Author Topic: No doctor, real gyno with lumps 30 days later  (Read 9845 times)

Offline gabrielsebastian74

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Ok, guys, this is me about 25+ days ago. I posted on this website on what I was going to try to do.
Here are my results so far. The gyno is still noticeable, but my chest frame size has grown about two inches since then
and I have lost some fat all over.
I noticed, however, that almost everyone here with gyno that is thin, or not that overweight, can improve their look  by gaining chest, should and back size. More muscle under, more skin stretched.

No surgery, no pills, just taken some DIM.
Also, trying this diet where I eat about 1.4 times my needed caloric intake for fourteen days, then going to fourteen days of eating about .7 of my caloric intake. This supposedly boosts anabolic and catabolic response. You tell me what you guys think.
Also, I am doing shoulder focused decline pushups, lots of back exercises and compound exercices like squats, lunges and deadlifts.
If I am going to get surgery, it will be after I am as ripped as I can be on my own.
60 more days to what IU hope are the best results.

Offline gabrielsebastian74

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New pics, starting to take DIM and Zinc.
 cool video www dot videojug dot com/film/how-to-get-rid-of-gynecomastia last 30 seconds recommended the same I read earlier about helping reduce man boobs.
Gained two inches since my last calisthenics exercise. Man boobs still present, but I can visibly see it getting smaller as my who chest area is expanding. Just measured my back, also gained a whole 1.5" on the circumference of my arms.
I do have lumps under my nipples though, but hopefully, will make them as small as possible.

Offline gabrielsebastian74

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I'm also doing my pushups with 30 lbs inside a backpack.

Offline henry 41

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Bravo for your efforts and results!  Too bad most of the members of this board are closed to the idea of non-surgical remedies for Gynecomastia. Their standard line is - exercise develops the pecs and makes the nipples MORE noticeable. They are against this type of cure here, in general. I, however, have always advocated vigorous exercise to raise testosterone levels, and decrease estrogen levels. It does take over a year to see results, but it usually works in non-severe cases, like "puffy" nipples.

Offline GQguy

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Good stuff. This is how I managed my gyne for years. Tissue was still there but since I have pecs under it it's not as bad looking as the skinny guys. I'll have the surgery soon and hopefully all of those years of upperbody workouts will shine through.

Offline gabrielsebastian74

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Thanks for your replies guys. Its a vote of confidence that I can actually do something about it myself. Maybe surgery will be the alternative, but I am hoping it will also shine through with all the hard work. Plus anyways, a little gyno over an otherwise physically developed body isn't anything to frown upon.

Offline corvette09

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You are looking good brother. Are you on the ABCDE Diet? 14 days overfeeding/ 14 underfeeding.

Offline gabrielsebastian74

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Im doing that diet i got about 7 days left of overeating, plus Im only sticking to paelo type food. Only thing Im cheating on in the paelo is that I am still eating white rice. I have to, Im starving the whole time. Thanks for the encouragement. I will keep it up. MY arms have grown a full 1.5 inches since starting and my measurements around the shoulders is two inches since i started. I am having the hardest time getting my belly going down at only 1 inch lost. But hey, I aint gonna stop now. :)

Im eating 3300 calories and now I have to get on the bad side starting in a few days. Eating close to 1700 in 4 days.
I dont want to dissuade anyone from getting surgery if needed. Lord knows I more than might, but I want it to be the icing on the cake, not the whole cake.

Offline gabrielsebastian74

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Offline corvette09

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Stick with it. I was on that diet many years ago. Does it work? Hell yeah. I loved the overfeeding period. You feel strong as hell in the gym. I'm currently on the anabolic diet. I've dropped over 50 lbs with this diet. Good luck brother

Offline bigdawg1

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What is DIM?  How much do ya take?  ALso how much Zinc?

Offline gabrielsebastian74

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Hy bigdawg, sorry I didnt reply. For the zinc eat lots of broccolli and lean meats.
The DIM is a supplement that people take to regulte their estrogen, and possibly prevent aromatase by keeping the estrogen receptors clear and satisfied. Not confused and aromatasing test. Also, avoid the sugar foods. Right now. I am bulking up and have gained about thre pounds. I am now using a 60 lb sand bag in a really strong backpack. I am doing decline pushups the most for chest, and then heart shaped, which kill me at 60 lbs. Then I am wearing the bag and doing dips on the same stools I use for decline. Its a killer wearing a bag.
I hope to start going to the park and using the dip machine, plus pullups with the bag on.

I then do shoulders by doing some lats, front raises, carry the weight up to where my hands meet my chin.
And doing should press with the bag, individual arms with a little help for balance.

I then empty the bag by 30 lbs, two sand bags is the real weight. Then do finnesse workouts like behind the back triceps, etc.

I spend three days between bodyparts so I do heavy lifting twice. I am gaining some weight,

but since I started, my measurement around my shoulders was 46 now I am at 50". Not taking a full breath. thats four inches in 1.5 months.
My waist is only 1/2 an inch wider, and im eating like a pig. All as lean as possible, so everything is very calorie dense. Im going to wait two weeks before my bday on the 19th to eat half the calories I am eating now.
Then I will repeat the cycle.

I tried staying thin for too long and my body lean mass went down as my bodyfat went up.
Now its as the expert weightlifters do. Bulk up then slim down, repeat and repeat. I want to see how I will look by the end of christmas.

Offline gabrielsebastian74

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My top pic is me now, bottom pic is two weeks ago. I a have gained a bit, but that's the plan. I should lean out like i did in the pic below adding the 5-6 lbs of muscle I hope to gain before I lean out again. I was going to go on the 14 day diet already but i rather bulk up my good 10 lbs on the first turn. Not going to call it cycle because there is no roiding. Then Ill be on the 14 day on and 14 day off plan.

Ill keep posting pics.

Offline TallSkinnyFat

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Great post post, all.  Thanks for sharing.  About to add my story to the thread and hopefully some of you guys can weigh in for me... "" isn't cutting it, forum-wise...

I'm 6'4'', 165lbs... "skinny fat" essentially.  I used to do tons of push ups and bench and stuff but of course have since read all of the "concerns" with this (as mentioned earlier; muscles can make it more pronounced...).  Now I'm kind of stuck between this "it's never going to go away" mentality (considering surgery) and a "it's possible to manage it; push myself and DEVELOP the chest" mentality (LOTS of hard work, but preferable to surgery).

Can those of you with developed chests comment on the "incline only" bench press mentality?  This idea makes sense as I want to make sure to develop the "correct" part of my chest, but I also feel like if I'm trying to gain size and muscle, I should include flat AND incline... maybe even decline? 

I am so sick of working out in order to "hide" the condition.  I assess my fitness level on if there is any noticeable improvement and the obsession of it all leads me to think surgery might actually provide health benefits (less stress, pscyh. improvements, etc.), but if I could get "big" and have a rounded upper chest that allowed my puffy nips to point DOWN (so they were less noticeable), I think I could deal... THE THING THAT SCARES ME, THOUGH, is putting SIZE into the one spot I'm trying to take attention away from.  Sometimes I think about bulking shoulders, arms, traps, back... and not even TOUCHING the chest with bench... 

Comments would be awesome.

Offline s00ntobe

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Do flat and incline, it'll look better with a shirt on most likely.


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