewhat raw, and overall the whole area is very sensitive to the touch.

 The doctor was super friendly and comforting, unlike another VA doctor I had seen previously who is commonly on this forum..
My doctor understood completely that I primarily needed incision because gland was the primary problem, not fat. He did not cut any corners and seemed very ethical in his work. Overall he was very professional, caring, understanding, and most importantly, didn't treat me like some type of idiot.

Its still too early to tell how the end result will be but so far so good. CANT WAIT TO HIT THE BEACH!!!!!!!!

The best part, it only cost me $3800! This is still a ton of money but other 'good' doctors were trying to charge me almost $9000!

anyways, just wanted to give an update... I will post pictures soon

« Last Edit: July 09, 2011, 07:07:28 PM by joltera »

Offline joltera

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Ok, here is the first picture.... 1 day post op... its too early to remove the bandages but my nipples are small and flat and you can definitely see the obvious contour changes from the pics I took yesterday before my surgery. What do you guys think?

Offline jojo82

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Even with the swelling, huge improvement. It's early, but the result looks great. Who was the surgeon? A lot of good surgeons are not getting mentioned enough on this forum. And like I keep saying, it's not necessary to pay the truly outrageous fees that some docs on this forum charge, as you found out!

Offline xoxoxoxo

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Great result man! happy for you.. Maybe it's easier to remove that gland of yours 'coz your case is just puffy nipples. LOL

Offline joltera

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Great result man! happy for you.. Maybe it's easier to remove that gland of yours 'coz your case is just puffy nipples. LOL

Thank you very much! I feel like a new man. I was surprised when they showed me the gland they removed and how small it was! But being as skinny as I am, it still really stood out even if it is considered minor. I  just can't wait to wear thin light colors T-shirts again, and not have to wear tight undershirts! :)

Even with the swelling, huge improvement. It's early, but the result looks great. Who was the surgeon? A lot of good surgeons are not getting mentioned enough on this forum. And like I keep saying, it's not necessary to pay the truly outrageous fees that some docs on this forum charge, as you found out!

you know, you're absolutely right. There is no need to keep it private. Thanks for the kind words as well, I really hope the swelling and pain subsides in the next few days. My surgeon was Dr. George Bitar in Virginia.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2011, 08:49:52 PM by joltera »

Offline jojo82

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Great result man! happy for you.. Maybe it's easier to remove that gland of yours 'coz your case is just puffy nipples. LOL

Thank you very much! I feel like a new man. I was surprised when they showed me the gland they removed and how small it was! But being as skinny as I am, it still really stood out even if it is considered minor. I  just can't wait to wear thin light colors T-shirts again, and not have to wear tight undershirts! :)

Even with the swelling, huge improvement. It's early, but the result looks great. Who was the surgeon? A lot of good surgeons are not getting mentioned enough on this forum. And like I keep saying, it's not necessary to pay the truly outrageous fees that some docs on this forum charge, as you found out!

you know, you're absolutely right. There is no need to keep it private. Thanks for the kind words as well, I really hope the swelling and pain subsides in the next few days. My surgeon was Dr. George Bitar in Virginia.

Congrats. I checked out his CV and he looks impressive. And your result is pretty good proof of that. Anyone in the VA area should definitely check him out for a consult. Very reasonable price too. That's why I keep saying over and over again not to limit yourself to the docs who pay to be listed here. Schedule consults with many docs in your area (at least 3 if possible). Some doctors on and off this forum have truly horrible bed-side manner/customer service skills. It's not necessary to suffer verbal abuse from someone you are doing business with just because he or she may have a "good" reputation on this forum!

Please keep us updated on your progress.

Offline Gynvic

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Offline joltera

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Thanks for the comments guys, seriously. I was so ignorant before I found this forum..  Today is nine day's post op. I'm really happy. Wish I had taken more pictures when I had gyncomastia, I have almost none... not that I really want to remember it, but just for the record. When I look in the mirror now, I'm starting to forget what My chest used to look like....It's so weird cause now it just looks so...normal. I still can't believe my eyes.

I'm really impressed with the work from my surgeon, I have no complaints at all.  My chest looks normal from all angles, relaxed and flexed. No puffyness, no loss of sensation, no formation of lumps or anything like that. It's been so long since I've had a "normal" chest that I don't even remember what it is supposed to feel like... I feel something hard under there.. but its firm in place..  must be some gland but it must be the right amount because my nipples seem to be permanently small and flat. It's my understanding that normally there is always some gland. Based off of the things I've read here, it seems too early for me to be so satisfied, but other than some  bruising and scabs where the incision was made, I feel like I'm basically looking at the final result.  If it's really going to somehow get better than this, well that's just awesome. It's definitely still tender though. Hopefully it doesn't suddenly get worse... I also want to add that my chest does not look abnormally flat either, this may be because prior to my surgery I began working out hard, or because he left an appropriate amount of tissue, or a combination of both. 95% satisfied, the last 5% will reveal itself based on how noticeable the scars are once the wounds completely heal.

I basically was just instructed to wear a binder, and continue to for the next week or two. I wear it over an undershirt because it irritated my skin. It's really not visible through my clothes unless you're looking at me freakishly hard, which in that case I wouldn't care if you noticed cause you're probably weird anyways.  I was given percocet for the pain, which really helped, but I hated the side effects. The gave me really blurry vision and I felt like I needed glasses, it sucks not being able to read something 10 feet away from you..glad it was drug induced.. They also made me so constipated. Terrible... The effects seem to linger days after stopping taking the drug as well. I live in an area where prescription pain med abuse is almost an epidemic, I know lots of people, friends even, who have ruined or heavily disrupted their lives over oxycontin addition, and of course once the supplier runs out they turn to heroine because they're already dependent, so I strongly oppose the overuse of any opiate based pain killer.

I know my case may have been "minor" but as I've seen others say on here before, it's not really the severity of the case, its how it makes you feel. When I took off my shirt, people would think I had boobs, whether or not it was simply just a case of "puffy nips"

I guess that's all I will update for now, The worst part about this was worrying about how it was going to turn out right after the surgery. I feel lucky to have such good result, I really hope some of you read this and become motivated to seek the same. I will be posting pics around 2 weeks post op. Till then, stay strong my friends, there's light on the other end of the tunnel, and damn is it wonderful.

questions/comments are welcomed.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 11:13:01 AM by joltera »

Offline Mark102

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How long did the whole process take?

From when you picked your surgeon, to endcrologist, to going under the knife? About a month? 2 months?

Thanks  ;D and congrtulations, I'm still suffering from this terrible thing and I'm 16...I've been working out sooooo hard but my chest still looks terrible. It won't go away either, no matter how much I pray to God or workout! Had it for my whole life because it runs in the family... >:(

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