Author Topic: Surgery with Dr. Bermant on 6/2/2011  (Read 7653 times)

Offline Gynvic

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Hello, This posting is written to document my total experience with Dr. Bermant and his staff.

 I was scheduled for the consultation 2 weeks prior to having my operation. I wired the $200 cash consultation fee into his bank account. The Consultation lasted about 1 1/2 hours. Dr Bermant reviewed the pictures I submitted to him via email and gave me his medical opinion. Then Dr. Bermant gave me his scripted script about some of the possibilities an operation like this has. Although it may sound scripted it was very precise and thorough which is the whole point to cover all the pertinent information. The script was very detailed as to what an individual can expect from a gyn operation and in reality it reassured me as to the information I had already gathered on my own. Next, he said I was a qualified candidate and transferred me to Jane to work out the operation dates and final costs.

 Pre-op was a breeze. Dr. Bermant had me sign a few papers and questioned my overall health. Dr. Bermant measured my: body weight, height, body fat, and calipered my breast distances. Next, Dr. Bermant marked/mapped out my chest and took "before" still photos of my chest. We then set up the operation time for the following day.

On operation day I was greeted by Jane and Jim aka "The Bartender." Jim is a comical guy who tries to loosen your mind up with comical jokes which are pretty humorous. Jim had me sign a few papers in regards to the anesthesia. The anesthesia went smooth and I had no issues. I then entered the operating room and remained their for a total of 3 hours. Dr Bermant removed about 400 cc's in each breast. This is a high amount compared to an average patient. I received bi lateral liposuction and excision. When I woke up it was like I had awaken from a nap. I woke up smoothly and did not feel groggy or incoherent. Jim showed me my brand new chest and I was excited and thrilled about the results. Jim wheel chaired me to my vehicle and I went back to my hotel. I did not need the strong pain medication that was prescribed to me. All that I have been taking is Tylenol.

 Post operation went well. I went in at about 10 A.M. and Dr. Bermant documented live and still photos of my new chest. I was taught how to properly wear and fit my compression garments. Dr. Bermant explained to me the precautions I needed to take in order to achieve the best results. Following this, I drove 2 hours North to the Capital and walked approximately 4 miles total to view the historic sites.  

At the moment I am 34,000 feet high into the sky. I am traveling back home on a flight that is 5 hours long.
Feel free to ask questions. The pain I have experienced is minimal and includes soreness and slight burning. This is all normal. Bruising has been minimal as well and only consists of a couple small bruises on each side. Each day my range of motion and pain tolerance increases. The compression vest is not noticeable with a button shirt on and is surprisingly very comfortable. I paid Dr. Bermant a total of $7,695 dollars for the operation.

Before Pictures[u}


 Will post further developing results. I could not be more pleased with the results and service I received. There may be some naysayers about Dr. Bermants personality but I knew what I needed to know and did my homework prior to selecting Dr. Bermant therefor I eliminated prestigious time being wasted with stupid questions. The information is out there it's just up to you to find it. I did ask only two questions which I probably didn't even need to ask. I did not come to Dr. Bermant's office to see a counselor, I came because of his techniques and skills. The entire staff was great and were very friendly. :)

« Last Edit: June 05, 2011, 02:37:09 PM by Gynvic »

Offline Pooz

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Congrats my man. Glad everything went well.
Couldn't see the pictures though.


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Hello, This posting is written to document my total experience with Dr. Bermant and his staff.

 I was scheduled for the consultation 2 weeks prior to having my operation. I wired the $200 cash consultation fee into his bank account. The Consultation lasted about 1 1/2 hours. Dr Bermant reviewed the pictures I submitted to him via email and gave me his medical opinion. Then Dr. Bermant gave me his scripted script about some of the possibilities an operation like this has. Although it may sound scripted it was very precise and thorough which is the whole point. The script was very detailed as to what an individual can expect from a gyn operation and in reality it reassured me as to the information I had already gathered on my own. Next, he said I was a qualified candidate and transferred me to jane to work out the operation dates and final costs.

 Pre-op was a breeze. Dr. Bermant had me sign a few papers and questioned my overall health. Dr. Bermant measured my: body weight, height, body fat, and calipered my breast distances. Next, Dr. Bermant marked/mapped out my chest and took "before" still photos of my chest. We then set up the operation time for the following day.

On operation day I was greeted by Jane and Jim aka "The Bartender." Jim is a comical guy who tries to loosen your mind up with comical jokes which are pretty humorous. Jim had me sign a few papers in regards to the anesthesia. The anesthesia went smooth and I had no issues. I then entered the operating room and was in there for a total of 3 hours. Dr Bermant removed about 400 cc's in each breast. This is a high amount compared to average patients and members. I received bi lateral liposuction and excision. When I woke up it was like I had awaken from a nap. I woke up smoothly and did not feel groggy or incoherent. Jim showed me my brand new chest and I was excited and thrilled about the results. Jim wheel chaired me to my vehicle and I went back to my hotel. I did not need the strong pain medication that was prescribed to me. All that I have been taking is Tylenol.

 Post operation went well. I went in at about 10 A.M. and Dr. Bermant documented live and still photos of my new chest. I was taught how to properly wear and fit my compression garments. Dr. Bermant explained to me the precautions I needed to take in order to achieve the best results. Following this I drove 2 hours North to the Capital and walked approximately 4 miles total to view the historic sites.  

At the moment I am 34,000 feet high into the sky. I am traveling back home on a flight that is 5 hours long.
Feel free to ask questions. The pain I have experienced is minimal and includes soreness and slight burning periodically. This is all normal. Bruising has been minimal as well and only consists of a couple small bruises on each side. Each day my range of motion and pain tolerance increases. The compression vest is not noticeable with a button shirt on and is surprisingly very comfortable. I paid Dr. Bermant a total of $7,695 dollars for the operation.

