Author Topic: Beginning of my preperation for Gynecomastia Surgery  (Read 1392 times)

Offline yoshi123

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Today begins a new chapter in my life, I have finally gathered the necessary funds for my gynecomastia surgery. I have also set up my first consultation with my surgeon, and Im really excited.

How I got Gyno?
First off I would like to mention, that my siblings, my two older brothers took working out seriously. As I was growing (18 years old), I began wieght training 5 times a week, with a strict diet plan. Getting in shape was a top priority of life, and I almost became obsessed with looking good.Being part of a gym, where many members were using steroids,pressure got to me to use steroids, like in idiot that I was, I started using oral steroids. Being only 19 then, I had no idea what oral steroids could do, had some little amount of knowledge of the sides, but never took them seriously. I remember I took my first cycle at 19, it was a oral steroid, but had estrogen blockers, so I got no sides. I remember i got great results, and got bigger and stronger. Eventually after a 3 month cycle, I stopped, and began training reguarly again. A year later, I began to notice that I wasn't getting the results that I wanted, so I started using and oral steroid again (mt1) which was cheaper in price then the previous steroid, because it had no estrogen blocker. AAfter about a months use, I noticed my nipples started looking a bit funny, so I stopped using them. From then on it all went down gyno started getting worse over time, and eventually got pretty bad on one side. It took me two years and half, too finally consider getting surgery, because I couldnt handle the emotions that I was going through. As a person I have really changed, I appreciate everything alot more, and dont take anything for granted.

Throught my experiance with this surgery, I will post a blog, to update whats going on. I plan to get surgery in 6 weeks, because of my intense schedual with studies. I will post a blog after each consultation, before my surgery, and right after, and I shall give updates.



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