Author Topic: Excuses at work?  (Read 3847 times)

Offline mothamercy

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I know this has been posted here before, but I really want to keep this a secret outside my family and my girlfriend.  I'm gonna take a few days off from work, but what should I tell them I need it off for?

Something believable.....maybe something with my shoulder??  Hmm...

Offline dallasguy12

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Why can't it be the flu? I could think of a ton of reasons to not show up at work :)

Offline Ax87

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say your getting your appendix removed, or your wisdom teeth pulled, or that some1 in your family is ill and u have to visit them, or that you got aids(just kidding) or that your really sick

Offline Achilles

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What about just taking it as a vacation?

Offline a-man

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wisdom teeth is a good one... assuming you have a desk job...

i said that I was having a torn pectoral muscle repaired... also explains why i was so sore when i returned... no one suspected anything at the time, and since its such a minor surgery, now that i am one-month post-op and basically back to normal, everyone has already forgot about the whole ordeal

Offline dps

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Word of advice, try and be vague. When lying about these sort of things there is no need for details. People won't suspect a thing until you go out of your way to start feeding them all this information. So keep it simple and use one of the suggestions from this thread.
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Offline JTZ

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Just tell them you need some time off to relax and spend some time with family/friends during the summer.

Offline a-man

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also don't make it anything too serious.... you want to make up something very subtle, so people won't worry about you too much, and so that within a month or two they will completely forget about it

Offline Paa_Paw

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The best I heard was the guy who said: "I had a growth removed.  Not to worry, it was not cancer. Thanks for your concern."

When all else fails, tell the truth.  Just not all of it.
Grandpa Dan


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I don't know of what quality your management and colleagues are, but I suggest either:-

1. The truth.

2. Say it's a 'personal problem'.

Good management and friends will either support you or respect your wish for personal privacy.

If that ain't forthcoming, perhaps time to move up to a better job with a quality employer, maybe ?

Offline Youngboi

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Not sure how your job works but my parents get vacation days and sick days. Pretty sure thats how it works everywhere? Anyhow just say you got the flu, I think you can call in the actual day your going to be out. Id be more worried about someone seeing that vest that you'll be wearing after surgery. But as someone mentioned, and i have thought of this before, you can just say you tore or badly damaged a pectoral muscle while lifting something and needed a light surgery to help fix it. If someone told me that i wouldnt be suspicious and wouldnt question them any further then that. Good luck


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