Author Topic: SWEDEN - having surgery the 29 November 2011 - Plastikkirurggruppen Stockholm  (Read 3413 times)

Offline swedishonesided

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Hi,  :)
So now its my turn. Feels strange to read that. Its my turn.
You cant imagine how much this forum has helped me getting there i am today.

So now im starting this thread and hope it can help anybody out there to take a decision that could change your life forever!

I cant even imagine how it would be when the left breast is flat and nothing to bother over at all, nothing that i think about when me and my friends are going swimming, sailing, playing football outside without shirt in the sun, when im showering with the girls after having sex ;) i can go to gym without see that, doesnt drag down my motivation of training, doesent bring me down.

So.. i have it on my left side since i was around 13. It grew in my puberty so i havent take any medications or anabola.

It isnt that big, no it isnt, and in fact i dont even care about my "puffy nips". My problem is most common when im freezing (!!) , when the skin is gettin tighten over the breast tissue. When it is like that you can see a distinct difference between my left and right breast. So as you can see, the problem appears for me when im freezing, when im taking my shirt of for bathing, swimming, showering. So it turns to me like a smash in my face everytime i see it  >:(

So now im finaly getting it done.

I am 22 years old.
From Sweden.
Had it since i was 13.
Only left side. (makes the problem more noticable)

Have got different kind of consultations at different clinics and now i found one ps and clinic that understands my problem and think they can correct it. Plastikkirurggruppen in Stockholm, Sweden. Message me if u want to know my Plastic Surgeon.

You can see my earlier thread with pics and comments from docs:

The 29 november.
Will do both gland and a little lipo-suction on left side.
Just to get a smooth and flat result. If he think it needs he will do a little lipo-suction on the right just for the symmetry after he done the problem-side (LEFT).

I will get this surgery for 18 000 swedish krowns.

If there is anything just ask, i will update this thread sometimes after the surgery.

I cant wait to get it done, i wanted this for the last 8 years. Maybe 9.  ;)



Left-sided gynecomastia
Born 2003 - Dead 2011

Left-sided gynecomastia corrected 29/11 - 2011

Offline anogyne

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Hi, Also 22 and from Sweden. Had my surgery at Akademikliniken for 30.000. A lot more expensive but I couldn't bare looking into several options. I got a good feeling after seeing my surgeon. He assured me it would go away.

Got a tip for you: Practice sleeping on your back before the surgery. Still can't sleep on my side nor stomach and I'm 5 weeks post-op.


Offline swedishonesided

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2 days POST OP.

Feeling great. Plastikkirurggruppen in Stockholm done my left boob 2 days ago.
It was really nice there, very kind personal and very nice environment.

My case wasent that big, but was enough to make me think about it and to make me hide it when i was sunbathing, swimming or shirtless. Wasnt a problem when i was wearing t-shirt and that was because;

The tissue beneath my areola was so HARD, the surgeon told he was actually using a sharp scissor to get the gland out. It was around a pingpong ball big, but big ENOUGH to be seen when i took my shirt of since i have so little body fat.

So what im tryin to say here, even if it doesent bother you everyday, every time of the year etc you should get it done!(!!) You live only once (i think:p) and this was the time for me to get it done.

When i went to the hospital i was so fucking scared. I couldnt think clear. I was so close just bail out of everything, go home and forget it (but then i would have forgot it for 1 day, then same procedure; think about it one day, leave it for a week, think about it 5 days, leave it for 2 days etc) so i did take some few steps more and now i was in the operating room. Then BAM!

Woke up. Everything went fine.

If its bothering u, be realistic, go on consultations to see what can be done and not be done. You must be realistic, in my case i dont want a perfect fitted body, i like when bodys is kind of assymetric and in a little more human way than these well fitted superstars:p. But u need to take that decision if it really bothers u! Im so glad i did it.

No pain no gain man.

I will maybe come back here to post a post op pic in a couple of months.. but i think i will do like the other one's; Just go on with my life and enjoy it even more now when i got 1 problem less to care about.

Im sry if my reply here is strange and hard to read though im high on drugs now:p citodon hell yeah!

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