 Will post further developing results. I could not be more pleased with the results and service I received. There may be some naysayers about Dr. Bermants personality but I knew what I needed to know and did my homework prior to selecting Dr. Bermant therefor I eliminated prestigious time being wasted with stupid questions. The information is out there it's just up to you to find it. I did and asked only two questions which I probably didn't even need to ask I did not come to Dr. Bermant's office to see a counselor I came because of his techniques and skills. The entire staff was great and were very friendly. :)

Thank you for your kind words. I saw that you had problems posting the images and fixed that.

Patient Education on the Web and My Outline of Details Discussed
The "scripted" surgical discussion is based off of a template that has all of the critical information I feel each of my patients needs to become a member of our team to achieve the results we have been getting. Each discussion is individualized based on that patient's situation as you can understand that other patients are not given the points I needed to emphasize for your education.  Each point on the outline every one needs to hear. Some need much more extensive discussions about a certain element and that is why I do not have a video for patients to watch.  Instead I individualize it for each patient.  In the beginning as I did for you, I ask that the patient stops me when they have a question so I can address it at that time. My method of patient education is to put that material up on the internet so my patients can take their time, review it, and come back to it.  By the time they start their preliminary discussion or have a consultation, I can be repeating material they have already have been exposed to and then individualize it for their specific needs. The script is a method of a preemptive strike, get the details to the patient in an organized format and make sure each gets what he needs to understand the problem, care, risks, benefits, and alternate methods of care. Otherwise it would be pure chaos hoping each patient would ask all of the right questions. The patient is given a copy of that outline so they do not need to take notes and instead concentrate on what I am saying.

Questions Asked
Let us dispel a myth. I take a great deal of time to answer questions for all of my patients. At each point in the process I ask, as I did you, "Do you have any more questions?"  You should also remember that I encouraged you to call me immediately if you had any other or new questions and not to wait until our next appointment? Not only do I ask that of each patient and instruct them to call with questions, but I document it on that patient's chart. On yours it is documented for the remote, the day before surgery, the telephone call the night of surgery, the day after surgery. It will also be documented on our dressing change discussion.

I do find it amusing the posts put up on the internet from individuals who had such discussions but for what ever reason found they felt they had to say what they post. The most common version of that is when someone does not like my answer like:

"How many days until I can return to lifting weight?"  I repeat the careful explanation of return to activities that is based on the body's healing and not a specific time. This surgery is like recovering from a sprain. Putting a specific time period for a sprain recovery is artificial. We all have had sprains before and know that nobody really can be honest with an answer for that one. It takes what time it takes. Working into it and listening to our bodies is so much better than coming up with a "feel good" answer that is not real and may be a cause for some doctors' patients having new swelling after surgery that patients just do not understand.

I will answer the same question rephrased by that individual several times but eventually point out that he is just asking the same question again and again, just rephrasing it and I try to help them understand that I am not planning on changing the answer because they want something exact when the honest answer is what I have already given. I do not remember your questions that you asked. I only use that example as one that I find different from my approach trying to document the swelling bruising after surgery and tackle minimizing it by careful patient education instead of an answer that go ahead and wear the garment for x weeks, gym by y weeks, and what ever else by z months. Real healing and life do not work that way. I use that example since I am proud of being able to achieve the contour change in you with the documented swelling and bruising we saw in my office. To pull 400 ccs of fat from each side, remove the gland, and have the bruising and swelling we had is an achievement that benefits from this careful attention to education.

It is really neat when patients call me and tell me that they went to the gym, tried whatever activity, felt their body just like we talked about backed off, and had just a little swelling. That is a great call because it means that the time I took paid off and I have fun further explaining that to keep oneself in a padded cage and not test the tissues could result in a slower recovery. And that yes, it was fine calling me to discuss the issue. That is what I am here for. I expect such calls and questions. There is just too much information we need to push the envelope trying to approach perfection that never can be reached. Having it on the web, individualization for each patient, repetition, are key in the comfortable learning process that my patients are exposed to.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, M.D.

Offline Gynvic

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Thanks Dr.Bermant for posting the pictures. My flight last night was descending when I wrote this post and the WIFI onboard was turned off as a result of that. Thats why it did not fully post everything I had written and attached.


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Thanks Dr.Bermant for posting the pictures. My flight last night was descending when I wrote this post and the WIFI onboard was turned off as a result of that. Thats why it did not fully post everything I had written and attached.

You are quite welcome. Here are some views I forgot with the gland on the chest:

Those glands came out in pieces, they were filmy sheets of fingers extending into the fat and like the jelly fish analogy, do not demonstrate their distribution. The marking for gland component was really close to the final size.

WiFi in the plane, that sounds awesome. The world keeps changing.

Looking forward to learning about your progress.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, M.D.

Offline Gynvic

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WOW :o
Yeah the plane had WIFI onboard but no Televisions??? lol

Offline Gynvic

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Hey guys,
Just checking in and reporting my progress here. Overall I think the entire surgery was a success except for the hard lump and crease that is on my left lower nipple. My left nipple is protruding more than my right is? There's something hard behind it too. My right nipple does not have a small lump but does have a wrinkle/crease of the areola skin at the bottom which I hope goes away. Did any of you guys experience this and has the creasing gone away?

Left Nipple

Offline Gynvic

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Offline Gynvic

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Offline Gynvic

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Hey Guys,
Just checking in as it has been a couple of months. I'm doing great and the creasing filled out a month after the operation I was just impatient. Well I will post pics soon if anyone is interested. I'm pleased with the healing and appearance of my scars. They are coming along just nice.

Offline vaxop23

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please post some more pictures!! :)


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